Round of 16

-----Kaede's POV

It was the next day as we all gathered back at the stadium. From the looks of it, there were more spectators than yesterday, filling roughly 2/3 of all the available seats. I had held myself back all day yesterday from sucking Yui's blood, saving it for when we went to sleep in hopes to make today easier for me, which seems to have worked so far.

In our group in the waiting room inside of the stadium, Yui, her brother and I were the only ones now in the higher seeds. I dread the time when I have to fight Yui, as all I want to do right now is fight that Marcus person. Since today has half the remaining contestants, it was planned for us to return to the dorms after lunch, giving us a half-day in a sense.

Lucien: "Fabian von Leinhart and Kaede Ilaria."

Damn! I was upset that I wasn't going to face Marcus, but I was also relieved that I didn't hear Yui's name. That being said, I will be fighting her brother. I'll try and hold myself back a bit.

Fabian: "The famous B-rank adventurer Kaede. Thank you for taking care of my sister, but don't expect me to hold back."

Kaede: "I'd hope not, give me all you got hehe"

Fabian: "Mmm!"

Yui: "Good luck!"

Kaede/Fabian: "Thanks!~"

My frustration dissipated from not being able to fight Marcus as I'm now looking forward to this fight. We've both been watching each other fight so it will be interesting to see how this goes.

We stand facing each other in the middle of the arena as once again I could feel all the gazes from the spectators on us, but all I care about is Yui's. I don't plan on losing this early. I want to reach higher than she could reach back in our old world. "Watch me-"

Lucien: "Begin!"

His words snap me out of my thoughts as I rush forward instantly. Ever since that knight class I did with Yui and Luna, I've realized how abnormal I am compared to normal humans so instead of using all my speed, I try to match the same speed that I saw from Marcus in hopes to not stand out too much.

That would prove to be annoying to do since he was evading my attacks that could've been a lot faster, a good move by him since he's likely aware of the power behind my attacks that could potentially send him flying, avoiding making contact with my sword. I've continued to hold onto the longsword I got from Kendal but I was still wielding like I would a dagger; in one hand.

In between dodging, Fabian counter-attacks with fire magic, but I quickly stop it with a barrier of my own while continuing to keep pressure on him. The fight will go nowhere if I keep this up, so I decide to use a bit of magic myself, using the same trick Leon used on me earlier on in the tournament. With my free hand, I slowly build up mana behind me while making attacks with the sword before thrusting my hand out towards him. He reacted like I thought and step backwards, but in the next moment an intense, bright light flashed as it engulfed us.

It might have been a good idea to close my eyes as I realize I blinded myself. Regardless, I could still sense his presence; his footsteps as I swing my sword. I felt that I hit something but didn't know what until my vision cleared up and I finally see what I hit. Fabian, who was supposed to be in front of me, was now across the entire arena up against a wall with his sword to his side. I panicked for a moment before I realized that he wasn't bleeding. He tries to get up but his legs give out, resting his back against the wall.

Lucien: "Kaede's win!"

Cheers erupted from the stadium. But looking closely, it was mainly from the back seats where the commoners were. Very few nobles were applauding my win. "What is it with these stupid nobles? Can't they accept the fact that I beat one of them?"

I walk over to Fabian as I give him a hand.

Fabian: "I- I didn't expect you to pull a trick like that."

Kaede: "I knew you were watching me fight so I figured I had to try something different. Never mind that, are you hurt?"

Fabian: "Probably just a few bruises... I'm thankful I blocked in the right direction, you might have cut me in half with that amount of force otherwise haha."

Kaede: "I'm sorry. Let me heal you."

Fabian: "Oh. Uhm- Thank you."

I place my hand on his shoulder as my palm begins to glow while healing his wounds. After a few moments I help him up as we go back to the waiting room with the others.

Fabian: "Thank you again for healing me."

Kaede: "It's no problem. You're Yui's brother so of course I'd make sure her family is safe."

Fabian: "Yui?"

Kaede: "Oh- That's just a nickname I've given her."

Fabian: "Ah I see. Well I appreciate you looking out for us. I'll be sure to return the favor someday, in hopes to give you an easier life here."

Kaede: "Hmm? What do you mean?"

Fabian: "Nevermind that for now, let's meet back up with the others."

Kaede: "M-hmm"

I wonder what he's planning? Making my life easier? Sure it's been a tough struggle but right now I'm feeling great after finally reuniting with Yui. The only thing that would help is if he has a way to calm down this thirst of mine for Yui's blood, but it's not like I can tell him all of that stuff.

-----Yui's POV

I immediately run up Kaede and Fabian, wrapping my arms around both of them, pulling away from the embrace after a few moments.

Yui: "What were you trying to do, kill my brother?"

Kaede: "I'm sorry-"

Fabian: "It's alright, she healed me well. I'm not hurting anymore."

Yui: "Okay good. But wow, sending Fabian flying like that. I'm glad it was him you were fighting instead of me haha."

Kaede: "I hoped to fight Marcus instead"

The mention of Marcus' name makes me nervous as the possibility of fighting him has only increased after Kaede's and Fabian's battle, with both of our names yet to be called.

Fabian: "Well both you and Marcus are powerhouses, so I'd love to see that fight-"

Lucien: "Ellen von Leinhart and Marcus von Keller, please make your way to the arena."

My heart sank as my worst fear had come true, my body frozen in place as I wonder what to do. I know I could easily win by dispelling his magic but then my secret will surely be revealed to everyone, leaving me in quite a pinch.

Luna: "Ellen!"

Running up to wrap her arms around me, Luna buries her head in my shoulder.

Luna: "Be careful."

Her words were muffled in my clothes as I direct my attention to Kaede who looked to be frustrated and also worried at the same time. Luna pulls her head away from my shoulder, giving me some space.

Yui: "Mmm, I'll try."

Kaede: "Be sure to win okay?"

In all honestly, I don't think I have a good chance of winning like this, it's quite a bad matchup.

Yui: "And if I don't?"

Kaede: "Then I'll beat the shit outa him myself."

Her attitude helps ease the worries that had built up as I find myself smiling, even if it was somewhat forced.

Yui: "I'll do my best regardless."

Fabian: "You better. Marcus is quite a strong opponent, a 3rd year in the specialized magic class. You winning this will surely grab father's attention."

So he's not even a knight but a mage specialist? Makes sense since I'm aware of his ability to use both wind and earth magic.

Yui: "I hope so... Right, I should get going then. Hope you enjoy the show haha."

Kaede: "Mhmm. I'll be watching"

She gave me a soft smile as I give one final smile back before walking out the door.

Now in the middle of the arena, Marcus was as stoic as ever, standing there as if he owned the place.

Marcus: "Don't expect me to take it easy on you."

Yui: "I didn't think you would."

Lucien: "Then are the both of you ready?"

Yui/Marcus: "Yes."

I draw my rapier from it's scabbard, taking my stance as I face sideways towards Marcus who had not moved at all. I look up at the audience, specifically my parents who were still seated. My father still seems to be uninterested in my matches, while my mother was holding her hands together like she's praying. Her prayers must've gotten to me as all my stress fades away as I look back to my opponent, breathing in deeply before exhaling. "This is it."

Lucien: "...Begin!"