The Hunt for Kaede

I was unsure if Kaede was already in Inasdale looking for me, so after reading Fleur's letter, I left a message for her at the guild saying that I'll be there everyday. I also wrote down that I am currently attending the academy, but I doubt they would let outsiders in without authorization. Even Alice and Nick who attended the academy in the past aren't allowed.

My main concern right now was the fact that there was a murderer running around in Inasdale, and if Kaede was in fact already here, it scares me to think that she'll get hurt, or possibly even killed. Whoever managed to kill a noble with no witnesses surely must be part of an organization or something; like a pro.

I've now just been relaxing in the bath after coming back from the guild. It was about to get dark so Luna and I had to head back like Kendal asked of us, it's too dangerous at the moment with that murderer.

Yui: "Kaede..."

She's all that's on my mind now. I need to hurry up and find her soon or else my heart will just explode. I was so excited after hearing of the possibility she was the same Kaede I knew and loved, that after getting that letter from her, my excitement and happiness was uncontrollable. But now that happiness is turning into frustration, not being unable to hold her close, share a bed together, laugh together, kiss... It getting more and more painful each day of not seeing her, my heart can't take it much longer.

Luna: "Hey- You okay Ellen?"

The knock on the door to the bathroom broke me out of my thoughts.

Ellen: "I'm fine. I'm just staying in the bath for a little longer"

Luna: "Okay. Well I'm getting ready for bed now. Be sure to not to fall asleep in there hehe"

I could hear her footsteps walking away from the bathroom door as the more they disappear, the more I'm brought back to my thoughts. She came from Azalea right? I heard it's quite far away from Inasdale, but she could've taken a caravan over so she could be here already. I hope she wasn't waiting for me all this time while we were out in Pontia... The ceiling starts to go blurry as I could feel my eyelids get heavier until they eventually close.


Kaede: "They're beautiful."

Yui: "I wonder if there are people all the way out there, looking up at us right now like us."

I found myself laying myself on my back against the grass with Kaede to my side. Her hand grasping mine as my fingers gently rub in between hers as we both stare up at the night sky.

Kaede: "Maybe they're also holding hands like us right now."

It was dark out, but the night sky along with the moonlight lit up Kaede's face gently. She turns her head towards me, catching me staring at her as her golden auburn eyes glitter at me. Her fingers now also rubbing with mine before our faces get closer to one another.

Yui: "Maybe. But probably not like this."

My heart couldn't take it any longer with her eyes staring into my soul. It felt like it wanted to burst out of my chest when finally, I pressed my lips together with hers, tightening my fingers around hers as we share a kiss under the night sky, closing my eyes.

I found it hard to breathe during the kiss as my heart rate only increases, almost like I was suffocating. Trying to take a breathe in between our kiss only made my heart tighten up as I found myself still unable to breathe.

I open my eyes to feel a sting in my eyes before lifting myself out form the water, taking a deep breath while holding onto my chest, trying to control my heartrate. I almost drowned... Luna did warn me not to fall asleep in the bath but I ended up doing just that. After giving myself some time to collect myself, I can't help but laugh at what I just did when suddenly, a louder knock came from the door.

Luna: "Hey Ellen! You okay!?"

Ellen: "Ah- I'm fi-"

She burst through the door before I could finish my answer with a panicked look on her face, staring at me. I found myself covering myself up with my hands instinctively, trying to cover my body from Luna who just stumbled inside.

Ellen: "Luna?!"

Luna: "Ah Sorry!"

She turns her head to the side, breaking eye contact to give me privacy.

Luna: "You were making a lot of noise in there so I thought something went wrong. Sorry for barging in!"

Ellen: "Ah You're fine! I was actually close to drowning so... Thank you for coming to check in on me aha"

Luna: "You were drowning?!"

She turned back towards me surprised as I continued to cover myself up.

Ellen: "Yeah... I accidently passed out in the bath. Sorry for making you worry."

Luna: "I'm- I'm glad you're okay... You should probably get out of there now before you do it again haha"

Ellen: "M-mmm"

She then walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her I'm now finally am able to relax my arms. She was right so I get out from the bath, grabbing the towel at the hanger nearby to dry myself off before getting changed into my sleep wear. "Where are you Kaede..."

I walk into our bedroom as I see that Luna seems to be already asleep in her bed. I decide to sleep on my bed, making this the first time in a while where we haven't shared a bed together. The coldness of not having someone with me hurts, as it only reminds me of the coldness in my heart with Kaede not here with me right now. Eventually, I end up falling back asleep, clenching onto the blanket for as much warmth as I could get.

Waking up, I go to get myself changed and ready to head back over to the guild.

Luna: "You think we can stop somewhere on the way back? I want to get some things for us to cook here in the dorm."

Ellen: "Sure. We have plenty of time to browse around. It also would be a good idea to look around other places for Kaede now that I know she's here, or 'will' be here."

Luna: "You left that note right? I'm sure if she read that note, she'll hang around that guild looking for you."

Ellen: "Yeah, but I'm getting impatient. Like what if she just hasn't visited the guild and was wondering around Inasdale? And with that murder around, it doesn't sit well with me knowing she might get herself in danger."

Luna: "She's a B rank adventurer silly. I'm sure she's strong enough to take care of herself."

She's right. Sometimes I forget that Kaede is now becoming a famous adventurer who has even slain a dragon. It baffles me that the cute and innocent Kaede from back then is now some hardy adventurer. But even now, I still have that urge to protect her so seeing a murderer running around with Kaede being somewhere I don't know worries me. Luna is right however, I should try and calm myself down.

Ellen: "You're right, she's strong. But I'll still look for her though while we're out. There's no harm doing so, plus we might find some place nice!"

Luna: "Mhmm I'm sure you're not familiar with the poorer parts of the city hehe, I can show you around."

All I knew of the poor part of the city was that was where Luna was brought up with her parents, along with people selling their body for services, presumably when I encountered those 3 men ganging up on what appeared to be an escort. So far my impression of the poorer parts weren't that great.

Arriving at the guild, there was no sign of anyone with silver hair like what I've heard from Sky back in Maemont. I asked the lady at the desk if she had come in but she told me no one by that name has came in yet. I double check with her if my letter was still there for her which she told me that it was still here waiting for her.

Luna: "Lets look around now. We've done what we can for now"

Grabbing onto my arm she gently tugs at me, signaling us to leave as I follow her lead, walking outside of the guild.

Ellen: "Well, where to now?"

Luna: "We still have plenty of time for shopping so maybe we could check out some of the inns? If she was here maybe she's been staying at one of the inns?"

I have no idea why I hadn't thought of that until now. I would of thought adventurers would stay in the rooms at the guild so I never bothered to question that she might've been staying at inns.

Ellen: "Good idea. Where's the inn?"

Luna: "Well I said 'Inns'. There are a lot of inns in Inasdale, ranging from expensive, luxury styled inns, to cheap everyday inns. There's actually an inn close by that I saw while we were first looking for this guild. We could check there?"

Ellen: "Sounds good. I didn't take notice so you'll have to lead us."

Luna: "Mhmm"

And so, we begin our mission to find Kaede. It did bother me that there are so many inns like Luna had said, but I'll check every inn if I have to if it means I'll find Kaede behind one of those doors...