
Its been a few days since starting school as today will be the last day for this week, giving way to a free weekend. Luna and I have been getting along nicely as we continue to practice outside in our school's training area. She is still quite hopeless but I find it fun to train with her as she uses quite a different style than what I'm used to with Alice.

We were now sitting in class after our sparring match today as the teacher continued the class

Gerald: "Moving onto dark magic now, as it is important for you kids to know. Dark magic is different than other magic, as it is almost exclusively to monsters.

Random1: "What do you mean by 'almost' sir?"

Gerald: "Well. There have been cases of humans and more commonly demi-humans to become corrupted by such monsters. People who have been corrupted are a massive threat who we call 'devils'. However there have not been a case of devils in a long time since the defeat of the demon king."

Random2: "Demon King?"

Gerald: "A Demon King is a being who is the selected king amongst the other demon lords. Much like how we have a king ourselves with nobles surrounding him.

The teacher glanced over in my direction while talking about nobles before continuing the talk.

Gerald: "Back to what I was saying about dark magic; each demon lord from their species have their own lineage with different kinds of magic. Some of these magic you can't even see, namely from vampires as they are known to bend people to their will, however there is still a lot we don't know of the demons magic. There is also dragons, chimeras, and other werebeasts who focus more on destructive power."

So there is magic that people can't see? Sounds terrifying. It was talks like these that I paid attention to as there was no such things as demons, or magic in my world, so I can't help but be interested, seemingly more so than others in class. Maybe it's because of the lack of a demon king that us humans haven't had issues with demons that the other students don't seem to care... That or they are just toddlers.

Luna: "Hey Ellen. That boy that comes with you to and from school. Is he your brother?"

Ellen: "Yes, but we don't get along well. Stuff like me being useless and a disappointment to our family."

Luna: "O-oh. Sorry to hear."

She had a complicated expression on her face when I replied to her, Like a mixture between sadness and embarrassment.

Ellen: "How about you? Do you have any brothers or siblings?"

Luna: "Yes, I also have an older brother. We are very close as he always likes to tell me stories about his adventures."

Ellen: "Adventures? Is he like a traveler or a merchant?"

Luna: "Yes, and no. He works at a guild in this city which hires him and other people called 'Adventurers' to do jobs that the kingdom can't afford to do. It can be pretty scary from what he has told me"

So adventurers are basically like contractors back in my world, interesting.

Ellen: "What kind of jobs do these adventurers do?"

Luna: "Well it all depends on your rank in the guild. Since my brother is only E rank he can only do gathering jobs that helps the market, but I heard that he will be promoted to D soon and will be able to hunt animals and sometimes monsters too!"

Hearing Luna talk about her brother and adventurers were fascinating to me; they even have a class system like in school. Maybe if the academy doesn't go well and I can't become a spellsword, I may have a go at this 'adventurer' thingy.

Finishing school for the day, Luna and I exit out together heading towards my carriage, Alice as usual wearing a smile on her face as she waits for us; Fabian looked to already be inside.

Alice: "Hello again Miss Luna. It's good to see you on good terms with Ellen still"

Luna: "Yes"

I didn't realize but since when were Luna and I holding hands? I didn't mind it, but it did scare me how natural it felt. We let go of each other's hands as we get to the carriage.

Alice: "Perhaps you would like to come over sometime? We'd love to have you over as Ellen's friend"

Luna: "Thank you, but I feel like I've already crossed a line already. Having a commoner like me in-"

Ellen/Alice: "To hell with that!"

Ellen: "Like I said before, treat me like you would with anyone else. So if you like to come over some time, you can."

What am I doing? Is the toddler part of my brain activated? I was never the person to have friends over in my old world except for... So that's what I'm doing huh. I was feeling alone until Luna started hanging out with me in school; deep down I must of wanted someone to have fun with, along with Alice of course.

Luna: "...Okay. But not this weekend. My parents made plans for me. How about next weekend?"

Alice: "Of course. You're welcome here whenever you like."

Luna: "Thank you. Then I'll see you next week Ellen"

Ellen: "Yes, I look forward to it"

With our farewells, marking the end of the school week, we go our separate ways, giving each other smiles before leaving. "Adventurers". That word stuck out in my head as we ride back home in the carriage. "I wonder what they are like?"

----------Kaede's POV

Its been a few days since Fleur had taken me in as part of guild's residents, and have been staying in the room opposite from her room upstairs. Typically people have to pay to sleep here, but Fleur insisted that it's fine for me to have one of the room until I'm older. I'm very grateful to her. I didn't need to move anything as my only possession was that black dress, which is now in a wardrobe in my room, as I'm now wearing some simple leather armor over my clothes Fleur had given me. Oh and I also properly healed my arm to not leave any scars.

I had just recently registered as an E rank Adventurer, and today is going to be my first time doing a job. Fleur wanted me to wait until she had a day where she wasn't working to help me, as she saw herself as my new guardian and wanted to make sure I didn't get hurt.

Walking out of my room over to her room, I go to knock on her door.


Kaede: "Fleur! I'm ready!~"

Fleur: *incomprehensible sounds*

I could hear her muttering in a groggy tone. I must of just woken her up, but it was her that wanted to come with me, so I proceeded to knock on the door again.

Fleur: "Yes yes, I'm here. Let me get ready and I'll be out"

Opening the door, out came Fleur. Her baggy eyes and her green hair all messed up from having just woken up reminded me of Yui when- "Our anniversary" If Fleur was truly Yui reincarnated then I wouldn't be surprised, however she knew my name was Kaede and had no recollection whatsoever. I don't want to believe that I'm the only one that remembers our previous life, but if this is how it is then I'll try to be happy. Even if Yui doesn't remember me, if she is indeed Fleur then I'm more than thankful to have got to meet her once more.

Finally ready, Fleur and I make our way towards the notice board downstairs. Walking side my side with her I notice I'm just over half her size; she was also wearing leather armor over her clothes with a dagger to her side.

Fleur: "Right, you are an E rank, so we can only do these gathering jobs"

All these jobs sounded boring. When I heard that Fleur was going to take me out for a job, I thought we would be hunting something.

After a bit of time deciding, we choose to do a job to collect some medicinal herbs that are located north of Azalea, our town. I don't have any kind of weapon like Fleur's dagger, but maybe with the money we get from this job I cant afford something simple to use in combat. I don't think it would be a good idea to use the magic I used in the forest in public or around Fleur, and so far I only learnt defensive and healing spells with light magic.

Fleur: "We'll take this job thank you"

Girl At Desk: "Yes, be sure to keep Kaede safe sis"

The girl taking over Fleur's shift was her younger sister Faye, she looked to be around the age I was starting high school in my previous world.

Kaede: "I'll also be sure to keep Fleur safe!"

The sisters giggled after hearing me declare that. Not that I could blame them as I still looked like I was just a 5 year old kid, but I still felt embarrassed.

Fleur: "We'll be off then! See you soon sis"

With our conversation coming to an end, Fleur and I make our way outside of the guild, starting my very first job, wearing a smile on my face.

Getting closer to the exit of Azalea, I notice one of the guards that brought me in a few days ago at the wall. I was worried that they may have questions for me regarding the blood in the cabin, but they seemed to be back doing their job, they must of not checked it out, thank god.

Now having left the town, we make our way north.

Fleur: "Stay close to me. The guards still hadn't found what attacked you so stick with me"

Kaede: "Yes"

I'm going to have to keep that secret till the day I die. I wouldn't want her to think I'm a monster.

It didn't take long to get the herbs as we didn't run into the so called monster that attacked me. Now heading back to the guild with Fleur by my side, marks the completion of my first job as an adventurer.

Faye: "Here is your payment, 50 copper pieces"

This is going to take a while to buy a sword isn't it.

Fleur: "You can take my half Kaede, 25 copper each will be too little anyways"

Kaede: "Thank you!"

I felt bad, but I did want to get money faster. "I'll pay you back Fleur" I promise to myself.