
It was now morning and as usual, Luna had found her way to my back, clinging to me like usual. I felt less embarrassed now as I've gotten used to it, but now I can't help but to wish it was Kaede with me instead. I like Luna, and I wish things didn't turn out like this, but I don't want to push her to the side. So I let her indulge herself, even if she's unconscious.

Our classes were told to meet in front of the inns in the morning, so after Luna and I finished getting ready, we make our way to join the rest of the class. I chose to wear the same pants that had the hole in it from the arrow just in case I get it more ruined, however I plan to stay safe regardless.

Kendal: "I've talked to the guild manager here and she has tasked us to deal with more goblins. This time, they're further away than the ones we fought yesterday, so if you want to pack some food with, I'd suggest to do it now."

Many students began to head over towards shops, getting ready for the journey ahead.

Luna: "Want to have a look around? We haven't eaten anything yet?"

The subject of food now making my stomach growl in hunger. Luna having noticed lets out a chuckle before grabbing my hand, leading me.

Luna: "That settles it. Lets grab some food"

Ellen: "Yeah"

We went around to many of the food stalls and shops as Luna once again picked out some cakes, with me choosing some kebab-like food on skewers. She smiled happily whilst eating the cake as we found a place to sit together. The food here was different like the places in the city of Inasdale, but eating these kebabs were still delicious as the meat melts in my mouth, off the skewer.

Ellen: "I'm going to grab a few more of these for the road."

Luna: "Okay"

Once we had got our things sorted, we head back to join up with Kendal and the others.

Kendal: "Right that should be everyone. Let's head out."

We were heading in the south east direction this time, branching off to a different path as we walked. Some of the students were still skittish from what happened yesterday, but the majority of us looked confident. The goblins yesterday weren't that difficult, but that arrow definitely gave me a scare. I'd imagine if I was alone suddenly getting shot by that poisoned arrow, I'd surely be dead. I'll try and not make the same mistake as last time.

Leon: "Glad to see you're back to normal."

Out from behind me, appeared Leon, joining next to me on my left with Luna on my right.

Ellen: "Mhmm. The tingling in my leg is all gone now. I'll try and not get another scar like yesterday haha"

Leon: "If you do get hurt again though, I'll be sure to heal you, along with anyone else."

Luna: "We'll be counting on you then!"

She raised her a voice a little too much as she still wasn't used to talking with the prince like how I've been doing. Leon let out a chuckle upon hearing her.

Leon: "Yes. I'll be counting on you as well, Luna"

While they were gossiping, I couldn't help but notice George a bit away from us, staring at Leon. It reminded me of when I was jealous of him when he was flirting with Luna that it made me laugh. I felt comfortable around Leon as he was maybe the first noble that actually spoke casually with me, and not shoving his nobility in my face, unlike other nobles. So seeing Luna now interacting with Leon put a smile on my face.

After what felt like hours, we finally stopped at our destination. However what we found was different than what we had expected.

Luna: "They're all... dead?"

Looking around there was several bodies of goblins, slaughtered as their blood stained the ground. Looking closely at one of the goblins, I could see that its skull was completely squished to the ground, almost flat.

Kendal: "Adventurers didn't do this. Everyone stick with your group. Yell out if you find anything."

Must of been something big to have done this. What else could have impacted their bodies like this? It could be another ogre? They're were pretty tall after all.

Suddenly, the rubble that was around us started to move on its own, moving into a larger pile of earth and rock before growing taller in size.

Kendal: "Everyone stay back!"

We all were now on guard as we watched the pile of rocks and dirt turn into an almost humanoid form.

Luna: "An earth golem..."

Ellen: "Golem?"

Luna: "We learnt about it in school years ago remember?"

I do recall hearing the word golem somewhere in school. I'm pretty sure they are artificially created, which means that someone created this golem to take out these goblins. I do recall one of the classes in the academy teaches this kind of magic, but I didn't pay much attention since I didn't think I could use magic. Would this make this golem friendly? Everyone remained on guard when suddenly, a person had stepped into view.

?: "Sorry guys. I beat you to it."

The person appeared out from behind a tree, facing our group.

Kendal: "I didn't know someone else had taken this job."

?: "Well there has been a lot of goblin activity around the area, so I figured I should hunt some myself."

The stranger wore ragged robes like they have been used for decades as he looked to be around middle aged.

Kendal: "The guild had given us this job. It's bad etiquette to steal other people's jobs"

?: "Oh I'm not an adventurer. I just don't like the feeling of goblin activity around where I live."

The golem that I would presume was the stranger's remained still, seeming to be also on guard, waiting for orders.

Kendal: "Well I was going to teach these students more on how to fight monsters so you've essentially ruined our chance. I understand though that you had no idea."

?: "My apologies. If you like, your students could play around with this golem of mine? I can always make another."

Kendal: "That can work. Thank you."

He placed his hand on the golems leg before walking back off into the forest, leaving the golem with us who was now starting to move again, before starting to charge towards us.

Kendal: "Okay everyone! Do not let this thing hit you. Mages, you're up!"

It made sense that mages would shine in this situation as imagining my rapier to somehow damage hard rock seemed impossible. Looking closely, I could see that it's movement were slow. "I could easily dodge something like this." Without a moment to lose, I charge forward at the golem.

Luna/Kendal: "Ellen!"

I could hear their cries but I needed them to trust me, I have a plan. The golem now noticing get close to it, stops its charge as it tries to swing its massive arm down onto me. It's movement were extremely slow compared to Alice, however the shock of the ground when it struck the ground did cause me to wobble a little, however I kept hold of my footing, awaiting it's next attack.

The sudden barrage of magic from the students smashed into the golem along with Leon's light magic amongst it, however all it seemed to do was shake off some of the dirt off of it, along with small pieces of stone.

Kendal: "Students with light weapons follow Ellen. Heavy users follow my lead! Magic users keep it up."

We had now gotten into formations with people with light weapons like my rapier were at the golems front, trying to keep the golems attention away from the others, with heavy weapon users attacking from behind, using their heavier weapons to do suitable damage against the hard rock, which included Luna. I understood this was a team exercise so I exchanged out with the boys, letting them to do some of the work as well, trying to poke and do some damage we could to keep the aggression.

Looking behind the golem, I could see Luna brandishing her longword as it easily slices into the golem, breaking through its rock-like armor. Suddenly the golem began to turn away from us to face the heavy users.

Ellen: "I won't let you-"

I kick off from the ground before kicking further up from one of its legs, my rapier meeting its face before stabbing in between the rocks that looked like eye sockets. Having now impaled my rapier into its face, I kick away from it before landing back on the ground, with the golem now focused back on us. "Nice!"

The battle continued for quite some time, but the longer time went on, the easier the fight became as more and more of the rocky substance broke off, allowing us light weapon users to deal more damage until finally, the earth golem collapses back into rubble. For the first time I felt myself sweating a little, which is the first time since I had stopped training with Alice. Luna now running up to me.

Luna: "You were so cool!"

The boys with the light weapons who were with me crowded around me as they all gave their praises to me; surrounding me in the process.

Kendal: "Excellent Ellen. Letting that golem getting close would've been disastrous. You gave us time to reposition ourselves. Good work."

Hearing Kendal's words reminded me of when I was in the track and field club in high school. I would get praised like this from time to time as I recall those fond memories of competing against other runners, always managing to come out on top. A smile now growing on my face as people continued to crowd around me, including Luna who seemed to be trying to push away the boys from me, which only made me smile and laugh even more.

Kendal: "Well that wasn't according to plan, but I'm glad you all managed to pull it off. Keep working together like this and you'll make excellent knights and mages."

Everyone looked happy as this time, there was no injures. The light users listened to my instructions of focusing on dodging than attacking. Looking down at my rapier though, I could see some minimal damage to the tip that I had stuck inside the golem. Kendal noticing me looking at my rapier, spoke up.

Kendal: "We'll head back now. You all can go for some repairs for your weapons if needed. Once again, good work everyone."

It did upset me that I did dull the tip of the rapier Alice had given me, but thankfully its only minimal. It'd be sad if I had to replace such a fine sword. Luna now finding her chance as the boys had now left me, was now clinging to my arm, smiling happily as we walked together back to Pontia with the rest of our classes.