18. Broken patience

I couldn't bring myself to tell Jongsuk or Sehun about what happened at the school swimming pool. Even though we're friends I can't seem to open up my heart for them which is acceptable 'cause, how long have we known each other? I guess I'm just being too paranoid... It just feels like they're hiding something sometimes. That's that but Mum is starting to get worried as to why I had lost weight. I kept losing my appetite since I got here. 

Yesterday we were allotted new seats and I was seated on the last bench near the window but the one beside me was vacant. The classes went on as usual but today Daejung looked more annoyed than the last few days. It would be best to avoid him and the others at all costs today. For some reason, my spidey senses were ringing today which made me even more uneasy. By now I should have gotten used to the loneliness I felt in school but no. The student here even though they were filthy rich, they were not much different from normal teenagers. They hung out after school, skipped academy, went to have street food, and even enjoyed karaoke. And I yearned to experience it again.

We had a free class before lunch break since the teacher had to go as an invigilator to another school. Other kids were busy making plans on which arcade they would go to after school meanwhile I opened my English textbook to revise what I had already studied last night.

Jungwon got off his seat and showed a blank sheet of paper saying, "Since the singing competition is nearly a month away, Mr. Park gave me this sheet to fill in everyone interested in competing. I'm gonna pass this around so whoever is interested please write down your name and the name of the song you wish to perform."

The sheet was passed around and soon came to me. But before I could even hold the paper, Daejung snatched it.

"Oh, I'm sure our class topper is looking for another chance to show off what an ideal student he is", he said scribbling down my name on the sheet. "But what song would our Junseo sing?"

Cheng joined in, "Isn't he studying English? The song gotta be an English one!"

"Hmm... Do you have any in mind?"

"W-wait, I don't want-", I started but Cheng cut me off.

"Oh, I know! Isn't 'My Heart Will Go On' a popular song that everyone loves? You'll be so popular Seonie! ...Popular for singing like a dying horse! BHAHAHA"

"Pfft- No need to be so brutally honest", Daejung said writing down Cheng's suggestion. "Just so you know, once submitted you can't withdraw your participation without a valid reason."

The school book stated that in the annual singing competition, everyone is allowed to bring along one of their parents. I haven't participated in such things in the last four years! You truly wish that I make a joke of myself in front of everyone including my Mum so bad, huh? 

After passing away the sheet Cheng spoke up, "How do you plan to win this competition? By fucking with another director just how you did to alter your marks?"

My eyebrows frowned in annoyance. "Aren't you going too far?", I questioned with a firmness in my voice.

"Too far? Don't you know sluts are born from sluts? Guess this time your mommy would fuck with the director."

They're going overboard. I would've endured quietly if they spoke such vulgar words about me but they continued to insult my mom. And I could feel anger boil inside myself.

"Damn, you punk", Daejung started, "was she happy giving birth to a pig like yourself? If I was in the place of your father, I would have forced her to get an abortion. Who knows where she fucked-"


Before I could control my anger, my fist made contact with Daejung's left cheek. I stood there shocked in disbelief as much as the other students. I first stared at my slightly aching knuckles then at the blue-eyed boy who slowly touched the corner of his lips and wiped the blood off.

The classroom was silent except for the noise of a single pencil falling on the ground. Most students were scared for Junseo when Daejung looked at him, held him by the collar, and dragged him out with Cheng tagging along soon after.