Rising Star - Kaede

Nine years has passed since Silas took me in. I never knew my birthday but to remember Silas, I made my birthday be the day Silas found me, which was today; marking my 14th birthday.

Fleur/Faye: "Happy birthday!~"

I've been spending my years working as an adventurer alongside Fleur when she could find the time. At the start when I first started she would only let me go out to do jobs when she didn't have her shift working at the guild, but after I shown her that I can defend myself when a group of goblins attacked us as we were gathering, she felt comfortable letting me go on my own.

It was a good thing that I could now do jobs alone as I wouldn't want her or anyone else see me when I thirst for blood. I've been keeping my hunger down with monster blood such as goblins and wolves, however I found myself never fully satisfied, but instead just prolonging my hunger. I could never share this secret with them.

Faye: "Here, it's on the house"

Sitting at a table, Faye brought over some steak along with baked potatoes and vegetables. The smell of it was delicious, but it only made my stomach hungry for something else.

Kaede: "T-thank you"

I really need to calm my hunger down. I don't want what happened to Silas to happen again, especially not to Fleur or Faye. Shaking off my worries, I dive right into the steak, the juicy meat fills my mouth. "If only I was normal, I'm sure this would taste even better" I thought to myself as I continued to eat alongside Fleur and Faye.

Fleur: "Also, congratulations on making it to C rank Kaede. Never would of thought the kid I knew back then would grow up to be such a fine woman."

Kaede: "T-thank you..."

It's true that I didn't look like a kid anymore, as my body grew into quite a feminine figure, some places more than others.

Faye: "Wouldn't that make her the youngest C rank in all of Inasdale Kingdom?"

Fleur: "Yes. Keep up the good work Kaede, Azalea's 'Rising Star'."

We all hit our glasses together before drinking. I was drinking fruit juice as the taste of alcohol was too much for me to handle. Meanwhile the sisters were drinking away at their wine. It put a smile on my face as we sat together at this table; I'm glad I could find something that I could call a family in this world. If only I were more in control, maybe Silas could also be here...

Faye: "It was a surprise when I saw you could use light magic Kaede. At this pace you could even get to A rank in the future!"

Kaede: "I just want to live a comfortable life. The money I get now from slaying monsters like goblins, wolves, and even ogres is enough for me."

I didn't want the fame, but instead wanted a steady income to live a comfortable life. Maybe even back at Silas' cabin in the woods, but for now I have continued to stay in the room upstairs.


As I thought, my stomach wanted something else as it moaned for blood. I need to leave before it gets out of hand.

After some time, I finish my meal. Fleur seemed to be working the night shift today as Faye was left by my side. She has longer green hair compared to Fleur's short green hair but it's obvious by their looks that they are sisters, also from both of them having feathery ears like a bird.

Faye: "So, what's the plan for tonight?"

Kaede: "I'm going out to do another job. Did we have any slaying jobs?"

Faye: "Well yeah, but did you wanna go out at this time of the night? It's dangerous."

Kaede: "I'll be fine. After all I'm a C rank Adventurer hehe"

Also because I could see in the dark. But obviously I couldn't tell her that.

Faye: "Mmmm, okay~ But be sure to hurry back. Don't be too reckless okay?"

Kaede: "I promise. I'll be back soon."

After registering a job to slay a troll that has been getting rather close to Azalea, I make my way out from the guild.

Kaede: "I'll be back soon!"

Fleur/Faye: "Take care!"

I see those two as if they were my older sisters, they made my life living here much less depressing.

Heading out of Azalea, I head north towards where the troll was sighted. This would be my first time as I've mainly dealt with goblins, wolves, and in some cases ogres; however none were a challenge in the slightest. I carried a dagger with me but that was only for show, as what I used mainly was light magic and that 'other' magic.

Making my way through the forest I came to an opening as I could see clearly a group of goblins trying to take on the troll that I've been searching for. One by one the goblins were torn to shreds as their weapons seemingly did nothing to it. "Maybe this one can put up a fight" I think to myself as I bring my hand up, light starting to build up as I hid behind some bushes before firing off laser like beams of light; piercing straight through the troll's skull. "Never mind" Disappointment washes over my face before making my way closer to the troll surrounded by mutilated goblin corpses.

Kaede: "This is gross..."

Bringing my body down onto the trolls rugged, furry neck, I sink my teeth into him as blood fills my mouth. "Disgusting" I thought as I continued to drain the troll's blood. My stomach was starting to feel better, but the taste of it was revolting. However I'd hate to hurt anyone else so this is the only way...


I could sense something nearby as I drank away at the trolls blood before stopping to check what it was but I couldn't see anything. When suddenly a pack of wolves came through into the opening, all of them were eyeing up the dead troll. "How convenient" The taste of wolves were far better than this disgusting creature.

Standing up, I lift my arms up. The blood from the troll and goblins coming out from their bodies forming several blood spears before sending them straight into the pack of wolves, annihilating every single one of them as each of the blood spears pierced straight into their necks.

Letting out a sigh, I chop off the troll's hand with my dagger as that was the requirement to complete the job, before making my way to the pack of wolves. I chop off every fang I could find as these could be sold at the guild for a decent price. After some time I finally collected the materials I needed putting them into my bag, as I sink my teeth into the most delicious wolf I could find. The one who had pounced out first seemed to be the leader, so I went with him.

Suddenly, I could feel a presence once more, back where the wolves came from. It didn't feel like it would be a threat so after I finished filling my stomach I went to see what the noise was, and what I found looked to be a new born pup. "They must of been guarding their young..." I feel bad. I had just massacred their family, but I didn't want to kill such a weak little thing, and leaving them out here to die would be a waste. "Right. You're coming with me." I'm sure the guild wouldn't mind, it's very young and if we trained it, I'm sure it could actually benefit us.

Making my decision, I go to grab the young wolf pup. It didn't try to bite or get away, laying still in my arms as I carried it back to town. I had an ulterior motive behind this of course. If it could stay, then maybe I could drink it's blood without needing to go out on jobs out of nowhere like I just did, and the taste of wolf blood seemed to be my favorite... Besides humans.

Fleur: "Welcome ba- Uhm. Kaede. What are you holding there?"

Kaede: "Ah, I found this little guy when I went out for that troll. I also managed to get some wolf fangs."

Faye: "Kaede. That's a monster. It might be dangerous."

I knew this wouldn't be easy.

Kaede: "What if I train it?"

Fleur: "That's impossible. Humans training monsters is unheard of. They're intelligent beings after all."

Kaede: "Then if it comes down to it, I'll kill it. Can't it stay out the back? We can even tie it down just to be safe. Please?"

Fleur/Faye: "Mmmm..."

I was trying to do my best job at giving the 'puppy dog eyed' look as I plead towards the sisters.

Fleur: "Fine. But it's your responsibility. If anything happens it's on you."

Kaede: "Thank you! I'll take it out back now"

I felt incredibly happy, as I may of found a reliable resource to drink blood from. "I'm such a monster" I thought while tying up the pup to a post out back, but this is for the better. I don't want to hurt Fleur, Faye or anyone else anymore. Thinking that, I put my hand over the pup's head before casting a domination spell on it. I had learnt this when practicing with bunnies and other small animals but this is the first time I'm doing it to a monster. After casting the spell, It went limp as it passed out on the ground, just like what the animals did.

Coming back inside, I had over the troll hand along with 10 wolf fangs to Fleur at the reception desk.

Kaede: "It's tied down at the back. I'll deal with it in the morning."

Fleur: "I swear, you're full of surprises hehe. Your total is 65 silver pieces, 25 for the fangs, and 40 for the troll hand.

That much? 40 silver is a lot of money for something that took no time at all to kill.

Kaede: "Here, I don't need this much"

I slide over 20 silver pieces to Fleur, half of what I got from the troll hand.

Fleur: "Uhm-"

Kaede: "Thank you for letting me keep the wolf pup Fleur"

She looked like she was going to deny the money I gave her, but after cutting her off, she let out a gentle smile before accepting the gift.

Fleur: "Only because it's you Kaede. I'll treat this money has payment for all the money you owe for staying here haha"

We laugh it off before saying goodnight. Fleur still hard at work as more people came in while I made my way to my room upstairs.

Closing the door behind me I fall back onto my bed as I stare up to the ceiling.

Kaede: "Goodnight... Yui"