Back to School

-----Yui's POV

I still remember what we did yesterday, it felt like we were back when we first started doing things like that in our old world. I did however have to get changed and head back to my room with Luna as she did say she was making dinner. Kaede also wanted to come along as the 3 of us all ate dinner together. Nothing was awkward to my surprise as even Kaede and Luna were talking amongst each other which was relieving to see.

After dinner, I went back with Kaede to her room, saying goodnight to Luna as I spent the night with Kaede. I was curious if we were going continue anything, but we ended up just sleeping.

Waking up, I was met with a pair of red eyes staring at me as my eyes quickly opened up.

Kaede: "Morning~"

Yui: "Mmm- Good morning"

How long has she been staring away at me, does this girl ever sleep? Maybe vampires have different sleeping patterns, but I'm not quite sure.

Yui: "Which class will you be going to?"

Kaede: "Mmm. Well I've yet to pick up my uniform, but I was thinking of spending a day with each of the classes before deciding which one I'll study."

Yui: "You can come to our class first then!"

Kaede: "Mhmm! That was my first thought hehe"

Yui: "Luna and I are in the first year knight class. So did you wanna come with us?"

Kaede: "Oh but lemme get my uniform first from the dorm mother."

Yui: "Kay. I'll go wake up Luna and let her know."

We shuffle out of bed as I tidy myself up before heading out the room, heading back to Luna. I had left my stuff there so I had to walk through the hall in my pajamas, but I didn't mind. Opening the door to the room, I was met with the lingering scent of our dinner we had as I walk into the bedroom area, where I saw something peculiar. Luna looks to have chosen to sleep on my bed instead of her own as she slept peacefully, holding onto the blankets before I approach her.

Yui: "Oi~ Luna. Time to get up~"

I poke her cheek as she lets out grumbled groans before her eyes start to open.

Luna: "Ellen?"

Yui: "Yes yes it's me. Come on, we have to get ready for class."

Luna: "Ah! I completely forgot!"

She scrambles out of bed before going to her side of the room to find her uniform and other change of clothes. I do the same as I too begin to change. She looked more tired than what I'm usually used to seeing from her, did she not get enough sleep?

Yui: "Oh and Kaede chose to spend the day in our class. She's planning on going through each class before deciding."

Luna: "Eh~ That's a bit unusual. I'm surprised the headmaster allowed that."

Yui: "I'm hoping we have plenty of practical stuff planned today, I'm very curious to see what she's like."

Luna: "Mmm. The 'famous adventurer from Azalea.' I'd like to see it too."

All we've heard were the stories we had heard from Nick and Alice, especially the event with that dragon. I already knew she possessed light magic, but I'm curious what she's like with hand to hand combat.

After we finish getting ready; putting my hair up into a ponytail like usual before heading downstairs where I could see the dorm mother talking with Kaede before returning to her room. Kaede having taken notice of us turns around, showing off her uniform.

Kaede: "So? How do I look?"

Yui: "You look-"

Luna: "Pretty."

She took the words out of my mouth. The white uniform with the blue accents really made her hair and eyes stand out as she wore the dress style uniform that Luna also wears. The smile on her face completing her look as the sight of her was as beautiful as I imagined. That was when I noticed she didn't have a weapon with her as Luna and I was carrying ours.

Yui: "Ah! You don't have a weapon?"

Kaede: "Oh, Yes I do."

She lifts up the hem of her skirt to reveal a garter-like strap around her thigh that housed a dagger. The act of her revealing her leg like that excited me to say the least, hiding away a weapon like that in such a place.

Luna: "Just that?"

Kaede: "Yes. It's all I really needed, plus its a gift so I don't wanna replace it."

Hearing her say that reminded me of my rapier at my waist. I felt the same thing towards it as it had been a gift ever since I was 5 from Alice. I'd never want to replace such a thing as well.

Yui: "Then lets head off to class! I'm curious to see how you fight."

Kaede: "Mhmm!"

The three of us all head out of the dorms as we make our way to the academy, heading towards our class.

Luna: "Can't believe you made it all the way to B rank with just that dagger though-"

Kaede: "Well I normally just use magic to deal with the jobs I'm tasked with."

Luna: "Light magic right?"

Kaede: "Yes"

Luna: "So cool~ It's like you're royalty or something."

Seeing Luna talk with Kaede like this made me happy as it felt like all that tension from yesterday and the day before was gone. Kaede also seemed to have loosened up around Luna as I could see her smiling alongside her.

Eventually, we finally arrive at the classroom as we walk inside.

Kendal: "Ah! I'm assuming this is the new student I've been told about?"

Kaede: "Yes. I'll be taking part in your class for today. Thank you for having me."

Kendal: "No no, thank 'you' for taking an interest in my class. Please, take a seat wherever you like."

The 3 of us take our seats, with Luna and I going to our usual seats where I have stumbled upon an issue. With the addition of George, there was no room for Kaede to sit as I started to ponder what we should do.

Kaede: "It's okay. I'll just take that seat up behind you."

Looking at where she was looking, there was a single empty seat diagonally behind of me, directly behind Luna's seat.

Yui: "Mmm!"

Happy with the result, I watched as Kaede walked around to sit up at the vacant seat as Luna and I seated ourselves as well.

Kendal: "Right. Before we start our class, you all may of noticed as new student with us today. She'll be our guest for today so please treat her well. Care to introduce yourself?"

I could hear her stand up from her desk before turning around to face her, where I notice everyone's gaze was upon her.

Kaede: "Yes. My name's Kaede N-... Kaede Ilaria. Nice to meet you all."

Surprisingly, when she said her last name, I was left confused as I could of sworn her last name was Nakashima. "So where did Ilaria come from?" It didn't me long to recall where I had seen that name before. It was when I had received that letter from Fleur, if I remember correctly her last name was Ilaria as well. Fleur must be someone special to her.

Kendal: "Thank you Kaede."

She sits back down at her seat as I face back towards Kendal, waiting for class to begin.

Kendal: "Since we do have a guest with us, we can all head out to the training area to kick things off. Kaede, do you have a weapon with you?"

Kaede: "Yes! A dagger."

Kendal: "A dagger? Well... You may need a bigger weapon than that. Come with me, the rest of you can all head on out."

We all get up, grabbing our weapons with us as we all head out the door with Kaede heading in the opposite direction with Kendal. I figured a dagger would be a problem as it was considered a side arm and not a main weapon.

Luna: "I wonder what weapon she'll choose."

Yui: "Mmm. I wonder that too."

We arrive at the training area as we wait for Kendal to arrive along with Kaede. After some time, they arrive as my eyes immediately drift to what she's carrying in her right hand. It was a longsword, the same type as Luna's however she was casually holding it with a single hand. During our training and our fight against the goblins, Luna and other people with longwords wield it with 2 hands, so seeing Kaede wield it with a single hand was startling, especially with how dainty she looked.

Kendal: "How about this. Kaede, you may choose which opponent you'd like to spar with."

Kaede: "I thought you'd be the one sparing me."

Kendal: "Oh?"

Kaede: "Isn't that why you also grabbed the same sword as me?"

Kendal: "So you want me as your opponent?"

Kaede: "Yes."

This was interesting. When I heard Kendal ask her to choose, I was secretly hoping she would choose me so I could feel in person how strong she is. The two of them took their stances with Kaede still choosing to use the longsword as if it was a shortsword.

Kendal: "Very well. Whenever you're ready."

Kendal waited for Kaede to make the first move, until finally... She was already on him. I blinked for a moment as it looked as if she teleported to him, placing the edge of her longsword at his neck. His reaction looked delayed as his eyes were wide in shock before he finally stepped back, creating distance from her sword.

Luna: "I... Didn't see anything."

Yui: "..."

I was speechless as the fight properly commenced as their swords finally clashed, however the moment their swords made contact, it looked like the force of Kaede's swing had a ton of force behind it as it pushed Kendal, who was the embodiment of strength away.

Kaede: "Sorry!"

Kendal: "No no! You're fine. Didn't expect you to be this strong."

Kaede: "I'll try and tone it down!"

She looked worried ever since she flung Kendal back. It reminded me of a time when Kaede first started learning how to cook, apologizing for screwing something up only to be told by my mother it was fine. Seeing her like this brings a smile on my face as Kaede and Kendal start once more.

It was tough to notice but with each of her swings, she would slow it down, sometimes even stopping it entirely, letting Kendal initiate the clash of their swords. It worked however as she was no longer sending Kendal away as their swords clashed with one another. That was when I realized how sloppy her style was, as it looked like she was mindlessly just trying to block. She succeeded however, but I couldn't help but giggle at the sight of it as it only reminded me more that she still hasn't changed, still adorable.

Kendal: "Right! That's enough for now. You're strong I'll give you that, but you need to work on your technique, It's quite sloppy."

Kaede: "Sorry! I've never trained like this before so this is my first time!"

Seeing Kaede apologize over and over only made me smile more as she bows her head. "Never change Kaede."