Sudden Trouble!

"Not necessarily. They haven't made a move yet because they are waiting for us to steal the package before taking it from us. As long as we avoid the routes they blocked, we should be fine and along with the protection from the Excalibur, it's even more perfect."

"I see," Michael sighed in relief. He didn't want to fight with a gang whose members are we plenty as ants.

"What do we do with Troy then?" Still sceptical about the entire situation, he asked.

"Troy is only a broker, they have no idea who we are therefore, we are safe now."

"Seems like you've got things all figured out then."

Rach nodded proudly. "They don't call me the best net runner for nothing."

Both people stared at each other for a few seconds and the atmosphere suddenly changed as tension brewed.

Michael didn't break eye contact even after the staring contest began to get uncomfortable for him.