First Blood

We continued our march with Kendal at the front leading us. He had asked me to stick to the front line, bringing Luna alone with me. The nerves were only building up as time passed, walking through the forest, not knowing when we would be starting the fight.

Kendal: "Halt!"

We stopped at the last known location of the goblins. There looked to be many tents with a firepit in the middle. I wasn't sure if goblins knew how to build tents or fires, so I figured maybe this place was originally for a party of humans. However looking around, there was no sign of life with only the fire pit still going. Something was off, did they see us coming and run? That would explain why the fire was still going.

After Kendal gave us the signal to come forward, our classes checked the place out, with Luna and I staying together like we planned, checking inside one of the tents. Sticking our heads inside the tent, the smell coming from inside was horrid, needing to jerk my head away not wanting to smell any more of what was inside. I couldn't imagine a human living inside these tents and looking around to see other students checking the tents, they had the same reaction.

Suddenly, I could hear one of the students screaming in pain behind us, running towards the rest of us, it was someone from the mage class.

Mage1: "S-Sir!"

There was a clear arrow stuck in his back as he tried his best to hold back the pain. Kendal ended up taking it out in one go, but as he did this, I could hear the sound of many footsteps coming at us from all directions. Luna now keeping closer to me as we were now shoulder to shoulder, trying to face where the nearest sound was coming from.

Kendal: "Defensive positions!"

Ellen: "This isn't good. We're surrounded."

Luna: "We'll be fine right?"

Ellen: "I'll make sure of it"

The knight class tried their best to cover the outside, keeping the mages inside as we all ready ourselves. The footsteps were getting louder and louder as I could now hear even bigger thumps coming our way. I didn't want anyone getting hurt, especially Luna as I brace myself for what's to come.

What came out from the forest into my view, was something large, looking to be roughly 10ft tall, with several small creatures around it, which were all 4ft tall, smaller than us. "If those are goblins, then what is that?"

Kendal: "Ogre!"

As if answering my question in my head, Kendal yelled out to all of us before getting in front of me, wanting to protect us from the oncoming ogre. The ogre charged in front of the goblins, pushing some onto the ground, leaving us to focus on only the ogre for the time being. The mages began to cast magic over the knights, firing right onto the ogre before it could get close to us, however the magic didn't seem to do much as it continued to charge at us, leaving Kendal to take it head on. It wielded a large tree branch as a weapon as it slams it down at Kendal. He managed to dodge it with ease, making a counter attack with his claymore, slicing through one of its legs as it collapses to the ground before making a final slash at its neck, it's body going limp.

He made it look so easy as the class watched in awe, alleviating most of the stress I was feeling before we all prepared for the goblins attack. They all had rusty, crude weapons with some having bows and arrows.

Ellen: "Let's do this"

Luna: "Mmm!"

The fight began as I could feel my body grow lighter, as I easily dodge the goblin's attacks. It reminded me of when I was a toddler still trying to understand how to properly use a sword as I stick the end of my rapier into its throat before slicing out, getting ready for the next one. "My first kill..."

Luna: "Ellen!"

Hearing Luna's yell, I break out of my daze of killing that goblin as I look to my side, seeing a goblin about to swing its sword onto me when suddenly, a beam of light come between me and the goblin, stopping it's attack. Looking back I noticed the familiar face of Leon, giving a smile before seeing him cast more light magic. It was the first time seeing light magic, but I had to stay focused, I didn't want Luna to worry as I go to help her. She seemed to be dealing with the goblins with ease. Slicing through their bodies with her longsword as I join by her side, making sure no goblins decide to flank her.

The fight continued as goblins kept on pouring out of the forest. We continued to hold a defensive formation, as the mages dealt with the oncoming goblins, making the knight's job easier at the front. I've maybe killed about 8 goblins now as their bodies on the ground started to pile up when suddenly, I felt intense pain radiating from my right thigh. Looking down, I noticed an arrow was inside my leg. The pain was no where near as bad as being stabbed in my previous life, so I leave it there for now, not wanting to lose too much blood as I continue to defend, looking out for any more archers.

In the distance inside the forest I could see the goblin archer that fired the arrow, readying another shot. Before it could ready another arrow however, a water slash cut straight into his body, breaking the bow in the process. The goblin seeing their loss tried to run away before their legs get entangled by roots coming up from the ground. Looking around, it seemed like everyone was nearly finished so I decide to walk over to the goblin, slowly sticking my rapier into it's right leg, making it feel the same pain it inflicted on me. It screamed out in pain as it was completely defenseless before I end its life, slicing through its neck as Luna came up behind me.

Luna: "Ellen... Your leg-"

Ellen: "Ah, it's nothing really-"

Luna: "No it's not! Take that out right now!"

Did she not know about blood loss? I couldn't help but giggle at her as she worried about me.

Leon: "Here, allow me."

Coming up from behind me, Leon went to examine my leg before taking it out by force shortly after. The pain was worse than when it had gone inside me as I could feel the head of the arrow ripping out a chunk of my flesh. I try to hold myself back from screaming in pain.

Leon: "I've treated the other person that got shot, and looking at this arrow as well, it has also been poisoned."

Luna: "Poisoned? Ellen!"

As if on que, I could feel my body start to feel weak as I collapse to the ground. I found it difficult to move my body. Luna's face now coming into view as I could see tears in her eyes. The feeling of her tears hitting onto my cheeks made me realize I could still feel everything, but again, I couldn't move my body at all.

Leon: "Don't worry Luna. She's just paralyzed. I'll try to heal her leg as much as I can."

A wave of relief rushed over me knowing I'm just paralyzed, and hearing Leon's tone he used makes me feel like I'll be okay. Looking at Luna her tears also halted as she too believes I'll be fine.

Leon: "I won't be able to fully heal the paralysis, but I managed to stop the bleeding. She'll be okay. The guy that also got shot has just started to move again so she'll be up soon"

Luna: "Thank you"

I could now move some of my fingers as I could feel Luna's hand was clasping onto them as she remained by my side.

After a while, I could feel more strength returning to my body as I sat back up, with Luna now getting up from me. Looking down at my leg, I could see that my wound was indeed closed as it left quite a nasty scar in it's place.

Luna: "I'm glad you're okay"

She wrapped her arms around me as I remained seated on the ground. My body still felt weak, but I felt that I could stand. After our hug, I go to try and stand up as Luna acted as a rest, letting me put my weight onto her.

Ellen: "Thank you Luna"

Luna: "Don't thank me. The Prince was the one that healed you"

Ellen: "I know. But thank you for staying by my side."

Leon: "Yo! How's that leg?"

Ellen: "It feels good, but the scar could of looked nicer haha"

Leon: "If I could get rid of it, I would. I'm glad you're okay."

Ellen: "Thank you as well. For healing my leg, and for saving me back then. I didn't notice the goblin behind me."

Leon: "We're a team right? You cover our backs and we cover yours."

We share a smile together as the 3 of us go to join the rest of the group. Looking around I could see all the goblin corpses as my eyes drift over to that ogre. Kendal was now taking out some of its tusks before putting them into a bag. I can't help but imagine what it would of been like if Kendal wasn't here with us. Looking back at the fight earlier, the barrage of magic seemed to do nothing to the ogre, only managing to graze and burn it's skin. Maybe it had some kind of resistance? Kendal now noticing I was back up and walking with the help of Luna, he came over to the rest of us.

Kendal: "I'm glad everyone is okay. I'm proud of you all for acting together as a team. Some mages however need to work harder and stop attacking the same opponent as the knights. The knight can deal with that. Your job is to cover them and assist them, not to get in their way and do their job. You're lucky that the knights only got minor injuries."

The mages in question seemed to know who they were as they hung their heads looking to the ground. Hearing that no one was severely hurt made me happy, especially from what had happened. We didn't expect to have this much to deal with, let alone that ogre, and now that I think about it, Kendal didn't do much after the ogre as he mainly just watched us, only supporting when we needed it. I guess it would take out the point of this if he were to do most of the work.

We eventually arrive at the inns after finishing up as Luna and I get ourselves ready for bed, laying together.

Luna: "Your leg feeling better?"

Ellen: "Mmm. Still tingly, but it's not painful."

Luna: "I'm glad~"

She turns off the bedside lamp before shuffling closer to me, making herself comfortable. I go to close my eyes, wondering what the rest of the week is going to be like.