
Today marks the end of school, along with my 14th birthday now coming up.

Luna: "Did we wanna go to your place? My parents told me they'd be working late"

We had been getting closer and closer over the years, and I even got to meet her parents. As usual I had to deal with the 'noble' image around them for a while but they eventually calmed down when I came around. I never expected to meet someone who I'd call a friend in this world, however most of our talks weren't so great as she was just a kid meanwhile I'm an adult; it felt wrong but it would also look wrong for me to suddenly be friends with adults, so I made up my mind and became Luna's friend, and over the years, I found myself glad to have her with me.

Ellen: "Sure. My parents are also busy but Alice will be there"

Luna is actually quite mature for her age, but that might just be me rubbing off on her as Alice seems to enjoy Luna's company as well. Having both Alice and Luna in my life now brought me happiness I couldn't of asked for coming to this strange world. Also that child like appearance of Luna had disappeared as she seemed to have developed, maturely; she looked beautiful. I also developed somewhat, but not as feminine as Luna.

Luna: "Did you get your results?

Ellen: "Yes, Like always I failed at the practical examination, but I aced the written examination. What about you?"

Luna: "I... passed both!"

Luna had actually gotten a lot better in magic as she made her way all the way up to B Class in school, and according to my father, students who are in classes S, A and B gain a scholarship for Inasdale academy. I on the other hand failed at getting it as I was stuck in D Class for all of school. However, my mother has already paid and enrolled me for Inasdale Academy, making me feel somewhat of a cheater.

Ellen: "Congratulations! Does that mean we're both going to Inasdale Academy?

Luna: "I'm not sure yet, but I'm hoping to hear from them to see if I get in"

Ellen: "Well you better get in dummy, I don't wanna go to the academy alone"

Her bright pink eyes that matches her hair glittering up at me. I cant help but bonk her head with my hand while we walk out of class.

Luna: "Hehe, I'll try. I... Also don't want to go to the academy alone"

Her blushing face was too cute to see as I let a chuckle slip out as we continue our walk. We both didn't make any other friends in school as by the time Luna had to move classes, apparently everyone else had already made their friend groups. So the time we spent together during free time at school made school a lot less depressing.

During the entirety of this school, all I learnt was stuff I already knew in my old world, the existence of demons, their powers, and a whole bunch of magic formulas, imagery and mumbo jumbo that I couldn't even figure out. It feels as if that magic test I did at the beginning of school lied to me, I really thought that I would be able to use magic this year but apparently not.

Luna: "Hey what's up?"

Ellen: "It's just. I still can't use magic, yet I'm going to the academy..."

Luna: "Who needs magic when you have sword skills like yours hehe. Your skill with the sword is still far beyond me"

I could tell Luna was trying to cheer me up, however when we spar, I could feel her improve month after month, with me still struggling with magic. I felt like a loser. Of course I was still improving as well with the help of Alice and my physical training but as long as I couldn't use magic, I know I'll just fall behind.

Ellen: "Thank you; but I still need to learn magic. It sucks not being able to do what others are able to do"

Luna: "I'm sure you'll get it one day. The fact that you're alive means that you have mana, you just have to find it; and I'll be here with you until you do~"

She clung to my arm as she finished her sentence. "I remember this warmth". A smile appearing back on my face as she clung to my arm, continuing our walk out of school and to the carriage.

We made our way back to the mansion as Alice, Luna and I made our way inside. Fabian wasn't with us, as he was already attending Inasdale Academy. They have a dormitory where students live while attending, making getting to and from school much easier. It was a nice breath of fresh air not having to deal with Fabian around the house, as the maids and butlers could finally take a break.

Alice: "You ready Ellen?"

Ellen: "Yes"

We made our way to the courtyard as Alice and I started our daily routine. Whenever Luna came around she never wanted to join in as when she first saw us sparring she look frightened from how dangerous it looked. So she watched us at the bench smiling away as she watched Alice and I dual.

Like usual we used our rapiers as we begin our duel, our swords clashing together with thunderous speed and power. I've gotten considerably better now as if I were to fight Gerald again, even if he were to use his wind magic I'd feel confident I'd beat him. Even still, I have never beaten Alice, not even once.

However until recently, I noticed Alice start to finally work up a sweat during our duels; of course I was nearing death from exhaustion when I got to see such a sight; I still have a ways to go. Once again during our duel today, I could see Alice sweat a little as we exchanged blows, a massive smile on her face as she appears to be enjoying it. I too was also enjoying it, giving her back a smile just as big as we continued to fight until- I finally ran out of breath.

Luna: "You guys are crazy as always, My eyes could barely follow. Like hell I'd want to deal with that haha!"

Alice: "Sorry if we took too long, but if you wanted to spar with me, I'd make sure to go easy on-"

Alice and I take a seat on the bench with Luna, grabbing our drinks.

Luna: "It's okay! I'm happy just watching you two. It's always nice when I get to see Ellen smile like that."

Ellen: "Eh?"

Alice: "Haha, I find myself enjoying that smile as well. I look forward to seeing it every time we spar"

I found myself being attacked from both of them as my cheeks become flushed, trying to mask it with drinking my water on the bench in between the both of them. Being attacked by both of these women made me feel like my heart was going to explode as I try to calm myself with the water.

I may of been reborn, but I'm still the same person as I was in my old world, so being next to these two, I can't help but feel embarrassed. I'm actually not sure how this world views same sex relationships as in my old world it was only just starting to accept it, so I've never told anyone yet.

After a break from the duel, Alice went off to help the maids and butlers around the house, she seems to be on great terms with them as Luna and I make our way to my room upstairs.

Luna: "I hope that I do get into the academy. Maybe I could try and find someone strong and handsome while I'm there."

She had grown familiar with my room as if she owned the place, flopping onto her back on the bed, as I take a seat next to her. Luna actually told me she had a crush on my brother growing up, but after hearing and seeing how he acts around me, she lost interest.

Ellen: "Just don't go for those stupid nobles, they're too full of themselves. Find someone that actually enjoys your company."

Luna: "Does that mean you're calling yourself stupid, Miss Noble~"

Ellen: "As if. I'd hate to actually be around them during school, I'm glad I was stuck in D Class."

Luna: "Mhmm! I'm glad too, otherwise I wouldn't of met you"

I was truly thankful in a way that I wasn't in the higher classes in school, as Luna was a big reason for my enjoyment in school, even though we only spent our first year in class together as she went up higher grades; but during our free time and after school, I was happy.

Ellen: "Yes, I'm glad you were the one sitting next to me in our first year. Who knows what kind of weirdo I would be friends with, besides you haha"

We laugh together in my room as we reminisce of our time together in school.

Luna: "What about you? Knowing you I'm sure you'll find someone amazing"

Ellen: "I'm not all into the romance scene. I'm too busy already trying to use magic"

That's a lie. I was interested, but this world's views are still unknown to me, but so far I had not heard of same sex marriage or relationships at all, so I'm hesitant in trying anything.

Luna: "Well you are a duke's daughter Ellen. You'll have to eventually."

Ellen: "What do you mean?"

Luna: "Isn't it common for nobles to marry for political gain?"

Ellen: "I... never thought of that."

A bombshell just dropped on me. This is the first time I heard about such a thing, but it makes sense. Nobles want to increase their status so marrying into power was definitely a thing; that's how my father married my mother.

Ellen: "I'd run away then. Fuck marrying one of those stupid nobles."

Luna let out a laugh on the bed next to me. Her smile captivating me as we sit next to each other.

Luna: "I figured you'd say something like that"

She rests her head on my shoulder as we sit like this. "All too familiar" I think to myself as we remain like this for sometime, remembering the cherry blossoms from back then with a smile creeping on my face before resting my head on hers.

Ellen: "Be sure to get into the academy"

Luna: "Mmm, you too"

We remained like that till it was time for Luna to head back home, as she still needed to give the good news to her parents. As the night falls, I go to sleep, waiting to see her tomorrow.