
-----Yui's POV

Class ended without any worries as Luna and I head back to the dorms, where we split off from one another, with Luna making preparations for dinner while I check on Kaede.

I was curious as to where Kaede was since I hadn't seen her enter the dorms yet, but I head to her room just in case she got back quick. Opening the door, I walk inside to see the lights were off still. She's not back yet?

Yui: "Kaede~ You here?"

Walking further inside to the bedroom, my eyes drifted to the sight of Kaede, clinging onto the bedsheets. Sensing something was wrong, I rush to her side.

Yui: "Hey! You okay?"

Suddenly, she grabs hold of me, forcing my back against the bed as she flipper herself on top of me. That was when I saw her eyes were brighter than when I last saw them, and her breathing was a little coarse.

Yui: "Kaede?"

Kaede: "Sorry. Can I-"

Ah so this is what's happening. I could see her eyes darting between my eyes and my neck as I move my hand up to pull away a part of the uniform covering my neck, but It was still tight so I ended up having to undo 1 button before finally revealing my neck to her.

Yui: "Yes- Be gentle though, okay?"

Kaede: "Mmm, I remember."

Now that our bodies pressed against each other as she lowered herself on top of me, I could feel her heart beat against my own chest, feel it beat incredibly fast. I can't help but think of the last time she sucked my blood as my heart also began to race as I wait in anticipation until finally, I could feel her fangs pierce my neck. The pain was minimal, however her body was trembling a little as I wrap my arms around her, trying to soothe her as she drank my blood. I felt my blood slowly flowing out of me as I could hear her gulp every so often, almost like she was savoring every mouthful.

My body only started to get more sensitive the more blood she drank as now every movement of her chest rubbing against mine, sent waves of pleasure through my body. Finally, she slowly took out her fangs from my hand as her breath tickled me, only causing more pleasure to rush over my body as I continue to hold her in my arms.

Kaede: "T-thank you."

I found myself panting a little as our faces meet once more.

Kaede: "Yui? You oka-"

I cut her off as I pull her into a kiss. I could taste the blood that was lingering in her mouth, but I didn't care, I needed this.

I don't know why but my brain has somehow linked Kaede drinking my blood to some kind of 'go-ahead' for these kind of things as we continue our kiss, as if it's some kind of kink. My arms keeping her in place on top of me as her body finally relaxes in my arms as we become closer.

She reaches up to my neck with her hand as we continue our kiss which is only getting more passionate with every passing moment, with our tongues occasionally dancing with each other. I become more desperate, trying to latch onto her lips with mine, not wanting her to leave.

Kaede: "I'm not going anywhere~"

She breaks our kiss for just a moment before going right back to kissing me. My fingers were clinging onto her uniform, like I was desperate to just rip them off before Kaede break away from our kiss once more.

Kaede: "...Lets continue after dinner, yeah?"

Yui: "Eh? Ah- Uhm-"

I was bombarded with mixed emotions as I was sad that she wanted to end things here, but also happy that she wants to continue, but why?

Kaede: "I don't want to worry about the time when we do these kind of things. So wait till after dinner yeah?"

So that's what it was. I completely forgot about Luna making dinner for us again. It would be a problem if we turned up late or had to stop midway through just to eat dinner, it'll only make things awkward.

Yui: "O-okay."

That being said, I was still bummed out that we had to postpone our special time together, even though it was completely logical. Makes me think that I can survive without dinner, but then again it wouldn't be fair on Luna who's working hard for our dinner. I guess this is for the best...

We still had time to burn though so we just remained in bed to the time being, with me still trying to calm myself down from the pleasures just before.

Yui: "Did you get enough?"

Kaede: "Hmm? Oh uhm- yeah, I'm full now. Thank you again for letting me do that."

Yui: "It's no problem at all."

Kaede: "Mmm- It's still a problem for me. I don't think I can get used to hurting you like that-"

Yui: "It didn't hurt at all though! Actually- It sort of felt, nice."

Kaede: "Eh?! How on earth can 'that' be nice?"

Yui: "I don't know. I guess it stings a little for the first few moments, but the feeling of being relied upon by someone I love, makes me happy. So please, don't worry about it so much okay?"

Kaede: "O... Okay-"

She was visibly blushing as my sudden declaration. I know what I said was weird, but it was the only way to say it without me coming off as creepy. I couldn't say something like "I love it when you drink my blood Kaede! Please do it more~." Like hell I could say that. But it does seem like it's come across to her, I hope next time she won't apologize and just enjoy herself.

-----Luna's POV

Luna: "All done~"

I finished with making dinner as I kept it in the oven to keep warm while I wait for Ellen and Kaede to return. But now that I have nothing to do but wait, my mind can't help but wonder what those two are doing in her room. I'm so in-experienced with the whole same sex relationship thing that I can't help but wonder what it's like. All I ever did to come close to it was when I- kissed, Ellen. Thinking back on that day makes my heart flutter, but not in a good way, as if the butterfly flapping its wings in my heart has a broken wing.

Luna: "...I wish I never asked for her name."

I recall the events when I stupidly asked for the person who saved my brothers life. If I hadn't asked such a question, Ellen might've never came to find Kaede, and sent those letters. Kaede might never of even came to Inasdale...

Luna: "Idiot."

Ahh~ What am I talking about! I shouldn't be thinking that. I should be thankful that Kaede saved my brother. If she wasn't there he most likely would of died out there, I shouldn't be feeling like this towards her. Plus seeing Ellen smile so brightly means the world to me, and that only happened when Kaede came back into her life. I can't help but wonder if I could also make her that happy if Kaede wasn't around. Sure she has smiled and laughed with me, and we've done so much together, but that only makes this harder for me, seeing her like this as I compare myself to Kaede.

Luna: "Hmm-"

Suddenly, a knock could be heard from the room as it breaks me out from my deep thoughts before the door opens.

Yui: "I could smell dinner from the hallway. What you cooking?"

Luna: "Oh, just a roast, lamb."

Kaede: "And Luna. If you ever run out of food, I can bring the food that's in my room over here. I don't think I'll be using it anyways."

Luna: "No no, We still have plenty here, but thank you. I'll be sure to remember that."

Kaede: "Mhmm!"

Seeing her smile away like that bugs me ever so slightly as I go back to thinking what they did back in her room to make her smile like that. I give her a smile back however as they both enter the room, closing the door behind them as I go to the oven to get the food. "As least I don't need to put on a face if I'm facing away from them like this." My face relaxes as the corners of my mouth droop back down before grabbing the roast.