Familiar (2)

-----Kaede's POV

Yui: "I'll be taking Luna to her parents to see if they'd like to watch her fight in the tournament."

Kaede: "Okay. I was actually going to practice with Violet so you can go without me."

Yui: "Oh- okay. Then~ I'll see you when I get back then?"

Kaede: "Mhmm, I'll be here waiting for you."

We say our goodbyes for the day as I make my way to training area 3 where Violet said she'd meet me.

Kaede: "Parents..."

Flashbacks of when I found myself in that broken down carriage enter my mind. There was blood everywhere... Not only was my relationship with my parents in my old world somewhat bad when it came to Yui, my father in this world, who's responsible for me being like this is dead. And I can't help but think that my mother was among the bodies in that carriage... I swear if it wasn't for Fleur and Faye I don't think I could've lasted much longer. Maybe if I didn't collapse when Silas had found me I might've been able to save my mother and the other bodies in that carriage, but I guess it's too late now.

Arriving at the training area, I was greeted by Violet as planned, but Collin is also here which was a bit surprising.

Collin: "Finally here, I hope you don't mind me tagging along."

Kaede: "No it's fine. I'm guessing you also need help with your familiar summoning?"

Collin: "Yeah, but I think I'll fail as usual."

Violet: "Don't bring yourself down like that."

Collin: "Sorry sorry, I'll try my best okay?"

He head pats her head as Violet's smile is as bright as ever, which seems to be the case whenever she's around her brother. It still weirds me out, but as long as they don't cross 'that' line in front of me then I don't mind.

Kaede: "So~ Shall we start?"

Violet: "Ah Mmm! Sorry. Then uhm- can I see how you draw your magic crests?"

We nod our heads as we begin to carve out the magic crests on the ground using our magic.

Collin: "Done!"

What? That fast? It hasn't even been a minute and he's already completed his crest, meanwhile I'm barely halfway finished.

Violet: "Well, I suppose it looks okay. Fill it with mana?"

While I was still finishing my crest, Collin began to complete his summon. I shifted my attention on what he's doing as his crest began to glow a bright color of blue, with his face looking away as if something was going to blow up. I chuckle at the sight as I ended up doing the same thing on all my other attempts, when suddenly the bright blue glow shone brighter before fading away, leaving in it's place... a butterfly?

Violet: "You did it brother!"

Collin: "Awww, but mine's so small. Sis can we trade?"

Violet: "That's impossible, plus even if we could, it wouldn't be fair to our spirits by suddenly changing it's master."

The butterfly when it first emerged was completely made up of water, but during the conversation it gradually turned into a normal butterfly, looking as if it was not made of water in the first place. I stare at it in amazement.

Violet: "Hey Kaede, your turn."

Kaede: "Oh right! Sorry. Congrats Collin!"

Collin: "Thank you, but I'm more interested to see your familiar haha."

I focus back on my half-completed crest as I start carving it out once more.

Violet: "No no, that looks wrong."

She begins to draw in the ground with her finger the correct segment of the crest I'm doing.

Violet: "Like this."

Kaede: "Ah, thank you-"

Violet: "You'll have to start over."

I was hoping I could just wipe over my mistake and continue, but I guess that isn't how it works. Letting out a sigh, I start over and try again once more.

Even though my hands were a bit shaky, nervous of screwing something up, I managed to complete the crest without Violet stopping me.

Violet: "Hmmm, It's a bit sloppy, but if you fill it properly it should work."

Kaede: "Fill it properly?"

Violet: "You fill it with the same flow that you created the crest, other wise it'll cause a distortion when you do the summon, or even a tear that can lead to an explosion of sorts."

So this is the reason why my attempts resulted in explosion... I don't think I got told about this in class, I just filled the crest from the center to the outer parts of the crest.

Kaede: "..."

Violet: "You do remember how you created the crest right?"

Kaede: "Maybe?"

She lets out a sigh of disappointment as I sit there on the ground, like a dog who's being told off by it's owner.

Violet: "Alright, guess we'll do it this way. Place your hands on your crest and close your eyes."

I do as I'm told, but why do I need to close my eyes?

Violet: "Now focus on your crest, feel the crest's current; it's flow."

How on earth do I do- that? Wait is this it? I do feel the urge to pour my mana into this place. It's feels like the crest is guiding me somewhat.

Violet: "You feel it?"

Kaede: "I think so?"

Violet: "Then gently pour your mana inside and let the crest guide you. Take it slowly."

I keep my eyes closed as I slowly pour mana inside it. The feeling reminds me of a river as my mana bends and turns around the edges of the crest. I continue to focus on the crest's flow and when it's direction shifts, so do I as I continue to slowly pour more mana inside.

Violet: "That's it. Keep going."

God, thinking back to when I was watching student's like Violet and Collin easily summon their familiar and scorpion in mere moments gives me all the more respect for them. If I had to summon something during my match I'd be killed several times over. However I continue to fill my crest with my mana, keeping my eyes closed during the whole time.

I don't know how much time had passed but I suddenly hit a wall, not knowing where to go. "Am I lost?"

Violet: "Uhm... Kaede?"

Kaede: "Yeah?"

Collin: "You may~ want to open your eyes now..."

Confused by their skeptical reactions, I open my eyes to my crest, however my eyes immediately fixated on a pair of feet standing in the center of my crest. They were left bare with no shoes or socks on them as I slowly move my gaze, following it's ankle, to its calf, to its knee, still no sign of any clothes. Fearing to see any more, I close my eyes before raising my head further, slowly opening my eyes once more.

?: "Hello Kaede. It's good to finally meet you."

-----Yui's POV

Elira: "Luna!"

Luna: "Mom!"

We arrived at Luna's house as her mother answered the door with Luna leaping into her arms.

Elira: "Hun! Luna's back~"

William: "Luna?"

I could hear her father further inside the house before he poked his head around the corner.

Luna: "Hi dad~"

He joins in on the hug before they eventually separate.

Elira: "Come inside you two."

We make our way inside, closing the door behind us as I'm met with the familiar sight of the lounge. Many fond memories were made here as it brings a smile on my face. We sit down at one of the sofas as both Luna and I face her parents.

Elira: "How's the academy going for you two?"

Luna: "Great! Actually about that. I made it into the top 64 for the tournament and will be fighting at the stadium starting next week!"

Willian: "Oho! That's incredible Luna!"

Elira: "We'll be sure to come by and watch, if that's okay with you?"

Luna: "Of course! That's why I'm here to invite you"

Elira: "I'm guessing Ellen has also made the top 64? Will she be fighting also?"

Yui: "Yes-"

Luna: "She's actually in the top 32 technically, she's in the upper seeds!"

Elira/William: "32?!"

Elira: "Have you told your parents yet?"

Yui: "My parents were always busy growing up, I'm not so sure they'll be there. But I'm sure they're aware of the tournament so I'm sure they'll come too."

William: "Oh right. I tend to forget you're the Duke's daughter. Yeah they should be there. Might even have special seats too"

I do hope they do show up, but I'm sure they will if it'll involve Fabian. Maybe if I was their only child they may have zero interest, so I'm thankful for my brother in this way, for indirectly giving me the chance to show how far I've come to our parents.

Luna: "Where's Nick?"

Elira: "Ah he's out on a date right now."

Luna: "Date?!"

William: "I know right? I was surprised as well when he told us."

Luna: "Do you know who he's with?"

Elira: "He didn't say, but I guess we never asked either aha. He wants to make sure of himself before he brings her over to see us."

Nick with a girl? It's quite an amusing thought, but I'm glad that he's found someone. The thought reminds me of Shin back home, wondering if he's found someone for himself? Maybe by this point he's already started a family. God I miss him, and my parents. Sorry mom, sorry dad for leaving you guys like that... with all that blood...

William: "Ellen? What's wrong?"

Yui: "Oh nothing! Just, remembered something."