Murderer - Kaede

While I was in Clesbridge again, it looked like there was still some commotion going around about the murder that happened. But I could not see wanted posters of me which relieved most of my stress as I could move around without worrying about being arrested, or even worse, killed. The man and woman did treat me to some food and drinks at the bar, but I had to cut it short as there were a lot of people around and I could only control my hunger for so long. I didn't get to catch their names as I left Clesbridge soon after.

I have now been travelling for a couple days. Nothing really happened during my time travelling. No random demon showing up like before, but I did find another one of those stone creatures wandering around. After hearing that humans can also create them, I chose not to interfere with it in case a human did in fact create it, plus it would take more energy than I would like to deal with it.

The glooming thought of entering Inasdale while being this hungry scares me to death, but I know for a fact that Yui is there, so it's a risk I'll have to take.

It was now becoming dark after hours upon hours of walking, deciding to climb up a tree to sleep, changing my nails into claws to help me climb up before nestling onto one of the wider branches. I take out a blanket from inside the enchanted bag, wrapping myself up as I try to get myself comfortable when suddenly, I could see off in the distance a large group of goblins with the advantage of being high up in the trees. I've never seen that many goblins together like that before, counting roughly 16 of them. I decide to remain where I am, keeping an eye on them as they move north, passing by me.

I knew something was strange. The dragon, the demon lord Oboris, and now a large group of goblins along with that stone creature from before. Something is definitely wrong, I can feel it. "Maybe this is all Oboris' plan" I think to myself. During our fight, he wanted me dead, right then and there, so maybe after retreating he sent out some of his forces? That didn't make too much sense since he fought me himself, he should know that goblins would be no match for me. In other words, this might be the work of someone else...

Watching the goblins pass by, my eyes went wide as I saw ogres were following behind them. I've never seen these two species together like this as ogres tend to stick with themselves and not follow anyone else. "Very strange..." I didn't know where they were heading, and my curiosity was too much for me to sleep anymore, so I decide to pack up my things and follow them, staying in the shadows.

As I was following them for quite some time while remaining undetected, they began to enter a cave tucked into a mountain. It felt risky going inside as I could be followed by more goblins blowing my cover, so I remain hidden outside the cave, waiting longer to see if any more goblins decide to show up. After thinking enough time has passed, I make my way inside the cave. I was actually hoping to find a dead human again like I found in that kobold cave, but I couldn't smell anything yet, continuing deeper into this cave.

The cave was massive, branching off with several different underground paths that I didn't know which one to go down when off in the distance, a goblin was coming towards me. Quickly making up my mind, I dip into one of the paths, trying to stay hidden. After the goblin had passed, I came back out and went down the path where he came from. "This feels dangerous" I had no idea what I was doing here, but I know I can't enter Inasdale without feasting on something so I may as well figure out what's going on.

After some time walking down the path, I could hear distant screams. They sounded like women, and by the smell that's entering my body, humans. I felt somewhat happy at the thought that these goblins may be killing humans for me to feast, so I make my way towards the screams, praying that my instinct was true... However. Turning a corner of the path came a wide open area, with large wooden cages which housed the women I had heard before. But what I saw... was revolting.

The women weren't being killed like I thought they were, but instead were being raped by some of the goblins. I felt like I wanted to puke as I witnessed such a sight. The sounds of the screams were extreme as the goblins forced themselves onto them. Looking around there was a lot of them, more goblins than I saw that entered the cave. I had no idea how many were inside, so using my energy might not be a good idea, however it didn't feel right to just stand here, watching as the goblins continue to violate these women, even their clothes were gone, leaving them completely naked in this cold, dark cave.

I made up my mind. It's bad to use magic so instead I transform my nails into claws once more, stealthily making my way behind one of the goblins inside the nearest cage. The screams of the woman grew louder as her eyes meet mine. Her eyes looking like they were begging for help as I plunge my hand through the goblin that was on top of her, with my other hand covering its mouth to muffle it's screams. Looking around quickly, I see that none of the other goblins noticed as the goblin in my hands went limp before pulling him away from her. I counted 11 other women in the other cages. I wanted to save them... but-

Woman: "T-thank you"

She whispered to me as I look back at the woman laying down in front of me. Seeing her completely naked, I reach into my bag to throw one of clothes over her. Suddenly, a thought popped inside my head. It's dark, she can't see my face. Just maybe...

Kaede: "Hey. Can I ask something of you? It will help save the others."

I whispered in a quiet tone.

Woman: "Y-you're a girl? Yes. I'll do anything to save my sister."

I felt relieved at her words as I approach her.

Kaede: "Then please, don't freak out."

I come behind her as I move my clothing she draped over her to expose her neck.

Woman: "What are you-"

Kaede: "Trust me"

I couldn't wait any longer as I sink my teeth into her neck. She let out a soft yelp, trying to muffle the pain. Thankfully it seems the goblins didn't hear as they were too busy with the others. Her blood poured into my body, the taste was delicious as I found it difficult to reserve myself. The taste was different than I expected but even still, my body wanted more as my mind slowly became clouded by the taste, drinking more and more.

Woman: "S-stop..."

I couldn't hear what she was saying but I couldn't stop myself, but whatever she said, made me catch myself as I take my fangs out from her neck. Her body went limp and felt cold to the touch as she collapsed back to the ground.

Kaede: "N-no..."

She wasn't moving. Did I kill her? I quickly use my light magic to heal her wound while also trying to restore some of her body. I could hear more goblins starting to come close. My heart beats faster as I continue to try and heal her when finally, I could hear her start to breathe again, remaining unconscious. The stress I felt left my body with a sigh of relief "I... nearly killed her." Suddenly, I could hear the goblins in the room start yelling, coming out from the cages of women to approach me.

Kaede: "You guys are too late-"

With the dead goblin in the cage with me, I create a long blood sword in my hand before exiting the cage. The goblins all went to charge at me, before I easily cut them to pieces with my blood sword, cutting all their bodies in half with a single slash, killing roughly half of the goblins in the room. The other half looked petrified as they halted their attack, looking at me like I was some sort of monster... Which I am.

In a blink of an eye, I dashed through the remaining goblins, cutting them to pieces in a few moments, leaving none alive. If it was this easy then maybe I didn't need that woman's blood, but I'm glad that she's still alive. With the blood sword in hand, I break through the wooden cages, freeing the women inside. While giving each of them a shirt to wrap themselves, I noticed that a couple of them were pregnant.

Kaede: "You guys are safe. It's dark here, so stay close."

I conjure up a small ball of light as the women began to crowd around me, clinging to the clothes I gave them.

Woman1: "Sis?"

Kaede: "She's alive. I'll carry her with us."

I go back into the wooden cage to pick up the girl's sister who was unconscious, keeping her warm with my blanket wrapped around her.

Woman1: "Thank you for saving us."

Everyone: "Thank you so much"

Kaede: "Just follow me. Its a long walk out so keep close, there are still more goblins around."

I lead the way out, with the small ball of light following me along with the girls. I'm unsure of what to do with them once we're out as it has just gotten dark out. I'll most likely have to look after them as they sleep somewhere in the forest, as I don't know how far away the nearest town was.

Woman1: "C-can I ask your name?"

Kaede: "Kaede."

Woman1: "I'm Sicily. My sister's name is Lillian."

Kaede: "So how'd you guys end up here?"

Woman2: "I'm a herbalist, and was looking for some ingredients when I was attacked and brought here."

Woman3: "Adventurer, but I was overpowered by their numbers."

Many of the women following remained silent, just blindly following me like they were hypnotized, which included the 2 women who were pregnant.

Sicily: "Same here, My sister and I were out looking for materials when we got ambushed and taken in by the goblins."

Kaede: "Well, you guys are safe now. We'll have to find some place to rest till morning before finding a town. I'll stay awake while you guys rest-"

Sicily: "No. You look tired, let me keep watch. I can wake you up if anything happens."

It was risky but she is right. I felt severely tired after travelling for so long, only to get into a fight instead of sleeping.

Kaede: "Okay, but you better wake me up immediately okay?"

Sicily: "Yes!"

To my surprise, we managed to sneak our way out of the cave without encountering any goblins, finally breaking out of the cave. 2 goblins were at entrance however as I quickly shot out beams of light from the ball of light, killing them in an instant as their bodies collapse to the ground. The women behind me were in awe of what happened in front of them as we continued our way into the forest, away from the cave.