
-----Yui's POV

Having my very first shower with Kaede, it was nerve wracking to say the least. I thought that she'd try something but we actually just had a regular shower together. Washing each other's back and hair made all my nerves wash away as I slowly found myself enjoying it. She somehow looked even more 'womanly' than what I remember in our old world which had me averting my eyes when I caught myself staring too long.

Kaede: "Still can't believe you let me join you."

Yui: "I just- wanted to see what it was like."

Kaede: "Hmmm?"

We were now in bed ready to go to sleep, talking about our first shower experience together. It was an exhilarating experience, especially with having someone you love right next to you completely nude.

Kaede: "Were you actually secretly hoping I'd try something?"

Yui: "Nope!~"

Like hell I could admit that, but it's not like I would've denied her if she did want to try something, I just felt embarrassed to ask such a thing.

Kaede: "Next time then~"

Yui: "...Mmm-"

She's been teasing me a lot recently, even now she's smiling away at me as I'm trying to contain the blood rushing to my face.

Kaede: "Hehe, goodnight."

Yui: "Goodnight.

We both looked in each other's eyes before we both sensed what we both wanted, connecting our lips into a kiss before breaking away a few moments later.

Kaede: "Love you."

Yui: "Love you too."

I truly felt at home, like I was back at my old house once again with Kaede next to me like this with our arms wrapped around each other. Slowly, my eyes closed during our embrace, quickly falling into deep bliss as I fall asleep in her arms.

Waking up I was expecting to be greeted with the same bright red eyes, however what I saw instead was just bed sheets. That was when I felt arms around me as I then realized I must of rolled in my sleep with Kaede now latched onto me, with her hand on my chest. I had no clue if she was awake or not, so I gently try to remove her hand only for her to move it back to my chest which was a bit stimulating.

Kaede: "You're awake?"

Yui: "M-Mmm."

Kaede: "Good."

She moved in close, gluing her body onto my back as I could feel her chest pressing up against me, her hand not moving from its place as I felt like I couldn't move from her clutches.

Yui: "H-hey. We have school remember?"

Kaede: "Mmm, I don't care. Couple more minutes please~"

Yui: "Fine~"

I accept my fate as we remain like this for a while longer, accepting her embrace from behind, enjoying every last moment with her.

Yui: "I can't believe I get to wake up like this again."

Kaede: "Mhmm~ Makes me just wanna stay here like this forever."

Yui: "Same"

I bask in her embrace with my hands over hers atop of my chest, making sure she doesn't leave as we lay there a while longer.

Eventually however, we had to get out of bed and get changed. I had brought my uniform along with me to Kaede's room so we ended up getting changed together. My eyes and fingers lock onto where the scar used to be for a moment before finishing getting dressed.

Yui: "I'll go get Luna up. You know where to go?"

Kaede: "Not really, but I can find my way around. Plus I wanna look around some more before classes start."

Yui: "Then~ I'll see you after class then? Oh! Actually during break! We can meet at the cafeteria."

Kaede: "Mhmm! I'll be looking forward to it."

She pecks me once more on the lips but I hold onto her, kissing her back before finally letting her go, with me heading back towards Luna's room.

I had a feeling that she might be sleeping in my bed again, and as it turns out, when I stepped into the bedroom there she was, completely covered by my blanket. Approaching her like last time, I went to poke at her cheek to wake her up but suddenly stopped at the sight of her face. Even though her eyes are still shut, I could tell they were quite puffy which is unusual since I hadn't seen her like this during our sleeps together. Nevertheless, I need to wake her up.

Yui: "Hey, Luna. Time to get up~"

She opens her eyes as I swear I could of seen one or two tears spill out of of eyes.

Luna: "Ellen?"

Yui: "Everything okay?"

Luna: "Oh! Yeah everything's okay. Just feeling a little homesick is all. I miss my parents and my brother."

Ah so that's what it was. I felt the same way with Alice and my mother. Speaking of which, I would love to show the progress I made with my magic to them. Hopefully when the semester finishes I'll be able to show them, maybe even Fabian as well since we have somewhat reconciled. Suddenly while I was in my thoughts, Luna grabbed hold of my sleeve.

Yui: "Hmm?"

Luna: "Sorry! My mind's still in a daze aha."

She quickly let go of my sleeve as her face started to turn back into the usual, with her bright and happy smile beaming at me.

Yui: "Well come and and get changed, classes start soon."

After she finished getting changed, we made out way out the dorms with Kaede nowhere to be seen.

Luna: "Where's Kaede?"

Yui: "She went on ahead to her class. So it'll be just us today."

Luna: "Okay~"

She wrapped her arm around mine like she normally did. I'm glad that she's feeling better as having her cling to me like this gives me a sense of relief. I do still care about her so I wouldn't want her to be hurting if I can help it.

-----Kaede's POV

Walking around the school, I managed to find the toilets and other classes but found myself having trouble finding the specialized magic class since I had chose that to be my class for today.

?: "Hey! Are you the new student?"

Turning around I could see a guy with short golden hair with bright green eyes staring my way, smiling away at me. He had a few girls with him at his sides.

Kaede: "Yes. I'm looking for the magic class."

?: "Oh that's where we're heading. Would you like to follow?"

Kaede: "Thank you very much, err-"

?: "Leon von Ardford. You must be Kaede I presume?"

So this was the person that Yui and Luna was talking about. He looks handsome, especially when compared to the girls he was with as they all had their eyes glaring at me.

Kaede: "Yes. Then I'll be in your care for today."

Leon: "Sure thing. Our class isn't too far away so let's go."

Walking along with the other girls was a bit uncomfortable, as if they didn't want me here. They were obviously gunning for him, but they can have him for all I care, I had someone already.

Entering the classroom everyone greeted us, well specifically prince Leon like he was a celebrity, with some of their gazes moving onto me.

Leon: "This is us."

Kaede: "Thank you again for guiding me."

Girl1: "You better be!

Girl2: "Can't believe the prince had to be trouble by a commoner..."

I saw this coming from the beginning, but to suddenly become hostile with me right when I entered the class was a bit unexpected.

Leon: "Shut up. Do you even know who this person is?"

They went silent when Leon snapped at them, as everyone else in the class turned their gazes onto us and the scene that's unfolding.

Leon: "She played an important role in defeating that dragon near Maemont, she has more right to be here than any of us here."

I felt happy being defended by Leon, but at the same time he had casted a spotlight on me like I was some sort of bigshot which made me feel even more awkward before finding an empty desk to sit.

?: "Good morning students- Oh Kaede! I'm glad you managed to find your way here, welcome to our class. My name's Otho, I hope you enjoy your time here."

I stand up as I introduce myself once more to this new class.

Kaede: "Thank you for having me. My name's Kaede Ilaria, please treat me well."

I bow before sitting back down at my desk, looking towards the teacher as I wait for class to begin.

Otho: "Well today we have the training area to ourselves for today after first break. So we can head on out after the bell. Kaede, since you're new, would you mind telling us what magic you specialize in?"

Just like when I was with Silas, Fleur and Faye, I had to hide the fact that I could control that 'other' magic, so choose to leave that out as I begin to speak.

Kaede: "Yes. I specialize in offensive light magic, however I can also use defensive magic alongside support magic such as healing."

Whispers began circling the room as my declaration. I already knew light magic was a rare thing for people to control, but why was everyone gossiping already?

Otho: "What a class I have! Having two light users in a single class, this hasn't happened before."

I remained silent and still throughout the gossiping students. The girl sitting at the desk next to me was side eyeing me, trying to act like she wasn't staring, making me feel even more awkward. At least in the knight class people didn't treat me like this, it was almost like I was a parasite being here until finally, class begun.