Elves - Kaede

Moving through the forest at night, I found a nice cliffside that was suitable to rest.

Kaede: "We can rest here for the night. If anyone needs some more clothes, let me know."

Sicily: "Remember, you go sleep. I'll stay close, if anything happens I'll wake you."

Kaede: "Mmm"

Sicily was to keep watch for the night, letting me finally rest as the rest of the women bundled up together, trying to keep each other warm. Lillian was still unconscious as I chose to keep her with me in case we needed to run, keeping my blanket wrapped around her. Sicily then sat down beside me, looking over at her sister.

Sicily: "Thank you again for saving us. I'm forever grateful."

She looked to be around my age, maybe slightly older. With my ball of light still active, I could see her long, light purple hair, with her eyes matching the same color.

Kaede: "Well I'm glad I got you out safely. I'll take you back to a nearby town before leaving."

Sicily: "Oh are you going somewhere?"

Kaede: "Yes, I'm planning on going to Inasdale."

Sicily: "Would you mind if we came along with you?"

Kaede: "Why? Don't you want to be safe? I don't want the responsibility to look after you guys."

Cutting me off, she brushes past her hair, revealing long, pointed ears while also exposing her neck to me, as if she was teasing me. Thankfully I felt no need to feast at the moment.

Sicily: "I'm an elf. My sister Lillian and I were taken when our village was attacked by humans. Our mother protected us to the very end, before being sliced open in front of our eyes. I can still remember the blood... Not wanting to die, Lillian and I did what we were told as the humans took us along with many other elves. I was still young, but I could tell what was happening when we were put in chains that sucked away our magic before dumping us in cages. Lillian and I stayed together as we were eventually brought into a luxurious house. The man that bought us made us do-..."

The rest of the women were all asleep, leaving just Sicily and I alone as she told me her story. I could tell she was trying to hold back her tears, remaining silent as I wait for her to continue.

Sicily: "Lillian didn't want me to do those things with him so every night, she would be brought to his room, leaving me to hear everything. I couldn't sleep most nights at the thought of the things he was doing to her, and she would always return with barely any clothes, covered in bruises. It was when he wanted to take me to his room that Lillian lashed out at him, creating an opening for us escape... only to end up where we are now"

Looking down at her wrists and ankles, I could see the shackles that she had described.

Kaede: "...Is that man in Inasdale?"

Sicily: "Yes. Which is why I want to come with you."

I see now. She wants revenge, I respect that. I remember the time when I saw the man that killed Yui, wanting to take revenge myself. Stabbing into his body felt exhilarating for a moment, but the loss of Yui was still there...

Kaede: "Okay. You two can come with me, but... I also want to explain something-"

She looked at me, having now wiped away her tears from earlier as she waits for what I'm about to say.

Kaede: "I'm a vampire. Half-Vampire. I didn't ask to be this way, all I wanted was a normal life. I've killed people. Sometimes when I wasn't even in control.... So If you changed your mind about coming with me then I understand."

Sicily: "..."

The silence was eating away at me at the thought of being called a monster. I was ready for her to change her mind, maybe even running away from here, but instead she remained by my side.

Sicily: "I'm not scared of-"

Kaede: "You see that!? I did that..."

Cutting her off, I pointed to Lillian who was still unconscious.

Kaede: "I'm a monster"

Sicily: "No you're not. You saved us didn't you? A monster would just leave us be right? It was you who went out of your way to save us. The humans are the real monsters, not you. If anything you're an angel, not a monster."

Her words crashed into my mind. Being called something that wasn't a monster made my chest warm. It's all I ever wanted to hear as a single tear glides down my cheek.

Sicily: "Hey. Am I the first person you opened up to about this?"

Kaede: "Mmm. I've been living my life filled with lies, barely surviving as I try to live like a human..."

More tears started to build up in my eyes before sliding down my cheeks. It felt amazing to open up like this.

Kaede: "After hearing your story, I felt as if I could try to open up a bit. I'll need to open up anyways soon so I found this a perfect time as any to practice"

I'd need to open up about myself being a monster to Yui at some point when I meet her. The thought of that is petrifying. What if she ends up being scared of me, running away...

Sicily: "I'm glad you could finally get that off your chest. But you need sleep remember? We can talk more when you wake up."

Kaede: "...Okay"

My heart felt at peace, having finally told someone about myself, and what I have done, and to someone who I just met. Suddenly I found myself glad I stumbled into that cave, maybe If I didn't I might not of gotten this sense of release. I lay myself down against the cliffside, closing my eyes as I almost immediately fall asleep.

Sicily: "Kaede!"

Waking up at the sudden yell from Sicily next to me, I follow where she was looking as I could see one of the women in pain. Running over to her, I noticed it was one of the pregnant women who's belly was moving like crazy. "This isn't happening right?"

Woman: "K-kill it."

I watched on as I had no idea what to do. I didn't want to kill her if that's what she meant. Suddenly, something came out from inside her, giving birth to several small green babies. They looked disgusting, resembling goblins. "This is probably what she meant..." I quickly kill the goblin babies before looking at the woman where I noticed she was bleeding quite a lot from her nether region. The smell of the blood didn't bother me like before as I quickly moved to her side, casting healing magic onto her, trying to stop the bleeding and after a few moments, the bleeding had stopped.

Woman: "Th-thank you-"

What, am I some kind of nurse now? Having to get woken up to do something like this... But I'm glad she's okay, she looked too young to have to give birth. Looking over at the other pregnant woman, I can't help but think I'll have to do this again...

Sicily: "Sorry for waking you, but it looked serious."

Kaede: "It's okay. Let me know if anything else happens okay?"

Sicily: "Mhmm"

I lay back where I was when Sicily woke me up, continuing my sleep next to her and the still unconscious Lillian.

Feeling the sun hitting my eyes, I finally wake up as many of the other women with us started waking up as well.

Sicily: "Morning. There were no more problems throughout the night."

Kaede: "Good."

Looking to my side, I could see Lillian who still hadn't moved as she was still unconscious in my blanket. Looking around, I noticed I had only given the girls shirts, which thankfully did cover up their bodies well. But they would need pants if they were to go back to town, and there was also the problem with the other pregnant woman who looked to be younger than me. Brining them to town like this should be fine, but I wanted to make sure they were treated properly, so after we all got up, we continued to make our way west, in hopes to find Maemont.

Sicily offered to carry her sister, but I insisted to keep her as the weight of her body felt like she weighed nothing. Looking down at Lillian's face closely, I could see she had a slightly darker color of purple hair, along with the same elf ears that Sicily showed me. She was also wearing the same kind of shackles that Sicily was wearing.

Kaede: "I hope she wont be mad when she wakes up."

Sicily: "What makes you say that?"

Kaede: "I did nearly kill her, and if it weren't for the fact she's still breathing, I would think she would be."

She had been asleep for the longest, showing no signs of waking up, or even moving for that matter. It really felt like I was carrying a doll as we walk through the forest.

Sicily: "I doubt it. She's been through hell for me, so being freed even if it meant nearly being killed, I'm sure she'll be happy more than anything."

Kaede: "I hope so..."

The thought of her never waking up did cross my mind, but all I could do is wait. Maybe when we get to town, I'll rent out a room at the inn for Sicily and Lillian, at least until she recovers. My hunger is still in control from all the blood I sucked out of her so I could stay in Maemont for quite some time, and maybe even take the girls shopping for some clothes. "Oh right...clothes"

Kaede: "Wait! Everyone, here-"

Gently laying down Lillian, I go through my bag to distribute a pair of pants to each of the girls, however I only had enough for 8, which would leave 4 of them without. "Fuck." While I was thinking up what to do, the girls decided amongst themselves, having the girls with the shorter shirts to wear pants, with the one wearing the longer shirts without them, acting as a make-shift dress in a way.

Kaede: "Risky, but it can work."

Everyone: "Thank you!"

I started to feel like a savior after hearing them thank me, which only melted my heart even more. Hearing their thanks made me forget about the fact I'm a monster.

Sicily: "Oh! So you 'can' smile~"

I didn't notice, but after being pointed out, I was in fact smiling; the first time in a while as the girls went to put on the pants I have given them, with Sicily being one of them. I also take the time to treat any injuries the girls had, as some of them had small cuts and bruising. I heal them quickly, healing the injuries like they were never there in the first place before we continue our way to Maemont.