Eve Ripper!

At the briefing of the gig, Michael had memorized everything, including some of the ventilation pathways, the routes of the entire Tzkomani Corp building and a few hidden places, perfect for evading capture

It was the dream of every street rat at the slum and Mercs to klept high-end items from the Corpos and make it hurt as a revenge for their opression.

Sometimes, it wasn't device they really wanted but the thrill and process of klepting the item. The rush of adrenaline and dopamine flooding through the blood stream and the heart pounding pump of being walking at the edge between death and life.

Michael hadn't expected to participate on the gig nor did he did he expect to have been invited to the briefing.

Surprise, surprise, Steelz, the stingy, hard-headed, money grubber boss actually invited him and included to the briefing. It was on a whole new level of thrill.