
It was the next day, with Luna and I making our way to class. Upon entering, I was approached by one of the guys I fought yesterday, If I recall, it was the person with the mace.

MaceGuy: "I'm sorry!"

The sudden outburst from him startled me as we entered the classroom, causing other students who also arrived to look our way.

Ellen: "For what?"

MaceGuy: "We looked down upon you because of the rumors. I apologize on behalf of the others if we offended you."

Ellen: "It's fine, don't worry about it. I only had it out for that Duane person. What is your name ?"

MaceGuy: "George von Aston, son of baron Aston."

Barons were the lowest rank among aristocrats, so it made sense for someone like him to follow someone like Duane. George had short black hair along with a pair of glasses over his green eyes who seemed to be a little taller than me.

Luna: "I'm glad you could appreciate Ellen's greatness!"

Luna seemed happy at the fact that George apologized, the sight of her is too cute for the eyes.

George: "Mhmm! I didn't expect the 3 of us to be beaten that easily."

Ellen: "It wasn't easy. That vine trap you guys created nearly got me"

George: "Ah that would of been me. I was shocked to see you escape that, knowing that you don't possess magic"

Good, he didn't catch on what I did even after a whole day.

Ellen: "It's true I don't possess magic, so I made sure my body is in peak condition. I just used my strength to break free from the vines."

George: "Wow~"

He looked impressed at my declaration, with Luna at my side just smiling away, knowing exactly what I did.

Duane: "You're in the way-"

Nudging his way past us, Duane entered the classroom. We were blocking the entry way so it was our fault, but then again he could of asked politely. Yeah, I don't like that guy. Luna then took my hand in hers, grabbing my attention.

Luna: "We should take our seats"

George: "Ah, would you guys mind if I sit next to you?"

Luna: "Sure!"

This girl. So carefree. We go to take our seats, Luna taking the middle seat in between George and I. He doesn't seem like a bad person at all, so I'm not against with him sitting next to us, and the possibility of being on good terms with him, maybe I could practice my magic on his earth magic; but that's a thought for another day.

George: "What was your name again?"

Luna: "Luna Warridge"

George: "Nice to meet you. I don't think I recall your family name among the noble families"

Luna: "Oh I'm not from a noble family."

George: "Really? I would of thought someone beautiful like yourself would surely be a noble"

From the corner of my eye, I could see George smile generously at Luna, with Luna looking as if she enjoys every moment of it. She introduced herself yesterday, he knew full well she was just a commoner, so seeing him trying to flirt with Luna like this is a bit irritating.

More students arrived, with our instructor Kendal arriving shortly after.

Kendal: "Good morning students. You all did well yesterday, especially you Ellen, keep up the good work. Mark, you still need to learn the weakness of your hammer, fighting against someone fast is difficult so be sure to maintain that distance"

I felt a sense of fulfillment being praised by Kendal, like all my hard work growing up had finally paid off. Luna shot me a quick smile before we return our gazes to Kendal.

Kendal: "Since most of you use swords, I'll go over basics quickly. Range is a highly important-"

This started to sound like the things I learnt from Alice nearly a decade ago, surely these guys are away of simple things such as this. Looking around me, I could see students taking notes. "Seriously?" I saw Luna wasn't taking notes, but that was because of me teaching her what I learnt from Alice so it's to be expected. Everyone else seemed engaged with what Kendal was saying.

Kendal: "Any questions?"

I completely missed everything he had said, but I doubt I missed anything important.

Classmate1: "What about armor? Could we take advantage of plate armor to deflect most blows, so we can focus more on attacking?

Kendal: "It's true armor can help, however what if a sword, or a spear gets in between the armor around the joints? Armor should be a backup, not your main defense. Take Ellen for example, during her match she wore no armor, making it easier for her to take advantage of her mobility to dodge attacks. However someone like Mark who uses a heavy weapon like a hammer, might benefit more with heavy armor as they couldn't move much to begin with."

Once again students were taking notes. Kendal is right, but I didn't like the constant spotlight he was giving me. I mainly copied Alice though, as she also never wore armor during our sparring matches, so I grew used to not wearing any, but maybe something light such as leather might be a good idea for an armor choice.

The class continued with me learning very little. I did learn however that people who are known as spellswords, are classed higher than knights and mages, having their own separate division. A common job for spellswords is reconnaissance, as they are strong in both hand to hand combat and magic, making them a versatile scout. Suddenly the bell rang, indicating the start of our break.

Kendal: "Class dismissed. Meet me at the training yard after lunch"

All the students started heading out of class towards the cafeteria. The school supplies the students with lunches, however we have to make or buy our own dinner in our dorm rooms.

Luna: "Would you like to join us?"

George: "Certainly. If that's, not an issue"

He looked over towards me, as if asking for my approval. Personally I didn't want him to join us, but seeing Luna asking him herself I can't just say no to her.

Ellen: "Not a problem with me"

A small lie, but I didn't want to put my feelings over Luna's. Plus how bad could it be?

Making our way to the counter in the cafeteria, all 3 of us get our lunch before finding a place to eat.

Luna: "Lets sit here!"

George and I follow Luna to a table next to another group of people. She's really trying to make an impression of herself to people huh.

George: "So Ellen. How did you get so good with the blade?"

Ellen: "I had a good teacher"

George: "In school?"

Ellen: "No. At home"

I was being very monotone as I didn't like talking much while eating, even more so that it was George. I should really calm myself, instead of shoving him away, he's not a bad person.

Luna: "Alice Farlight is her name. From what Ellen told me, she has been teaching her when she was very little"

George: "Alice Farlight? Isn't she that famous spellsword that is also an A rank adventurer?"

Adventurer? I don't think I remember Alice talking about such things, but I also didn't ask what else she did besides work for the army.

Ellen: "Adventurer?"

George: "You didn't know? Well I heard she hasn't done job like that in over a decade."

Probably to help bring me up, the story checks out. Might have to talk to Alice one of these days about it, and also... the secret I told Luna about.

Luna: "I can believe it. I've seen Ellen spar with her. Both of them are far beyond me, my eyes struggle to even follow their movements."

George: "It makes a lot more sense now that we were beaten haha. I'm jealous."

Ellen: "You are? What about me unable to use magic? Shouldn't I be the jealous one haha"

We laugh together as my tense atmosphere goes away if only for a little, before we continue to eat. This guy might be trouble, I can tell he is interested in Luna, and seeing Luna accept his flirty comments stings inside my chest.

Back in the dorms after finishing classes for the day, Luna and I both take our turns in the shower, with me using the bath while Luna took her turn in the shower.

Luna: "Well that was fun! We ended up making a new friend"

Ellen: "Mmm"

Luna: "He seemed quite cute for a knight don't you think?"

Ellen: "Mmm"

I wasn't really in a talkative mood as after the cafeteria, I had to deal with George talking with Luna during class. I knew what it was; I was jealous, but I couldn't say anything like that to Luna.

Luna: "...Sorry"

Ellen: "What?"

The sudden change in her voice alarmed me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

Luna: "You don't like guys, yet I invited him to join us. So. I'm sorry for being selfish"

So she picked up on my mood, even behind my little lies earlier and fake smile? It makes sense, she has known me for a decade now.

Ellen: "It's okay. I couldn't really turn him down after you wanted to bring him along. Plus I don't mind guys, just that I don't date them"

Luna: "Your face told me otherwise~"

Ellen: "I just... Couldn't stand the way he talked with you is all. Made me feel... uncomfortable"

Luna: "O-Oh..."

Ellen: "Never mind that. You seemed to enjoy his company, so it's not my place to tell you to-"

Luna: "...but I also want you to be happy"

I struggled to respond to her reply as her tone became softer. What is this atmosphere that I found myself in.

Ellen: "Hey-"

Luna: "Ellen... Do you-"

Ellen: "Hmm?"

Luna: "Ah never mind, it's nothing. I'll be getting out now, see you in the room~"

She got out from the shower before wrapping a towel around her, drying herself off before heading back to our room. She looked flustered, did I perhaps say something wrong? I go over our conversation in my head while soaking in the bath, staring towards the ceiling.

After getting out from the bath, I notice Luna was in bed already. Something seemed off before, but I didn't want to wake her up for it. So after looking her way for a bit, I get into my bed, slowly drifting to sleep.