
-----Yui's POV

After Kaede told us that she had been accepted into the academy, we were tasked to show her to the girl's dorms. In all honesty, I'm very torn on what to do in this situation. I've been friends with Luna for a decade now and she's already my roommate for our room so it wouldn't be fair on her to just kick her out so that I could spend time with Kaede. On the other hand though, I'm craving to spend that time with her so a part of me just wishes to just find the courage to ask her to leave. I have no idea what to do.

Luna: "... Did you want me to move out?"

Yui: "No no no! I was just wishing that our room had room for 3 people instead of 2."

Once again, Luna knew what I was thinking.

Kaede: "It's okay. I'm more than happy to just attend school with you again."

She shot me a smile as we made our way towards to dorms. I felt like there was some hidden meaning behind those words. "Is she really that okay with this?"

After some time walking we arrive at the dorms as we enter through the front, heading towards the dorm mother's room on the first floor.

Dorm mom: "Is this our new student?"

Yui: "Yes. Oh also she doesn't have a uniform yet."

Dorm mom: "I've already arranged it. Firstly though I'll need to take your measurements."

Kaede walks over to the dorm mother who had pulled out a measuring tape before starting to measure out her body. I can't help but be a tad bit jealous as I could've been the one to measure her, but I'll save that for another time.

Dorm mom: "Thank you, all done. Oh and regarding your room, do you mind being alone? With you, our total amount of students is odd so unless someone else joins in late you'll have a room to yourself."

My heart sank at the idea of Kaede living alone in one of the dorm rooms. It feels so lively having Luna with me that I can't imagine creating a lively space like that by myself. Makes me want to leave the room I'm in instead.

Kaede: "That's fine. I think I prefer to be alone actually."

Dorm mom: "Oh well, then perfect. I can take you up to the room if you like?"

Kaede: "Okay"

My heart couldn't take it as it sank deeper after hearing that from Kaede. Like hell I want her to be alone, but again I'm conflicted with having to either have Kaede be alone or Luna. I can't make that decision...

We follow the dorm mother up to the third floor where the first years are located as I'm still lost in thought about this whole situation until finally, we arrive at the door to the empty room.

Dorm mom: "Right, this is your room. Feel free to make it your own."

Kaede: "Mmm."

Yui: "Uhm! Are students allowed to visit each other's rooms?"

Dorm mom: "Of course. The academy isn't that strict. However the ladies aren't allowed to visit the men's dorms and vice versa."

Awesome, I've now made up my mind on what I plan to do as I head inside with Kaede.

Kaede: "Y-Yui?"

Yui: "I've made up my mind. I'll keep both you guys company! I can stay one night there and one night here."

I thought it was a great plan to be honest, however looking at each of their faces I could tell they were not quite convinced with it, especially Kaede.

Kaede: "N-no. It's better if you stay with Luna."

Yui: "Eh?"

Luna: "What? Shouldn't I be the one saying that? Yui should be the one to stay with you"

By this point the dorm mother vanished. I didn't not exactly when she had left so I suppose this is all up to us to figure this out. So Kaede wants me with Luna and Luna wants me with Kaede? Isn't this a lose lose situation?

Kaede: "-She'd be safer with you than me."

Luna: "What does that mean?"

Kaede: "I'm- Nevermind. You won't understand."

Is this about what happened before when she bit me? Sure it was sudden, but after hearing her explanation and the fact that she's a vampire I couldn't really blame her. Does this mean she's trying to protect me from avoiding me? "Bullshit." I grab hold of Kaede's arm with mine as I look her in the eye.

Yui: "Kaede, I'm fine. You can never hurt me."

Kaede: "But-"

The panicked expression she showed me tells me everything I needed to know, that I hit the nail on the head. However she probably didn't want to tell Luna about it so she stopped herself.

Yui: "Nope! Whether you like it or not, I'm staying with you."

Kaede: "...Are you sure?"

The thought of her doing that again with me did make me feel nervous, but if it means that I can be with Kaede, that's all just child's play.

Yui: "Yes. So, may I join you?"

Kaede: "Okay."

She looked a tad bit embarrassed all of a sudden as I noticed her cheeks had becomes a little flushed.

Luna: "Or~ Yui can spent the night with you and I can spend some time in the day with Yui?"

Kaede: "Deal!"

To my surprise Kaede accepted that with barely any hesitation. But what was the sudden change of heart? She was adamant with having me stay with Luna moments ago, however I found myself smiling regardless at the idea of spending my nights with Kaede again.

Yui: "You sure Luna?"

Luna: "I'm sure. We're friends right? I should be supporting you two, not to break you apart. Especially after how long its been since you two have seen each other."

The smile on Luna's face looked forced, I could tell after spending so many years alongside her. I knew she didn't like this...

Luna: "Well I'll give you two some privacy. Yui, I'll start making preparations for dinner."

Yui: "Oh, err okay"

She takes her leave down the hall heading back towards our room, leaving Kaede and I at the doorway to her room.

Yui: "Lets head inside."

Kaede: "Mhmm!"

-----Luna's POV

After getting inside and closing the door behind me, I slide myself down against the door until I'm at the floor, letting out a long sigh.

Luna: "This is harder than I thought..."

What else is there? This is the only option right? Ellen's meant to be with her, It'd be wrong of me to just have her live alone like that. But here I am, putting myself in her place instead. Looking around our dorm room, I feel its emptiness with Ellen not here with me, thinking that this must've been what Kaede would've felt if it were the other way around. Suddenly, I feel something cold slide down my cheek as I go to touch it. "I'm crying?"

This is silly, why am I crying? It's not like I'm never going to see Ellen again, we even take the same classes for goodness sake, I shouldn't be crying like this, so why? In an attempt to snap myself out of it, I sit back up as I do what I said I would and prepare dinner. This is still our room so I better make sure that she can come back to a nice, welcoming room, not one filled with tears.

Luna: "Let's do this Luna."

-----Yui's POV

The thought of leaving Luna to herself like that doesn't sit right with me, but I'm looking forward to that dinner, maybe Kaede could come over as well?

Kaede's room looked identical to the room I have been staying with Luna, however it looks to be unused unlike ours which is to be expected. Making our way to the bedroom area, our areas were separated exactly like the other room, with the beds on opposite ends with their own drawers and wardrobes. I don't think we'd make use of the 2 beds though.

Kaede: "Yui..."

Yui: "Hmm?"

Kaede: "Are you sure about this?"

Yui: "Yes, I'm certain! I have to make up for the time we've been separated."

Kaede: "Even with my... situation?"

Yui: "Mmm. You being a vampire doesn't affect me whatsoever. And- if you really need to, you can-"

As I was grabbing hold of my shirt to pull away some of the fabric to reveal my neck, she suddenly grabbed hold of me before pushing me down on my back against the bed. Her face directly next to my neck as I wait there with my eyes closed. I knew she must of been thirsty back when she accidentally bit me, but I don't recall her actually drinking anything as it was quite quick. However moments pass and nothing was happening.

Yui: "Kaede?"

Kaede: "I... I don't like this."

Opening my eyes, I could see and feel her body shaking a little as she holds her body above me with her arms. I go to try and stop the shaking as I gently caress her arms, trying to calm her down. Curious, I move my hand up her arm towards her chest where I could feel her heart was beating incredibly fast as I look up at her face which I noticed had turned a little red.

Yui: "You need this though right?"

Kaede: "I can get it somewhere else!"

Yui: "Wait, what do you mean?"

Kaede: "I can kill wolves or something, it doesn't need to be you-"

Yui: "And when do you think you'll be able to hunt wolves while attending the academy? I've already made up my mind that I'll do this for you when you got accepted."

Kaede: "... I don't want to hurt you."

Yui: "Be gentle then."

I give her a smile in hopes to calm her nerves, however I could still feel her heart beating out of her chest. Maybe if we get into 'that' mood she'll do it? Thinking so, I move my hand around her chest as I teasingly brush against one of her nipples through her dress, keeping and eye on her expression as her face jolts a little as she snaps her eyes shut. "Cute."

Kaede: "W-what are you-"

Yui: "Don't mind me."

She wasn't moving so she's obviously not against it as I continue a bit more directly, gently teasing her nipples while caressing her breasts in the palm of my hand as she lets out little squeaks which I found even more cute. They feel a tad bit bigger than how I remember in our old world, but I continue anyways until after some time, her arms give out, bringing her head back against my neck as her ragged breath tickles me. Suddenly I felt my own breasts being fondled as I look down to see Kaede was attacking back before sinking her teeth into my neck. I was expecting pain, but all I could feel right now was pleasure as she continued her assault on my body, pinching my nipples through my shirt at times as I can't help but rub my legs together.

Yui: "...More-"