
-----Kaede's POV

After our first short break from class, Otho led us to the training area as it was now reserved for our class now. I felt nervous about feeling even more out of place than how I was in the knight class, there were already people distancing themselves from me as I found myself walking together with Leon once again.

Otho: "Okay, are we all here?"

Arriving at the training area, Otho looked around seeming to be counting heads to make sure everyone was here.

Otho: "Right, everyone seems to be here. Kaede, would you care to demonstrate your understanding of magic? You're new so I'd like to know where all my students are at."

Kaede: "Yes-"

Suddenly a lightning strike was heard from afar, causing me to jump. It was strange since it wasn't raining or anything, but looking out to where I heard the lightning strike, I did see some darker clouds quite a ways away from Inasdale.

Snapping out of the sudden distraction, I walk out from the class with Otho some distance next to me to oversee what I'd do. "I guess~ This will do?" I raise my hand a bit to shoulder-level before creating a ball of light in my hands than shined brightly. I could hear whispers coming from the other students as I look over to Otho.

Otho: "To be able to control such a large ball of light is impeccable. Marvelous Kaede."

Really? I didn't think this ball was all that big. He makes it sound like its such a big thing. I thought this was small enough so that I wouldn't stand out but it appears I somehow needed to make it smaller?

Otho: "Continue please. You can use that dummy out there if you like."

Looking where his gaze was, I could see a row of dummies in the distance. Did he want me to hit all of them? I don't think about it for too much longer before firing the ball of light I created, splitting it up into 8 dagger-like blades of light as each of them was sent to each of the dummies at incredible speed, blowing them up upon impact. The sudden impact startled me, sinking my head lower in my shoulders. "Was this... bad?." Scared that I did something wrong, I glace over to Otho who's face was bewildered, looking over at the destroyed dummies.

Otho: "U-Uhm. You also said you could do protection magic?"

Kaede: "Yes."

This should be simple right? I remember learning how to make barriers from Silas when I was just 5 years old. I was confident that this wouldn't cause a scene. But after casting a barrier around my body, the look on Otho's face didn't change as he was left speechless, like he was witnessing the second coming of Christ.

Otho: "D-do you mind if I test out the strength?"

Kaede: "Sure..."

He walks up to me before bringing his hand close to the barrier until I could see magic gathering in his palm. It was a blue sort of color as it very slowly grew in intensity, however I felt like I could handle it with ease, not needing to increase the strength of the barrier at all.

Otho: "Let me know if you feel like you can't hold it."

Kaede: "Okay."

He continued to raise the intensity as more of his magic strikes against my barrier. I could feel the strength of his magic slowly coming to a plateau as the intensity grew at a much slower rate.

Otho: "Then. How about this!"

He raised his second hand near my barrier as he assaulted my barrier with fire magic in his other hand. "No way~" This was the first time I witnessed someone who possessed 2 different kinds of magic like me, however my circumstances aren't normal, at least he could show off his dual magic, with me having to keep my other half hidden. I did start to feel some discomfort coming from his magic finally as I found myself having to concentrate a little to keep the barrier maintained until finally, he stopped with the test, bringing down his hands before panting heavily.

Otho: "T- That's it... I have- no more energy left..."

Kaede: "Sorry. Here, this might help."

I actually have never tried this, but I always wanted to test it out as I approach Otho who was still panting away with his hands resting on his knees.

Otho: "A-ah?"

I attempt to heal his body even though there were no physical wounds, but I was curious if I could also heal other forms of injuries like muscle fatigue. Moments pass as he was still panting, still trying to catch his breath. "Must not of did anything."

Otho: "Thank you, I feel a little better. But I still need to catch my breath."

Kaede: "O-oh?"

Otho: "To think your healing could get rid of fatigue. I wasn't expecting that haha. My muscles feel a lot better now."

It seems like everything I did just now was out of the ordinary, as the other students behind me are no longer gossiping amongst each other, but instead were just staring at me in disbelief. "I don't fit in here either do I..." At least Leon was smiling away, seeming to be happy to see my performance, with everyone else looking like they wanted nothing to do with me.

-----Yui's POV

We all met back up during our afternoon break as we all sat down at the cafeteria as planned, along with George, Mark, a couple other guys and Kaede, who looked to be completely exhausted as she laid onto the table, letting out a long sigh.

Yui: "What's up?"

Kaede: "Nothing. I just don't think the magic class is a good choice for me either.

Mark: "Struggling to keep up with the rest? I heard prince Leon is in that class, I'm sure it's quite daunting."

Kaede: "Opposite. It's more like I'm struggling to blend in. I even tried using weaker magic, but everyone still looked on at me like I was some strange being."

George: "So... Like what happened in our class yesterday?"

Kaede: "Yes..."

George still had a gloomy demeanor from the news of his father's murder, I couldn't blame him. But I'm glad to see that he's trying to keep hanging out with us. Hopefully we can distract his brain off of his father, even if it's just a little.

Yui: "There are still other classes though. I'm sure you can fit in somewhere."

Kaede: "Yeah- I plan on taking a class I know for sure I'll struggle on."

Yui: "That is?"

Kaede: "The summoning class in the technician courses. I have no idea how to do it, so I'm hoping I can fit in there."

Yui: "Ooo~ Sounds fun! So you'll be creating stuff like golems? We fought one not too long ago, it was quite sturdy."

Kaede: "Yeah that's what I thought as well."

Luna: "You fought a golem as well?"

Kaede: "Uhm- Yes. Just once though."

This was news to me. When our class was fighting the golem, it took a combined effort of everyone to take it down, but for Kaede she may of did it herself from the stories I've heard so far, especially after seeing her in action during our class together.

The sudden sound of thunder strikes again, distracting us from our conversation as we all continue to eat away at our meals where I notice Kaede had barely touched her food.

Mark: "You going to eat that?"

Kaede: "Ah- No, go ahead."

Mark: "Thank you~"

Upon noticing her not touching her food, Mark had decided to eat some of her food himself as he picked up what looked to be egg rolls before eating them.

Yui: "Not hungry?"

Kaede: "Mmm. Not really-"

She seemed, a little off or was it just my imagination? People were around so I'll maybe ask her for details later when we're alone, just in case it's something a bit more private.

After some time eating, the sound of the bell rang, indicating the end of lunch as we all started to pack our thing to head back to class.

Yui: "I'll see you after class then"

Kaede: "Mhmm!"

We parted ways as Kaede was the only one splitting off from our group. It still stung to have her walk away from us, but at least I know she's still here.

Eventually, we arrive back in class as we all take our seats before Kendal arrives.

Kendal: "During lunch, the teachers including myself held a meeting and the headmaster would like to make an announcement tomorrow morning regarding the situation of the murder that has happened recently. So everyone will meet at the auditorium instead of class."

This was sudden, but I was somewhat expecting some sort of update about the murder, however I can't help but worry if maybe they found some clues on who had done it? If they find out that Kaede was involved, she'll probably be killed on the spot. The thought of losing her once more causes my heart to race as I try to compose myself.

Kendal: "With that out of the way, lets continue shall we?"