Escape - Kaede

Kaede: "Is everyone okay?"

They all nod their heads as they were all panting heavily. We had successfully gotten out of the mansion undetected however there were some guards outside the mansions walls so I had to kill them since they had seen our faces. Now after running for some time in the darkness of the night, we came to an alley way in the poorer part of the city. I had used my magic to take the blood off of everyone's clothes, drinking it in the process. Sicily's clothes were the worst, having been the one who sprayed blood that man's blood everywhere.

Sicily: "Here. Thank you for letting me use this-"

She hands me back my dagger I gave her to kill that man before holstering it at my thigh.

Mell: "I uhm- I found this in the room when sister Sicily killed that man. Is this the bag you and Lillian were talking about?"

She held out a small bag which was the same size as my enchanted bag. However it looked different with different designs and color.

Lillian: "Yes! That's the one!"

Apparently, judging from Lillian's reaction, this is the bag. I need to test this, so I grab the bag that Mell was handing out to me.

Kaede: "Thank you Mell. You did amazing"

I give her gentle head pats, putting a big smile on her face as I congratulate her. "What kind of fucked up band of thieves are we?" I think to myself as I go to take out a shackle I picked up earlier from my bag and put it inside the new one. Just like what I expected, the bag ate it up easily, adding zero weight to it whatsoever. I take the shackle out from the bag to put it back into my bag as I want to keep everything organized.

Sicily: "Hey. You picked up the shackles? Why?"

Kaede: "Well they seem dangerous, so I don't want them to be used by more bad people."

I also picked up the key to the shackles in case something does happen, but I doubt I'll have to use it.

Guy: "Uhm. You don't happen to have the keys for mine as well do you?"

I almost forgot about the person we rescued from the mansion as he too had shackles, however his was just one shackle around his neck. I take out the key I used to unlock Sicily's and Lillian's shackles as I go to unlock his. However when I went to insert the key into the hole, it made a series of shocks coursing through my body as I quickly take the key out, my body now panting heavily from the sudden shock.

Sicily: "Kaede!"

Kaede: "I-I'm fine... This key isn't the right one I guess."

It was worth a shot, but was better to try rather than to let this man be stuck like this. His face now filling with despair at the thought of it.

Lillian: "Well there's no way we'll be able to sneak back in and find the right key. There's got to be another way"

Kaede: "You said that you guys were sold to that man right? And that you guys were already in those shackles to begin with?"

Sicily: "Yes. Slavers got us and put us in those shackles. That man only bought us from them, getting the key in the process."

Kaede: "Then what if we find these slavers? Maybe they know more about these shackles."

Looking at the mans shackle, it had similar engravings but with a different color of glow to it. As much as I do want to free him, I still have to find Yui. If the slavers aren't too far then maybe I could.

Guy: "I was taken in by slavers about a year ago. I don't know where I was taken, but last thing I remember doing was helping my mom at a farm near Pontia."

Different than what Sicily had told me. I've never heard of Pontia before, but maybe it was someplace north near the elf village that Sicily told me about.

Kaede: "Is Pontia up north?"

Guy: "No. Its actually not too far south of this city."

Complete opposite direction... So these slavers work all over the place? Surely they have like one big base of operations right?

Kaede: "May I ask for your name?"

Guy: "Jacob."

It seemed like we'll be travelling together for a little so I may as well learn his name in the meantime. However I really don't want to leave Inasdale, especially now that I know Yui is here somewhere. It's too risky leaving anyways so we may as well find someplace to stay for the night. I go into my bag to find a shirt and pants for Jacob. He's quite thin and feminine looking so wearing women's clothes should be fine I thought. Jacob also seemed to not mind as he quickly put them on after the rest of us gave him some space.

Turning back around, he looked surprisingly natural while wearing girl clothes as he joins back up with the rest of us, he just needed to fix up his hair.

Kaede: "Right. Let's just find a place to sleep for the night. Let's go."

We moved out of the alleyway as we walk naturally around the city, trying to avoid detection from any guards as much as we could. We were far away by this point from the mansion so even if we did get spotted it should be fine, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

I decided to head south in Inasdale since Pontia was in that direction anyways, so If we find an inn there, it would save us time, and save me time to find Yui. Even now she's all that's on my mind during our walk. Looking at every single house thinking to myself, wondering if she's in any one of these homes. It'll be hard to find her but if it means knocking on every door to find her, I will.

Sicily: "We'll fine her, don't worry. Lets help Jacob first though."

She must of noticed my gazes at the houses, but she's right. It would be unfair to Jacob, dragging him along with us, he probably wants to find his mother in Pontia again. There's also the issue with his shackle around his neck, but maybe he can live with his mother till we find out more information about these slavers.

After some time walking around, I noticed a large building with a sign that put a smile on my face; "Farwood's Inn."

Kaede: "This place looks good. Everyone inside."

They all went ahead of me as they enter inside. I stick behind to look around, making sure no one was following us before making my way inside after them. The cold darkness disappearing as I'm hit with the warm feeling of fire burning from the nearby fireplace.

Innkeeper: "Good evening ladies. You made it just in time, I was about to close. Did you all want a room?"

Kaede: "Yes. Do you have any available?"

innkeeper: "We have 5 rooms available right now. 2 large rooms that can hold 2 people, along with 4 rooms for 1 person."

Sounds perfect to me. I can sleep in a room with Mell, Sicily with Lillian, with Jacob having his own space.

Sicily: "Lillian and I can fit into a bed so we could do 2 rooms?"

Of course Sicily would have different plans...

Kaede: "How much are the rooms?"

Innkeeper: "30 silver for the large rooms, 18 for the single rooms."

More expensive than I thought. I'd imagine I'm finally running out of money with all the clothes I bought and the inns I've stayed at. Maybe it would be better to save money sleeping together again.

Kaede: "Okay. We'll take 1 large room and 1 single-"

Jacob: "Ah. I could sleep on the floor. I'm kind of used to it."

Yet another person having different plans, but I didn't like the idea of someone sleeping on the floor.

Kaede: "No it's okay. It'll be just for tonight so let me treat you."

Jacob: "O-okay..."

I could see him blush a little as I go to pay the innkeeper for 1 large room and 1 single room.

Innkeeper: "Thank you. Let me show you to the rooms."

He went to lock the door to the Inn, closing up before guiding us to our rooms. The large rooms are in a different area than the single rooms so we say goodbye to Jacob as he goes into the room the Innkeeper showed him before guiding us to our room.

Walking into the room, the first thing I noticed were that the beds are a lot bigger than the inn in Maemont that I could imagine all 4 of us could possibly fit inside 1 of the 2 beds, but having the extra room is nice.

Innkeeper: "Hope you enjoy your stay ladies. Breakfast will be served by 9am"

That's new to me. This is the first inn I've been in that offers breakfast. I thank him before he walks back downstairs, leaving us to ourselves. Sicily and Lillian claiming the right bed with Mell jumping into the left bed looking towards me as if she's asking me to join her. Not wanting to keep her waiting, I sit down on the bed as an even bigger smile appears on her face. Also looking at Sicily and Lillian on the other bed, they also showed wide, bright smiles, making me think back when I first rescued them from the goblins. I remember seeing their depressing faces that seeing them like this puts a smile on my face as well.

Sicily: "Thank you Kaede. Again."

Lillian/Mell: "Thank you~"

It felt like I've started my own little family. I wonder if Fleur and Faye will get along with these guys. But before that, I need to find Yui before returning back to Azalea.

We all relax into our beds as we drift off to sleep. Mell for the first time giving me some space, however still feeling the need to grip onto my clothes. I wasn't tired in the slightest but I don't plan on sneaking out so I close my eyes with them, slowly but surely falling asleep.