Revenge - Kaede

After getting ourselves ready, I said goodbye to the other girls that are staying at the inn, giving them 10 silver each to get them by before making our way outside with Sicily, Lillian and Mell. I told the innkeeper that one of the girls is pregnant as I did not want to deal with that sight again. Mell was now holding onto my hand as we walked towards the east gate, heading to Inasdale.

Kaede: "Do you know where the man's house is?"

Lillian: "I think I recall-"

Sicily: "I remember. Vividly."

She had a serious expression as she said that, with her face clearly looking like she was out for blood.

Kaede: "Then we'll rely on you to get us there. I'll keep everyone safe."

Lillian: "Actually, did you need some blood Kaede?"

Kaede: "Not right now. I've spent years training my body to go without blood. I can handle this much."

Lillian: "Hmmm then just let me know okay? I wouldn't want a starving vampire on me again haha"

To be honest, I could do for some blood right now, but I didn't want what had happened before to repeat, so I'll hold off for now. After some time walking, we arrive at the gate as the guards let us through, staring at Mell as we do so. I notice that Sicily and Lillian were making sure to have their ears covered with their hair, along with keeping their shackles underneath their clothing as we passed through, breathing a sigh of relief.

Kaede: "Are elves really that discriminated against?"

Sicily: "Yes. In some places we're considered monsters, however like you have heard, some people prefer to 'use' us instead of killing us."

Lillian: "Our ears are the biggest give away so we make sure to keep our hair long to cover them."

Sicily: "I'm actually surprised you've managed to hide the fact that you're a vampire Kaede. Your eyes are a big give away as well."

Kaede: "They are?"

Sicily: "Yeah. It's extremely rare for humans to have red eyes like yours as they are mostly found in vampires, especially eyes this vibrant"

Lillian: "It could be your strange ability to use light magic? There had been no monster in history that could wield such magic I think."

I think back at the time when Silas had found me in that destroyed carriage. When I woke up inside to find him, I remember seeing him cautious around me, but after seeing me heal my ankle he lightened up his mood. The idea of what might've happened if I didn't show him my light magic scares me. He might've even killed me.

Kaede: "You might be right. I'm sure if I didn't possess light magic, I'd probably already be dead years ago."

We continue our walk to Inasdale, keeping a slow pace to not rush Mell who was trying her best to keep up. Looking up, I could see that the sky was becoming cloudy, seeming to be getting ready to spit rain upon us.

Kaede: "Lets pick up the pace a bit. Mell, hop on."

I kneel down once more for Mell to crawl her way up to my back, latching onto me like before as we pick up the pace at a slow jog.

Sicily: "Inasdale isn't too far, so lets hope we make it in time"

Lillian: "Mmm!"

I could always shield us with a light barrier, but I also wanted to conserve my energy for the fight ahead. So if I could, I'd like to get there before the rain started.

The rain thankfully didn't start pouring down until we finally crossed through the gates of Inasdale. The guards were nice enough to let us through due to the incoming rain which helped us pass inspection a lot easier. It also turns out my face and name have even spread into the city, since one of the guards immediately recognized me, making this all the more easier. We took shelter under a roof of one of the buildings as I could feel Mell started to shiver on me.

Kaede: "Maybe we should find an inn or something to get warm. How far is this person's house anyways?"

Sicily: "Pretty far. He lives in the upper section of the city where nobles tend to live."

I could see what looked to be a large inn nearby, but many people were pouring in and out of it. I doubt there would be room for us 4. I reach into my bag to pull out a blanket for Mell, wearing it like a cape over the both of us trying to keep her warm.

Kaede: "Lets just keep going. We can stick to the sides under the roofs. Sicily, lead the way."

Sicily: "Mmm"

Sneaking around under the roofs made me feel like I was an assassin. Looking around there was also many people taking shelter of the rain, but my eyes were looking around for Yui. She was my main focus here after all. Inasdale sure was massive as I could see in the distance, the land stretching upwards with the castle sitting at the tallest part of the city, which is the direction we were heading.

After what felt like 20 minutes of walking through the town, I still saw no signs of Yui, however she could look completely different compared to our old world, but lets finish this first, I'll have plenty of time to look for her and maybe with the help of these sisters.

Lillian: "I remember this place-"

We had come to an intersection as Lillian was looking right towards many large fancy houses.

Sicily: "Mmm It's this way"

I really felt like an assassin now as I felt like we were getting close. The rain was only getting heavier as the rain's perfectly masking the sound of our footsteps. We were now heading into dangerous territory as I could see more guards stationed around; possibly protecting the noble homes. Time passes as we come to a certain house that looked like a mansion. Sicily now stopping in her place, looking towards the building.

Sicily: "We're here"

There was a large gate at the entrance with guards having now taken notice of us. I give them a smile and wave towards them, trying to show kindness as one of them waved back.

Kaede: "I have an idea. Lets go around."

They followed my lead as I used the same method I used when I was running from Oakvale; I was looking for a place no one could see us as we jump over. Coming to the side walls, I couldn't see anyone nearby as I look over to Sicily and Lillian.

Kaede: "I'll jump you guys over."

Lillian: "Jump? Over that?"

Kaede: "Yes. Trust me, it's our best shot at getting in undetected."

Lillian looked skeptical but Sicily immediately rushed to my side, readying herself.

Sicily: "She's strong sis, come on."

Lillian: "Fine~ But don't drop me!"

Kaede: "Hang on tight Mell."

She clung to my back tighter as I go to grab both Sicily and Lillian in each of my arms. I haven't tried this before, but the wall is roughly the same size as the ones in Oakvale so I'm sure it'll be fine.

Kaede: "Ready?"

Sicily/Lillian/Mell: "Mmm!"

They all cling onto me before I jump up and over the mansions walls with ease.

Kaede: "Kay rides over~ You can let go now. Mell, be sure to keep quiet okay?"

They looked startled after letting go of my arms as they stand on their own two feet. Looking around there was no one around who had spotted us, but we were now exposed to the rain. Without hesitation, we ran for cover under the mansion's roof with Sicily peeking into one of the windows.

Sicily: "No one's home from the looks of it"

Kaede: "This is the right place right?"

Sicily: "I'm certain."

Lillian: "She's right, I remember breaking out through that window"

She pointed towards a different window on the second floor which looked to be repaired with new glass. The lights were on in the first floor but the second floor seemed dark.

Kaede: "Okay Sicily, you keep and eye out inside, I'll try and find us an entry."

Sicily: "On it"

My heart is beating like crazy. "What in the fuck am I doing?" Looking out towards the front of the mansion, I could see the gate as the guards were still stationed outside. The front door seems to be unguarded for the most part as I return back to Sicily to inform her.

Kaede: "Are there anyone near the front door inside?"

Sicily: "I can't see clearly but there are a few servants inside, but they seemed to be in the other rooms on this floor now."

Kaede: "Okay good enough. Lets get in quick and get up the-"

Sicily: "Wait! They're back-"

This wont work, we should of came here when it was dark and everyone would be asleep. I look up to see if there is any other way inside, walking around towards the back of the mansion with everyone. Suddenly, as luck would have it, I could see one of the second floor windows was slightly open.

Kaede: "Bingo"

Lillian: "Don't tell me you plan on jumping up in there?"

Kaede: "That's exactly what I was thinking"

It was perfect as the room inside looked dark and there was no guards out back, this would be our best shot at getting in.

Sicily: "Let's do it. Kaede boost me up"

Kaede: "I have a better idea. Mell, could you hop off for a moment?"

After Mell had got off from me, I jump up to the window, grabbing onto the ledge before taking a look inside. It looked to be a bedroom but didn't look like a master bedroom. Thankfully no one was inside and the door inside the room was closed. I open the window more before climbing my way inside.

I rummage through the drawers for any clothes I could find before tying them together with knots, making a makeshift rope before casting out one end out the window.

Sicily: "Good thinking!"

She whispered loudly before being the first one to begin climbing with me holding onto the other end making sure they don't fall. Grabbing hold of Sicily's hand I help pull her inside as I could see Mell was now on Lillian's back as she also began to climb. I help both of them inside before bringing the clothes back into the room before any one outside the walls could see. We all collectively breathed a sigh of relief having finally managed to infiltrate the mansion.