Revenge 2 - Kaede

Now in this unknown bedroom, we quietly search around for any sort of key we could find that could fit into the shackles that binds Sicily and Lillian's magic.

Kaede: "Find anything?"

Lillian: "Not yet"

It was worth a shot, but this did look like a spare bedroom of sorts so I had doubt the keys would be conveniently in this room. Which would mean we would have to exit out this door which had light coming from the bottom of the door.

Putting my ear to the door, I couldn't hear any sounds of footsteps but it was still far too risky to just exit without knowing what's ahead; plus Sicily said earlier there were still people inside.

Sicily: "What do we do now?"

Kaede: "We could wait here and hide in this room? At least until the lights turn off from outside the door."

Lillian: "That could work-"

A sudden growl could be heard in the room. Turning my heard towards the sound, I saw Mell who was holding onto her stomach.

Mell: "S-sorry~"

Fuck, I completely forgot about food this morning. My stomach works differently than humans so I completely forgot that humans needed a constant supply of food, however I didn't know much on how elves work.

Kaede: "Here. It's some food I got when I was in Azalea"

Fleur had packed her bag with some rations before giving it to me. I had no use of it so I found that this would be the perfect time as ever to use it. Suddenly more growls could be heard, coming from both Sicily and Lillian who was now eyeing up the food.

Kaede: "Here. You guys have some too, I don't need it"

Sicily/Lillian/Mell: "Thank you~"

They began eating after thanking me in their whispers when suddenly, foot steps could be heard coming towards the room. We stay quiet and quickly make our way to the closet, gently closing the closet door as we remain motionless. The footsteps started to become louder and louder, sounding like they are right outside the door before fading back in the distance. We remain in the closet as the 3 of them continued to eat the food, trying to stay quiet.

Kaede: "That was close. We left a mess there, we could of been caught if someone came in"

Sicily: "I agree with your plan to wait here till night fall. It's far too risky"

Lillian: "Agreed"

Kaede: "I don't have much more food on me so try and survive."

Sicily: "What about you Kaede? Don't you need food yourself?"

I did feel my body start to crave their blood when we entered the closet together. Blood would be helpful but again, I don't want to risk it.

Lillian: "Here, just to be on the safe side"

Sicily: "Sis, let me this time. You did it last time."

Lillian: "...Fine, we'll just take turns then"

Sicily: "Okay. Kaede, here"

She moved her hair to the side, exposing her neck to me as my eyes were drawn to her. They probably couldn't see in this dark, but I could perfectly see everything. The desire to drink wasn't as strong as the times before so maybe I could restrain myself better. "It's worth a shot."

Kaede: "Try and keep quiet. I'll try my best to make it as painless as I can"

Sicily: "Okay-"

I held her by her shoulders before moving my mouth towards her neck before I come to a sudden halt, just before sinking my fangs into her. "This feels wrong." Every other time I had to drink blood was when my body was desperate for blood. This time however I felt like I didn't necessarily need this and instead my mind was thinking of this being of a sexual act instead. I remember when Yui would go for my neck like this back in our old world, so doing this feels like I'm cheating in a way. "I hate this body so much."

Sicily: "Kaede? what's wrong?"

Kaede: "I- I can't. It's not fair on her."

Sicily: "On my sister?"

Lillian: "Eh?"

Kaede: "No no. Someone else. Someone who's very important to me."

Sicily: "Wait. You have a partner already?"

Kaede: "Well... Yeah but we haven't seen each other in 15 years. Doing something like this only reminds me of her."

Sicily/Lillian: "Your partner's a girl?"

Kaede: "Yes... Actually- My partner and I are from another world, we were both reborn here and only recently have I found out where she is. It's why I'm here in Inasdale, to look for her."

Lillian: "So you're a traveler?"

Kaede: "Traveler?"

Sicily: "It's a legend that we knew in the elf village, that people would be reborn here. But to still keep your memories intact is unheard of..."

Kaede: "So you guys believe me?"

Sicily/Lillian: "Yes"

I was expecting to be laughed at and made fun of by speaking such nonsense, but to think they easily accept that fact was reassuring. Sicily now placing her hand on my shoulder.

Sicily: "We'll find her okay? Maybe you can take my blood somewhere else if that helps?"

Kaede: "Then... your wrist please."

I grab hold of her wrist that had been placed on my shoulder as I put my mouth to it. Sicily giving me a smile, letting me know she's ready.

Kaede: "Thank you. Squeeze my hand if it gets too much"

Sicily: "Mmm"

My fang pierce her skin as blood rushes into my mouth. It was delicious as usual, similar taste to her sister's, however the urge to drain her of all her blood was not there as I drank at a slow pace until finally, I could feel a squeeze on my hand. I take out my fangs before swallowing what was left inside my mouth before healing her wrist immediately with my healing magic.

Sicily: "Was that enough?"

Kaede: "Mmm. It was plenty"

My body felt rejuvenated as the lingering hunger was fully suppressed and Sicily didn't look like she would faint either, giving a soft smile instead. "Success."

We wait in the closet while the 3 of them ate their food. The closet was like a walk in wardrobe so it wasn't too tight inside, we still had plenty of room to move around in. No one seemed to enter the room either, but its better to be safe. Suddenly, I could see the light turn off from outside the room's door, with the house also seeming to become more quiet as the time went on.

Sicily: "We can go now yeah?"

Kaede: "Not yet. Give people time to sleep"

Lillian: "I think they key to the shackles would be in the basement or the master's bedroom."

Kaede: "What's down in the basement?"

Lillian: "It's where he usually locked us up when he didn't need any use for us."

Kaede: "We can check down there first then."

Approaching the door, I put my ear to it once more, listening out to any sounds but I couldn't hear anything.

Kaede: "Okay lets go. Quietly"

Carefully opening the door just wide enough for us to pass through, we step out into a hallway upstairs where we could see the first floor below us as we were on some kind of veranda. Quietly making our way downstairs, we arrive on the first floor as more stairs could be seen going deeper into what I would presume is the basement. The sisters give a nod before we continue downstairs, heading to the basement.

A door suddenly comes into view in front of us as we entered the basement, however it had a padlock on our side. Not wanting to waste time, I quietly destroy the lock with light magic by holding it in my hands. With the door unlocked we make our way inside where I could see 2 large metal cages. One was empty, however the other had someone in it. "Is this another rescue mission or something?" At a closer look though, I notice it was a guy inside the cage. He was quite feminine looking but the smell of his blood reminded me of the male adventurers I smelled back in the guilds.

He finally took notice of us as I approach the cage, which also had another padlock. I easily break through it like I did with the other. "If only the shackles would break like this..."

Kaede: "We're getting you out, come with us. Keep quiet."

He nods his head while coming out of the cage. Meanwhile Sicily and Lillian were scrambling to find any kind of keys around.

Sicily: "Found it!"

Lillian: "Shh! Keep it down."

They attempt to put the key inside their shackles as one by one, the shackles dropped off their wrists and ankles.

Kaede: "How do you two feel?"

Sicily: "Still weak. Those shackles have been on us for years so it will take time for our magic to return I guess."

Lillian: "Which leaves one more thing~"

Sicily: "Mmm!"

Kaede: "I'll cover you, you lead the way Sicily."

They began walking ahead as I take the shackles and key that they dropped to the ground. I didn't want these to be re-used by anyone so I stuff them all into my bag, leaving no trace behind.

Making our way up stairs again back to the second floor, Sicily led us left in the opposite direction to where the room we were hiding was. Mell was clinging to me this entire time, keeping quiet like I had told her. Suddenly, I could hear creaking sounds coming from a nearby room which ended up being the room Sicily stopped at. She turned to me with a look that screamed like she was out to kill.

Sicily: "Can I have that dagger Kaede?"

I hand her the dagger that was on my garter holster on my thigh before she silently opens the door. The scene I saw was of a man mounting a woman in bed, however it didn't take long for Sicily to pounce behind him, sinking the dagger into his neck, blood squirting all over the place as the woman suddenly began to scream.

Kaede: "Not good. We need to leave quickly!"

Sicily was sinking the dagger deeper as I speak, covering his mouth with her other hand to muffle his screams of pain before finally, he stopped moving, collapsing face first on the bed. Sicily now covered in blood, panting away as she looked at the sight in front of her. The woman ran past us before running downstairs, bursting through the front door. There was no time to ensure her safety, If anything she's buying us time.

Lillian: "Sicily! Come on!"

Finally snapping out of her daze, she turns back around to face us. Suddenly I could hear many foot steps coming from the front door. There was no time to make it back, so I decide to use the blood that Sicily made and forced it through the wall, making a hole outside the mansion.

Kaede: "Go!"