My Familiar is a-

-----Kaede's POV

Her voice was beautiful, but I felt like I've heard it from somewhere. Opening my eyes, avoiding all of the skin that's in front of me, I find myself looking at a naked woman with white hair that reaches all the way down her hip and golden eyes beaming down at me. It was quite a scary sight as she had the exact same eyes as what I had back in my old life, along with her hair. "Is this my familiar?"

?: "I guess? I'm some-what like a replacement? When you died in that carriage, so did the mana inside you. Oh but I guess you probably don't remember anything before that do you?"

Her mouth wasn't moving as she was speaking to me the same way Oboris and that lady did- Oh, now I remember where I heard this voice. I proceed to answer her with my thoughts, hoping I can converse without letting Violet or Collin overhear.

Kaede: "Who are you?"

?: "I don't have a name really, but I'm the one that brought both you and Yui to this world. Truth be told I only planned on bringing you, but your death lined up so well with Selene's that I managed to squeeze in your partner as well, at the cost of binding myself with you. I don't particularly mind however since I took an interest in Selene anyway on top of your journey Kaede."

What?! She's the reason why Yui and I got thrown into this world? And this Selene person she's talking about... is she-

Kaede: "Selene... Is that my original name?"

?: "Yes."

Kaede: "Then why don't I remember anything from before the carriage?"

?: "Well of course you're different from Selene each with their own lives, but her memories are still there, her body hasn't changed. When you brought life back into her body, you in turn sealed off her memories, locked away in a sense."

I really wanted to know what kind of mother I- or well Selene had. This is all coming as quite a shock to me, I thought I'd be summoning a normal familiar, not this.

Kaede: "Then how do I unlock these memories?"

?: "Well I'm not too sure since I only bound with you at the carriage, but you'll need to find the key."

Kaede: "Key?"

?: "Something, someone, or someplace that'll unlock those memories."

Kaede: "Then... What happens when I do get those memories back?"

?: "I'm not sure, but if you're worried about being replaced by Selene then rest assured. You two will probably merge into one."

That was relieving to hear since I don't want to say goodbye to my memories with Yui and my memories back home. But the idea of suddenly learning another person's memories is scary... Will I be the same afterwards?

Kaede: "Then, are 'you' the reason behind my light magic?"

?: "No."

Seems as though I'm still going to have to search for an answer for that one at least.

Kaede: "So Selene had light magic before?"

?: "No."

Kaede: "Then why am I able to use such magic?"

?: "You have an aptitude for it. Same reason why people specialize in fire, water, earth, and wind magic."

What? Specialize? This sounds quite different from what I learnt growing up here, from Silas, from Fleur, from everyone.

Kaede: "You make it sound like people have a choice for their magic."

?: "Yes, that's correct."

Kaede: "Huh?"

?: "Like I said, people have a choice. However light magic is a difficult magic to control so there's very few people who can wield it. So even though I'm bound to you, I've been finding your journey quite fascinating."

She smiled at me as if she's entertained by all this. But wait, so does this mean that spirits don't exist? And how people that can only use one element and sometimes two are false?

Kaede: "So you're saying I can use fire magic right now?"

?: "No, but you can."

Kaede: "You're not making sense."

?: "A long time ago, a certain man made a deal with me. Humans were the only species that weren't able to use magic, so I gave them my blessing in exchange for half their remaining life. When they all died, I saw how capable and humorous humans could be with access to magic, so I decided that every new born form then on would be giving that same blessing, passing it down with each generation."

Kaede: "So, this 'blessing' of yours. Isn't a spirit?"

?: "Ah yeah, I've heard about that ridiculous 'story' the humans have thought up. Spirits do exist, but they certainly aren't the reason for magic. But I'll let them believe what they want to believe."

I've just now put all this together, so I'm basically talking with a god right now? or a demon? They haven't really introduced themselves, but I feel like everything they've said is true. It helps that they brought up Yui from earlier and mentioned the carriage, making her words easier to believe.

?: "My blessing is basically a vessel I put inside humans. Giving them the power to absorb mana from the world. Quite simple really."

Kaede: "Then what makes people 'specialize' in certain magic? Why are people only able to use 1 element?"

?: "Conditioning I suppose? For example if a baby is born near a fishing village, surrounded by water, they'll have a bias towards the element of water. It doesn't need to be a location but also the state of mind. Basically its a number of different factors. For you however, I sensed right away when I bound myself to you, a strong sense of love, and care, and with me bound with you it gave you the added push you needed to use light magic, probably."

This is so much new information it's kinda hurting my brain a little. So not only did this person bring Yui and me here, I also took Selene's place. Magic isn't exactly what we think it is, and that this person is my replacement familiar? And-

Collin: "Kaede!"

I completely forgot about Collin and Violet, turning my head to his yell as they came running back with clothes in their hands. I didn't realize that they left us, but it made sense now why I couldn't hear them till now.

Violet: "Put this on!"

?: "Oh- Thank you."

She spoke out loud instead of in my head, accepting their offers, however it seems as though she's confused on exactly how to wear it. I finally stand up to help, pulling her arms through the sleeves before buttoning it up around her. The shirt didn't exactly fit as it was tight around the chest, but at least she was covered.

Violet: "And now these"

Violet passes me some long pants as I bend back down.

Kaede: "Lift one leg and put it in this hole, then do the same for the other."

?: "Alright."

She slips into the pants with ease, finally covering up all that skin from our eyes as it only made her hair and eyes stand out even more, as if they were glowing a little. I go to speak with my thoughts once more.

Kaede: "We can talk more about this later?"

?: "Sure. I'm a part of you anyways hehe."

Kaede: "Well then what SHOULD I call you?"

?: "You choose. I don't have a name, or at least I don't remember mine."

Kaede: "Then... Mai."

Mai: "Sounds good, Mai it is."

She gave a smile at been given her name, it was the name of my mother back in my old world. It was the first name that popped into my head so I went with it. If my parents had another child then I may've chosen their name instead, but Mai will be good for now.

Violet: "Hey wait a moment. You're already communicating through the mind?

Kaede: "Huh? Uhm, yes."

Seems like Violet picked up on our strange behavior.

Violet: "I've only just learnt how to do that with Fessir! How?"

Kaede: "Is that the name of your familiar?"

Violet: "Yes, but to think you can do it this fast, impressive!"

Mai: "My Kaede is very impressive indeed. I'm glad that you're able to see that much."

Violet: "YOUR Kaede?"

Collin: "To think your familiar can speak as well! I don't think that's happened before."

Violet: "No, it hasn't..."

Here I thought my summoning class would be okay, but it turns out I've just done something crazy in this class as well like in the other classes. I exhale out loud, exasperated by all of this as all I wanted was to be normal at least in this class. But I guess I can throw that out the window now... "Thanks Mai."

Mai: "You're welcome."

Reading my thoughts, she responds back with her mind, smiling away at me like there isn't a problem at all. Standing next to her, she was quite tall, maybe half a foot taller than me? Beautiful is the best word to describe her, as her long white hair flows with the breeze.

Collin: "Here I thought we could have a duel with our familiars, but I don't think my butterfly can go up against that haha."

I snap back in the conversation of familiars as I go to speak with Mai with our minds.

Kaede: "Wait, then how do familiars work? If Collin is able to use any elements if he puts in the work, then why is his familiar made of water?"

Mai: "That's the spirits. You're basically fusing your mana with a spirit, creating a contract of sorts. They're not exactly a familiar, but they pretty much resemble and act as one."

Kaede: "But you're not a spirit right? You talked down on them before so-"

Mai: "Correct. I'm a higher being than those little things. I guess I am technically a 'proper' familiar? But saying that is kind of embarrassing."

Kaede: "Does it have something to do with you being bound to me?"

Mai: "Yes. The difference between me and those spirits is that I'm bound to YOU, spirits just feast off of your mana, only binding with your mana, or vessel in the case of humans instead of you. Personally, I despise them. They die only to come back and become a pest."

Kaede: "I see..."

I think I more or less understand everything now. I may have to ask more questions but holy fuck, what a day it's been so far... I can't wait for Yui to see this.