Baby Sitting - Kaede

Things weren't going fully as I expected as moving together with these girls is far slower when I was with myself. But I couldn't blame them, they probably haven't had the chance to walk around in god knows how long. I really didn't want to spend another night in the forest and I don't think the girls would like that either when suddenly, rain started to pour down on us. "Great. Another thing ruining my plans..."

I cast a light barrier over all of us, acting as an umbrella as everyone crowded around me, wanting to stay dry. I made sure to cast it thin to preserve my energy as we continue to walk.

Sicily: "It's amazing that you can use light magic as a-"

Kaede: "Hey."

I cut her off on what she was about to say, giving her a serious expression as she then realized what she was about to say.

Sicily: "Sorry. I'll be more careful. But it is strange right?"

Kaede: "Mmm. I'm unsure why I possess this magic, but being able to help people with it makes me happy."

Sicily: "I wish I could use my magic again."

Kaede: "Ah right. Those shackles, they take away your magic?"

Sicily: "Yes. It feels like they have been on me all my life."

Kaede: "When we get to Maemont I'll see what I can do about them."

The idea of being unable to use magic felt like a death sentence in this world. Looking more closely at Lillian's shackles while carrying her, I could see intricate engravings that seemed to be glowing faintly.

Sicily: "Thank you. Going so far for us, I really appreciate it."

Kaede: "It's nothing really. Like hell I would just walk away and leave you guys with those goblins."

Sicily: "Isn't it because you wanted our-"

Kaede: "Shh!"

Sicily: "Ah! Sorry!"

What a liar. She nearly spilled my secret amongst the rest of the girls again. If they also knew I was a vampire they'd run away and get themselves into more trouble, I didn't want to risk it. She's got to control that loose mouth of hers.

Sicily: "I don't think they would mind. You saved them right?"

The other girls were getting curious as they started to overhear our conversation.

Kaede: "I- I can't. It was hard enough to say it to you. I don't think I can get in that right mood again."

The girls looked displeased upon hearing that as we continue our walk.

Sicily: "Fair enough. But wouldn't it be nice to not live hidden behind lies?"

Kaede: "Okay fine! But you tell them when I'm not around."

Sicily: "Nope! You have to do it."

Kaede: "Then no thanks!"

Seeing her hold back her smile behind her serious face only made me want to smile as before we knew it, we giggled with each other. How long has it been since I laughed? It felt like such a long time now.

Sicily: "I get it. I promise I'll try to keep it a secret"

Kaede: "Try?"

We laughed again as our mood had now brought up everyone else's as the rain slowly started to lighten up.

The rain continued to get lighter as the hours went by until finally the rain had stopped, putting away my light barrier. We've been walking without any rest as I could feel our group was becoming slow. Looking back I noticed a small sized girl struggling to keep up.

Sicily: "Hey, let me carry my sister. Why don't you carry her?"

Kaede: "Okay."

I gently pass Lillian to Sicily before heading over to the young girl. She has short, light blue hair down just past her shoulders with- golden auburn eyes like the ones I had in my old world... Her feet looked swollen along with some small cuts, probably from all the walking we've been doing. I kneel down as I expose my back to her.

Kaede: "Get on. I'll carry you"

Girl: "T-thank you!"

She immediately accepted my generosity as she climbed up on my back, wrapping her legs and arms around me like a monkey to a tree. She looked to be around 10 years old, maybe even younger as I think about what the goblins would have done to her. "Disgusting creatures."

Making my way back to the front with Sicily, I could see that she was struggling trying to hold her sister up while trying to hide that fact but trying to keep a straight face.

Kaede: "Hey, you sure you can handle it?"

Sicily: "Yes!"

Liar. I could see her arms shaking while trying to carry her bridal style.

Kaede: "Just let me know and I can take her. I have this one on my back so I can easily carry another."

Sicily: "Y-you sure?"

Kaede: "Mhmm!"

Thanks to the feast from Lillian, I felt like if I could pick up everyone here, but that would be awkward, however like this I could easily handle these two

Sicily: "Here!"

She quickly passed her back to me, breathing heavily as her arms dropped to her sides before noticing me carrying her with ease. Her face left in awe at the sight of me with a girl on my back and her sister in my arms.

Sicily: "I'll get stronger, just you wait!"

Kaede: "You could carry this one on my back if you like?"

Girl: "No!"

Kaede: "...Well that answers that fufu~"

I started to feel like a mom in a way, looking after everyone here, and with the girl on my back clinging to me as she said that made my heart quiver.

Kaede: "Hey do you have a name?"

Girl: "...Mell"

Kaede: "Nice to meet you Mell. I'm Kaede."

She started to cling to me harder, not enough to choke me though as I let her get herself comfortable. She was however pulling down my dress a bit, but it shouldn't be much of an issue.

Walking back at our usual pace, taking small breaks here and there, we eventually approach a set of familiar gates; Maemont.

Kaede: "Thank god."

It was just starting to get dark too, so arriving here was a stroke of luck. Coming up to the gates, the guard was about to stop us until he noticed me, stepping to the side to let us pass. His eyes eyeing up the wave of women coming through the gates with me.

Kaede: "Its getting late, so lets find an inn. I'll pay for it."

I didn't want them to be picked up by disgusting people so I chose to get them a room instead. Maemont was a massive town that could be called a city, so finding an inn for us should be no issue; and after walking around for a bit, we had found a place that could hold all of us. It was the same inn that I stayed at before as the innkeeper recognized me.

Louis: "Ah, welcome back! You sure brought a lot of friends with you."

Kaede: "Yeah. They need a place to stay, you have rooms for them right?"

Louis: "Certainly. A lot of people checked out yesterday so there are plenty of rooms."

Finally my luck was starting to turn around as I breathed a sigh of relief.

Louis: "That will be 240 silver for everyone here, but I can drop it down to 200 for you."

Kaede: "Thank you."

I hand over Lillian to Sicily as the weight of her body nearly brings Sicily to fall forward as I reach into my bag, taking out a pouch of silver coins. "This bag is so convenient." I thought as the innkeeper's face looked shocked as I pulled out a large sack of money out of a smaller bag as if it was some sort of magic trick.

After paying for everyone's stay, we made our way to the rooms he showed us. The girls all followed my lead before heading into each of the rooms, thanking me again as they go inside. Sicily on the other hand was struggling to keep her sister up as I gently take her off her hands.

Sicily: "Thank you again. For everything."

Mell: "-Thank you..."

Mell was still clinging to my back, not seeming to want to let go. We head into one of the rooms as I finally lay Lillian down into one of the beds. This room was a room for two as I felt like Sicily would want to be with her sister.

Sicily: "Why don't you use that bed? I can just sleep with my sister."

Kaede: "Ah, you sure?"

Sicily: "Yeah... Plus- I'm scared if something were to happen. So, I'd like you to be close."

Mell: "Same here!"

If I didn't feel like a mom now, I most certainly felt like one now with Mell not wanting to let go of me at all.

Sicily: "Perfect. You and Mell can share too! It can be a little sleep over."

Kaede: "Okay fine~"

I was worried of Lillian as well so I also wanted to be close if anything happened, but to share a bed with someone who isn't Yui feels wrong. I guess Mell is fine since she's young so I guess I can let this slide.

Walking over to the bed, Mell finally let go of me as she planted her feet on the ground, letting out a cry of pain as she collapses. "I completely forgot about her feet"

Kaede: "Don't worry, stay still."

I bring my hands to her feet before using my healing magic. Slowly getting rid of the swollenness and cuts on her feet.

Kaede: "Try now"

She stood up easily before coming to hug me at my waist. I give her head gentle pats though her blue colored hair before she climbs up into bed. It still was early for me to sleep, but everyone else looked to be exhausted. The thought of running to Inasdale did cross my mind, but I did promise Sicily that she and Lillian can come with me, so I'll just have to be patient. Plus I need to find Mell's parents.

Climbing into bed myself, Mell immediately latched onto my arm for comfort, trying to fall asleep. However I was no where near tired, but I guess I can wait like this for a while.

Sicily: "Hey Kaede"

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Sicily: "You're quite mature you know, for your age. Reminds me of my mom"

Mentally I was closer to 30, despite being in this 16 year old body, but of course I couldn't tell her that; she'd think I was crazy.

Kaede: "I've just dealt with a lot of shit in life. You kinda just learn everything faster I guess."

Sicily: "Well I'm glad to have met you. You're very kind, and caring"

Kaede: "I'm glad to have met you too. I don't think I could of opened up like that if I hadn't, so thank you."

Sicily: "Hehe, well I'm getting tired so we should get some rest."

Kaede: "Mmm. We can go clothes shopping tomorrow for everyone. I would like my clothes back hehe"

Sicily: "Sound good. Then- Goodnight Kaede."

Kaede: "Goodnight"

Mell: "...Goodnight-"

Mell clung to me as Sicily turned off the lamp in our room. "Sorry for the detour Yui, but I'll be there soon. I promise."