
-----Mai's POV

It was quite boring watching the world. The war was quite a sight but it was basically the same as every other war, just mindless bloodshed. However when I saw the birth of Selene, my interest was immediately piqued as there had only been one other existence of a half vampire half human being born, but it was quickly killed moment after it had been born, so seeing Lilith actually choosing to look after such a monster I can't help but be curious.

Lilith really had a tough time though, a baby vampire can be quite hungry and Selene wasn't an exception. But surprisingly, Lilith let her drink from her even with that disgusted look on her face.

I found myself completely absorbed in their life that I didn't pay any attention to anything else, my eyes focusing entirely on Selene. "What kind of existence will she be? What hardships will come, Will this, or that happen?" There was so much to discover so I watched on every day, seeing her grow up.

The look on Lilith's face slowly began to show signs of kindness and love, as if she's finally accepted Selene as her own after 2 years had gone by. I might not have a heart but I could feel my chest tighten at the sight of Selene finally being accepted, even with all the scars on Lilith's body. Selene was quite an aggressive eater, driven by instincts as she scratched and clawed away at her mother, but now Lilith took everything head on, even trying to calm her down by rubbing her head. Their life could've been more interesting if their father was in the picture, but I don't think he planned on actually creating something like Selene.

Curious, I tried to focus in on where her father was, but I couldn't find his presence anywhere. "Did he just die somewhere? What a disappointment..." It might actually be a good thing, since the last half vampire like Selene was born, they were killed by the hands of a vampire. If Valdemar had known about Selene's existence, he may've killed her immediately. But humans on the other hand, are quite curious creatures indeed. They give birth to an abomination, yet they care for it; fascinating.

Things were going well for the most part with Selene, but when Lilith had to work at her new job, she could not risk finding someone to look after Selene as word would likely spread of her hiding a vampire in the city. It was times like these that I wish I had a physical body, to go down there and comfort Selene while her mother was away. I found myself feeling emotions for the first time when I watched over her. It was like I was feeling whatever Selene was feeling, which made me all the more invested in her life. I couldn't cry but I believe when I saw Selene cry, if I had a body of my own I too would've as well.

Coming home from work, Lilith would comfort Selene without hesitation, holding her in her arms, waiting for the tears to stop.

Lilith: "Everything's okay. Mama's got you."

But these moment's weren't going to last forever. Rumors started appearing about Lilith hiding something, which Lilith picked up on. Fearing for the worst, she sent Selene away before things escalated. To be honest, I'm not sure what happened to Lilith as my focus was on Selene, riding off in a carriage filled with other humans. I could sense something was going to happen with the look on Selene's face, a mixture of sadness and hunger as she latched onto someone's arm. I found it a mistake on Lilith's part for putting her in a carriage, but I suppose at the time it was only her, the driver must've picked up humans along the way so I couldn't really blame Lilith.

But what I thought would be a slaughter of humans turned into a full fledged battle. I had not expected Selene to be able to use such destructive magic, but she was out numbered, and less experienced, however she held her own, managing to decimate her opponents. But her wounds were far too great as blood poured out of her body, squirting from her neck.

Selene: "M-mom..."

With her final words, she fell into the pool of blood in the broken down carriage, the horses bolting away, leaving her to slowly die. I felt something inside me snap, maybe out of disappointment that I couldn't see more of Selene, so I searched for something, somewhere to save her. There I managed to find a fresh soul that lined up perfectly with Selene's so I took it immediately in hopes to save Selene, however when I took a glimpse at this soul's life, their last moments filled my mind. I couldn't just take this soul without them. Thankfully I found it in time, however I didn't exactly know what to do with it. This is my first time doing something this outrageous so I decide to hide the other soul somewhere. That was when I found myself stuck inside Selene's body.

Before, I could move around freely, but now I've bound myself to her? Not that I really mind since Selene is the most enjoyment I've had in centuries. However to my surprise, Selene started calling herself by a different name, and speaking differently. It was quite a shock to see that the Selene I knew and cared for was no longer there, but that disappointment slowly faded as I found this Kaede person interesting as well. Seeing Kaede use that same destructive magic like Selene were the only times when I saw Selene come out. She looked exactly like her when she controlled that blood in that carriage, killing those humans.

Mai: "Looks like things will be getting more and more interesting."

It felt strange being in Kaede's body, hearing every thought she's making. It made everything all the more real for me when I could feel the same pain she was feeling, before finally being at ease with Silas' death, but Kaede wasn't at peace emotionally at all, if anything it was worse than the physical pain we were experiencing. Back in the carriage, Selene showed no mercy when killing those humans, however Kaede was breaking down, crying over just a single human. I was confused by this, but after hearing her thoughts about it, I could understand where she was coming from. That was when I learned that I fucked up. I had brought someone who was human into a body of a vampire...

Now, being able to finally converse with Kaede is quite a pleasant experience. It's been a long time, but I still miss Selene, I can still feel her inside Kaede somewhere, she just needs to be woken up. Maybe if I'm given a physical body I could be of more help, but with how I am right now, I can't leave Kaede's side. I want to see how Lilith is doing, if she was even alive, but it seems like Kaede also has the same interest as me so I'm not too worried. But I do wonder what it's going to be like, when Selene finally wakes up.

Kaede: "So~ How do I make you disappear."

Mai: "What?! You want me dead?"

Kaede: "No not like that. Like how Violet and Collin had their familiars, or well spirits go back inside them."

Mai: "Not possible. Spirits only care about mana, so if they don't get supplied with mana, they'll just return to it's vessel inside their contracted partner. I on the other hand don't share the same interest."

Kaede: "So then- you can't return?"

Mai: "No I can, it's just that being finally able to move around like this is refreshing. Makes me not want to go back fufu~"

Kaede: "But I can't just have you walking about in the middle of class."

Mai: "I don't see an issue with that."

Kaede: "You'll make me stand out!"

Mai: "Ah I see. You want to fit in right?"

Kaede: "Yes."

Mai: "Too bad. I want everyone to witness my Kaede's greatness so no thank you~"

Kaede: "Y-you..."

Looking at her face getting all flustered is quite amusing. I know when she was growing up all she wanted was to live a normal life, but she has so much talent, and being able to disguise herself amongst humans like this is quite amazing. I just want everyone to know about her greatness, whether she wants to or not. I gently rub her head just like Lilith did with Selene, smiling away at her troubled expression.

Violet: "You know... Your familiar is-

Collin: "Is weird right? It's looks more like you're ITS familiar instead."

Mai: "Well I've been following Kaede ever since she was young, so of course I'd grow fond of her."

Kaede: "Wait so... You've seen everything I've done up until now?"

She spoke with her mind, seeming to be embarrassed for some reason. I give her another smile as I respond.

Mai: "Yes. I don't sleep so even during your dreams, I can-"

Kaede: "Okay!~ I get it I get it."
