At Long Last

-----Kaede's POV

Her blood filling my mouth was delicious as I tried my best to go slowly, savoring her taste as I play around with her breasts. I'm thankful I put in the practice with Lillian and Sicily, otherwise I might of drained Yui of all her blood. Slowly I take my fangs out from her neck, swallowing the blood that was left in my mouth.

Yui: "-More..."

She couldn't of meant me drinking her blood right? No, most likely it's- Moving my face away from her neck, I notice her legs were now closed, gently rubbing against one another as her face was flushed red, her mouth slightly open as she pants for air. Without a moment of hesitation, I seal her lips with mine before sliding a knee in between her legs, forcing them open with my knee, gently pressing up against her crotch as my tongue invades her mouth. I worry about her being able to taste blood left over inside, but as time passes she doesn't seem to mind.

I can still feel my heart racing as I can no longer tell if its because of the need for blood or the excitement and pleasure I'm experiencing with teasing Yui, grinding my knee harder against her crotch as I can feel her mouth tightening up in our kiss. When was the last time we did something like this? I can't help but wonder if she's been doing this kind of stuff by herself... or with Luna.

Thinking that, I take it up a notch, breaking the kiss for a moment to slide a hand up underneath her shirt to find the clip to the bra, popping it open. She must've realized my intention as she helps in taking off the bra inside her shirt before discarding it to the side. Getting back in position, the look on Yui's face told me all I need to know as I sealed her lips once more with another kiss, sliding my hands underneath her shirt once more as I begin to caress her breasts directly. The muffled moans she's making only made me want to continue as tease her nipples in between my fingers, gently pinching them from time to time. Suddenly, I could feel Yui had begun rubbing herself against my knee, rocking her hips as more of her muffled moans come out in our kiss. Things are getting heated now...

I can't help but wonder if Yui's been getting herself off ever since she's been reborn, even more so if she's done this sort of stuff with Luna. Thinking that, I break our kiss before grabbing hold of her shirt with both my hands before sliding it up and over her breasts to reveal what I've been playing with this whole time, sliding my knee a bit away from her crotch.

Kaede: "Pretty."

Yui: "!..."

She said nothing as she tried to avoid eye contact, her face completely embarrassed as I stare at her body. Growing up, she's always been stoic and outgoing, always wanting to do things herself and take charge in things, even being the first one to find a job. It was times like these that she'd let me see her cuteness like this; I'm glad to see she hasn't changed. I gently work my way down, kissing her neck, to her collarbone, to the top of her chest, all the while looking up at her to see her expressions as my hands work their way down her waist. She's trying her best to keep her voice down, but some moans manage to escape as I begin to tease one of her nipples with my tongue, using my left hand to play with the other. My right hand however makes it way down further, tickling her body with my fingers before it hits the edge of her pants.

I didn't want to waste any more time, so I just slide my hand under her pants, continuing my assault on her breasts as my fingers suddenly start to feel wet. "Adorable." So she's feeling it this much huh? Not wanting to keep her waiting as the look on her face changed to a pleading look, I start to play around with her folds, making sure my fingers are lubed with her juices before sliding them inside her.

Yui: "!!!"

I could feel her whole body tighten up as she lets out a louder moan than before. I found it difficult to move my fingers inside as I focus on being as gentle as possible like she asked me before, slowly thrusting my fingers inside to explore this new body of hers. I keep my eyes on her to figure out where she's feeling it the most since I wasn't sure if this body of hers was the same as her old one.

After some time, I had figured out where her spot was as I teased it with my fingers along with my continued attack on her breasts, starting to gently bite one of them, wanting to get more reactions out of her. Suddenly, she reached out behind me, grabbing hold of the back of my dress as I could feel how tight she was gripping it with her legs closing back in on my hand. Not wanting that to happen I keep my leg between hers as I pick up the pace, thrusting my fingers roughly inside her when suddenly I could feel her walls tightening around my fingers as her back arches up, letting out a sharp, long moan. I keep still for the most part, only doing gentle movements until finally, her body sinks back down and loosens back up, panting heavily as I gently slide my finger out from inside her with a bright smile on my face.

Kaede: "Had fun?"

Yui: "M-Mmm"

I wanted to keep going but looking at the state she's in, she looks exhausted. It probably didn't help that I also drained her of her blood. I wont push her to continue if she doesn't to as I go to lay down next to her.

Yui: "What about you?"

Kaede: "I'm quite satisfied with this. You don't need to push yourself."

Yui: "You sure?"

Kaede: "Mhmm!"

I really was satisfied. After all, I'm able to meet Yui again and have her in my arms once more. Something like that can wait. However to my surprise, Yui began to crawl on top of me, slowly pushing me onto my back.

Yui: "My turn"

She shuffles herself down, mimicking what I was doing as her hand glides down my body over my dress before her face reaches my belly. Looking at her face, I notice she was somewhat displeased as she inspects my dress.

Yui: "How- do I take this off..."

Before she could finish her sentence, I already figured out what she meant as I reach under behind me to undo the clips, releasing the tension around my body allowing Yui to easily slide it down off of my body revealing more of my skin before she properly takes off her shirt.

Yui: "There, now we're even."

I disagree; Yui still had her pants on, leaving me in just my underwear as she stares at my body. Embarrassment now filling my body as I go to cover myself with my arms, however Yui grabs hold of them.

Yui: "Not allowed."

I do as I'm told and move my arms away as she continues to stare at my body.

Kaede: "Do I, look weird?"

Yui: "You look beautiful."

She moves back up into a kiss as her hands glide back up my body to my breasts, pushing my bra away from them as we make out once more. The sensation of her somewhat cold hands touching me there was far too stimulating as I moan into our kiss, wrapping my arms around her as she continues to fondle me.

Kaede: "More-"

I manage to speak in between our kiss as my heart beat only becomes faster before Yui breaks away from the kiss.

Yui: "Oh? Then stay right there."

She shuffles her body back down, kissing down to my breasts, to my belly until finally her face gets to where I wanted her the most. Her hands now grabbing hold of both sides of my panties before slowly sliding them down. I bring my legs together to help her take them off, leaving me completely exposed to her as she stares for a moment.

Kaede: "Don't stare so much~"

Yui: "I'm just making sure I remember every detail of this new body of yours."

This may have some truth in it, but she used to do the same thing back home so I have my doubts, however all I wanted right now was for her to hurry up. Suddenly, she grabbed hold of my legs, gently spreading them apart as her face comes closer between them. Her hot breaths teasing my pussy for a little before she suddenly begins to tease me with her tongue as well.

The sudden pleasure brings me to grab hold of something as all I could find were the bedsheets, desperately clinging onto them as Yui starts to eat me out. I was genuinely surprised at how strong she was as even I felt a lot of resistance coming from her hands from holding down my legs, not allowing me to close them as it only made the situation more thrilling.

After some time, she covers my pussy with her lips before sliding her tongue inside me. The pleasure was too much as one of my hands began to move on their own, as if seeking further pleasure as I start to fondle one of my breasts, teasing my nipple in sync with Yui's movements. I didn't care about the noise I was making unlike Yui, I wanted her to know exactly how I'm feeling as she began to pick up the intensity, with me following suit.

My entire body began to heat up as I move my hands to Yui's head, pushing her deeper into me as I could feel something was about to happen.

Kaede: "I-"

I struggled to even make a single word before suddenly, something that felt like electricity coursed through my body, causing me to squirm and arch my back as I continue to hold her head in its place. Moments pass until finally, a long breath escapes me as a wave of relief rushes through my body as I rest my back down on the bed, letting go of Yui's head, panting heavily.

Yui: "Had fun?"

I couldn't help but giggle as she asked the same thing I asked her before she eventually joins in giggling with me. She moves back up with me as we lay there next to each other. I was still catching my breath as I noticed Yui was also doing the same.

Kaede: "I missed this."

Yui: "And here you thought you didn't want to do it~"

Kaede: "I just thought that because of- OH your neck!"

I completely forgot about healing it as I quickly move my hand to her neck to heal it. Thankfully It was clean as I left only small holes which was probably the reason why I didn't notice until now.

Yui: "Thank you. I actually forgot about that too haha"

Kaede: "Mmm. And... thank you for letting me. It can be quite tough holding back."

Yui: "Well- don't hold back with me, okay?"

She moves in closer to me as we share in each other's warmth, closing my eyes as we embrace one another.

Kaede: "Okay."