
Luna and I didn't do that much after our long talk yesterday as we decided to stay in our room the majority of the time. I still can't believe I opened myself that much to her, even going as far to even say that I'm into girls, but I'm thankful she didn't seemed creeped out by it.

Today will be our first class together in a long time, entering the classroom to see a classroom full of guys; this was the first year's knights class. I was shocked to see that Luna and I were the only girls in this class, as their gazes all looked towards us, stunning us in place.

Ellen: "This is the right room right?"

I whisper to Luna as she gives me a smile along with a head nod before leading the way inside. I guess she doesn't mind their gazes. I follow her lead as we make our way to 2 available seats next to each other that was to the side of the second row. Some of the guys' gazes were still following us, with the rest now paying attention to the next person who entered the room.

?: "Good morning students. My name is Kendal Reynott, and I will be this classes knight instructor for you first years."

He was very tall and strong despite his middle age appearance, with his muscles outlined from inside his uniform.

Kendal: "Knights, are the backbone, and is a very important job, both in the army, and in the guild; focusing more on defense allowing mages to do their work safely. Some of you might also want to learn more magic in hopes to be a versatile spellsword, however we will be mainly focusing on close range combat with weapons such as swords, hammers, spears and more. You all are not kids anymore, and as such we will be using proper weapons, if you don't own one, the academy can lend you one."

I decided it wasn't the best idea to take mage classes as when I was in school, there were a lot of concepts to magic that made no sense to me. Luna seemed happy to hear that I would be joining her in the knights class, which I'm also glad. If I wasn't here, she would be the only girl in this classroom full of guys; sounds far too scary, for me at least.

Classmate1: "Will we still be able to use magic?"

Kendal: "Yes, there is no rule that knights can't use magic. However you may find it difficult when someone is in your face attacking you. You may not find an opening to use most magic. That's what makes someone a good knight, or even a spellsword."

If I could master what I did yesterday with the experiment with Luna, I think I could do it; become a spellsword. Although, I would be quite different, being only able to use other people's magic.

Kendal: "Now, who has their own weapons?"

A number of hands rise from the seats, Luna and I included with what looked to be 8 of the other students; roughly a third of the class. I wouldn't of imagined that people with their own weapons would be the minority.

Kendal: "Right. I'd like the students who don't have their weapons to follow me. The rest of you can talk amongst yourselves"

The instructor left with the students who didn't have their own weapons to a nearby room that housed weapon's and equipment, leaving Luna and I with the 8 other students, with a few of them making their way to our row towards us.

Classmate1: "What brings you girls to join the knight class?

Ellen: "Sorry who are you?"

Classmate1: "Duane von Fletcher, son of Count Fletcher"

Ellen: "Right. And what brings you guys to the knight class?"

I put on a fake smile, throwing back the question right back at him. I thought that I would have to put up with the pompous act of nobles again, but to deal with them this soon is unsettling.

Duane: "To become knights of course. Wh-"

Ellen: "Yes, so are we"

I'm being a little disrespectful, but I could not care less. I more or less figured out that he looked down on us. Luna who was to my side watching the interaction unfold looked timid as I was nonchalantly dismissing a high rank noble such as a Count.

Duane: "And who might you be?"

Ellen: "Ellen von Leinhart"

Duane: "Leinhart's failed daughter?"

He started to laugh at my face. So it appears the rumors of me being a failed daughter had already spread to most of the nobles, how annoying.

Luna: "She isn't a failure! Ellen could beat all 3 of you together if she wanted to!"

Thank you Luna for backing me up, but I think that's going too far. I've only ever practiced with Alice and Luna, along with my match with my old teacher Gerald, I have no idea the skill level of these 3 people are.

Classmate2: "Is that so?"

Luna: "Yes!"

Her battling for my reputation was heart warming, but this seemed to only light the fires from within the 3 boys.

Duane: "Well then. I'd love to see this 'skill' of yours that your friend here claims. What was your name?"

Luna: "It's Luna, Luna Warridge"

Duane: "How fitting. A dukes failed daughter together with a mere commoner. How about it? Wont you fight us then? Or are you-"

Ellen: "Fine"

I didn't want Luna's words to be untrue, I wanted them to know that Luna was right, and her belief in me winning. More importantly, I wanted to show off to Luna, putting them in their place while I'm at it.

Kendal: "We are back! Everyone could you please come with me to the training area. I'd like to see how each of you performs before we get started with the classes."

Duane: "Excuse me instructor! Ellen would like to have a match with us 3, would that be okay?"

Kendal: "3? As long as all parties agree and you spar safely I don't mind, but I will have to oversee it"

When Kendal came back, we grabbed our weapons that were to the side of us before making our way to the field, with Luna sticking close to my side.

Luna: "I'm sorry... I just couldn't stand to hear them talk down on you, but I ended up causing you trouble-"

Ellen: "It's okay. I'll win for sure. I couldn't back down after hearing you defend me, so I'll win this, for you."

Luna: "Mmm!"

Her nervous manner disappeared as I reassure her, giving her a smile back at her until we reach our destination.

Kendal: "Okay you 4. Make sure there is no blood shed. If things get too out of hand I'll step in. Whenever you're ready."

Luna: "Good luck~"

Ellen: "Thank you."

Giving one last smile to Luna before moving into position, roughly 10 meters away from the 3 boys, readying myself with my rapier, taking my stance like usual. I notice that Duane was wielding a broadsword, with his buddies wielding a mace, with the other wielding a 2-handed hammer. Magic was allowed so I have to be careful, as I couldn't reveal what I learnt with Luna yesterday, leaving me to rely solely on my sword skill.

Kendal: "Start!"

With both sides ready, the instructor yells out, signaling the start of our match. I notice that they weren't moving yet, wanting me to push instead. Not wanting to waste time in case of them casting magic on me, I dart towards the boy with the hammer. I couldn't go for Duane as he was in the middle, It would be foolish to let them surround me, so I opt to attack them form the outside. The hammer swung down above me, before I slide to the right, letting the hammer slam into the ground, Not letting him get a chance to recover, I point the end of my rapier to his neck in an instant.

Kendal: "Out!"

The easy target was eliminated with ease, as the slow movement of the hammer was too slow compared to my speed. I push myself away, putting some distance between me and the other 2. Finally seeing their friend defeated, they attack me all at once. I pay attention to their swings, not letting them attack me at once as I maneuver myself to fight one on one against the person with the mace when suddenly, my left foot got stuck in something. Looking down for a moment I could see that my foot had become ensnared by vines coming from the ground. "Earth magic..." Duane and the person with the mace move to both my sides in a pincer formation. "Smart"

As they were starting to approach me with their weapons ready to attack, I discreetly used my free left hand to manipulate the vines around my foot to become loose enough for me to break free; barely dodging the attacks from both of them.

MaceGuy: "What?!"

So it was him that used that earth magic. Not letting them get another opportunity to ensnare me like that, with my now free foot, I sweep my foot from under him, making him fall onto his back before pointing my rapier to his neck.

Kendal: "Out!"

Good, it seems like no one noticed what I did to those vines earlier. Now all that's left was Duane. He jumps into me as our swords collide. The sound clashing metal echoed through the training area as I effortlessly deflected his barbaric attacks. While defending I remember him looking down on me, and dismissing Luna, I wanted to give him something to remember. Seeing an opportunity, I dodge to the side of one of his attacks before twirling around to slash at his sword arm, cutting though his uniform and into his skin, dropping his sword in the process.

Kendal: "Enough!"

The blood on my tip of my blade dripped down onto the ground as Duane held on his injured arm.

Kendal: "Well done Ellen. You showed marvelous understand of the battle"

Duane: "I thought you said no bloodshed!"

Kendal: "I did, however you 2 looked like you were going to do more than what she did to your arm. You 3 have much to learn"

He did have a scary look on his face. I'd hate to imagine if one of his attacks actually landed. I'm lucky I practiced with my magic yesterday with Luna, I might of lost otherwise.

Luna: "Ellen!"

Luna ran up to me before jumping into my arms, giving me one of her famous hugs with the rest of the students now practicing amongst themselves.

Luna: "I knew you would win, easily"

Ellen: "Only because you said I would, I knew I had to win"

Luna: "Hehe"

We smile at each other before departing from our hug, watching the rest of the students spar with one another.

Ellen: "You know, you have to spar as well. Want to spar with me like we normally do?"

Luna: "Mhmm!"

Our sparring match began as Kendal watched over everyone, with Duane now being treated by the academy's nurse to the side, marking the start of our academy life.