
-----Yui's POV

Just like I imagined, the moment Headmaster Lucien signaled the start of the match, Marcus immediately closed the distance, forcing me into a defensive stance. However his initial attack was much more powerful than I anticipated as the force between his fist and my rapier sent me sliding back on my feet. That attack alone made my forearms ache as I clench my rapier tightly. Without wasting anytime, he was right back on me. Fearing to take on another attack like that, I do my best to dodge his attacks but his speed made it quite hard to read at times. Sure I could try to make a counter-attack of my own, but with his speed I'd likely get hit as well, so I opt to wait him out, hoping he gets tired.

Marcus: "What's this? Are you going to make an attack or what?"

His words taunting me as he continues his assault, but I don't budge and stay quiet, concentrating completely on his movements and swings. If I dare look away for even a second, I'm sure I'd be done for.

Marcus: "At least my other opponents had some fight in them."

I know what he wants; to have me face him head on, but I've seen enough of his matches to know where that'll get me. But being on the defense like this for so long is quite irritating, especially from the smile on his face, like I'm just a toy to him.

I try to think of another way to win this, but my best bet would be to wait him out, but for how long is the question. The battle feels like it's been going on for 10 minutes but I wouldn't be surprised if it was only a single minute. I would think by now he would be slowing down, but from evading for so long and taking blows here and there, it was I who was starting to ache, making it more difficult to dodge his attacks. "Just how much mana does this guy have?"

"There!" Finally I could see a legitimate opening for an attack. It could be that he was finally running out of mana as I begin to make a slice at him. Then in a split second, I caught a glimpse of his leg rising up. Fearing of being hit by this, I move my attack back desperately in order to block against his leg only for him to lower it back down. "A feint..." It was already too late for me to react as my thought was spot on. He buried his fist into my stomach, sending me flying across the arena.

I stumbled to catch my breath with the wind knocked out of me, using my rapier to keep me standing before coughing up some blood onto the ground. I felt like I wanted to puke, but there wasn't time for that. I quickly look back up to my opponent who was just standing where he was, looking out to me. It was then that the pain finally caught up to me as I hold onto my stomach with my free arm, trying to fight back the scorching pain radiating throughout my body.

Marcus: "Had enough?"

So that's why he didn't continue, he thinks he's won with that? If I keep fighting like this, especially now in the state that I am, I may as well admit defeat here. But if I do that wont I just be a disappointment again to my parents? I take a quick glance up to find them as my mother looked to be on the verge of tears with father surprisingly watching on, intently. "Fuck it."

Making up my mind, I stand up straight extending my rapier out to him, trying my best to ignore that pain that is only increasing the longer I stand.

Marcus: "Have it your way."

I don't care about holding myself back anymore, I'm not just going to stand here and lose in front of my family like this. With my new resolve I wait for Marcus as he charges back at me. I'll do my best to make it look less suspicious by dispelling his mana entirely with my mind. I wait for right when he's on top of me before I take control of his mana. I'm not too sure how to implement earth magic and it could be too risky to use, so I opt to only use his wind magic, giving me the boost of speed I had lost from the duration of this fight.

Suddenly, I felt like I was on equal footing, maybe even on the upper hand as his attacks were far slower than before, not to mention his fists weren't reinforced with earth magic so he was doing more evading than blocking.

Marcus: "What?-"

The pain was only getting worse throughout the fight, but I push on; pushing my body to go faster, harder. I'm not sure how long I can last like this, I'll have to end this quick. Gathering the rest of my strength, I use all the speed I could muster as I finally landed some blows on his arms, cutting through his uniform as into his skin as he tried to block, with droplets of blood scattering across the ground; I couldn't tell if it was his or mine at this point. It was a race against time as more and more pain built up within me, so I do my best to catch up, whittling him down more and more as I cut into his legs also. "I can't go on for much longer..." With my last bit of energy, I go to make one final slice to his side using all the speed and strength I could muster, only for it to be stopped by a magic barrier.

Lucien: "Enough! Ellen von Leinhart's win!"

I could barely make out the words, but hearing that the match was over, my body collapses right then and there. The sounds of the crowd cheering was beginning to fade along with my consciousness, reminding me of the time when I was stabbed by that lunatic back home. "Am I... dying?"




?: "-Yui!"


?: "Yui!!!"

I could hear my name slowly fading in as I slowly try to open my eyes. When my vision cleared up I could see the familiar face of Kaede above me, her eyes filled with tears before her face took on a big smile.

Kaede: "Yui! You're alive. Thank god..."

Hearing her words I come back to my senses as I check my stomach, Kaede now giving me a little more space. Wasn't my organs turned to mush?

Kaede: "I healed you don't worry."

Yui: "Ah- right."

Leon: "You gave us quite a scare there. Those two were already tearing up when you got sent flying."

Luna: "Leon! She didn't need to know that! But yes, I was worried. Seeing you like that was far too scary to watch, Ellen."

Kaede: "It made me wanna break into the arena myself..."

Kaede was still on top of me, resting her head against my stomach now that I have laid back down. It was then that I realized I was in a different room than the room where we wait for the matches.

Yui: "Where are we though?"

Fabian: "Still at the stadium, in another room where injured fighters get treated after their matches."

Yui: "Wait, then does that mean-"

Fabian: "Marcus already left about 30 minutes ago."

Yui: "30? Then how long was I out?"

Kaede: "About an hour..."

Quite scary how fast time can fly when you're unconscious...

Yui: "What about the matches?"

Fabian: "They're still going. Violet went after you, and right now she's watching Collin's fight back in the other room."

Leon: "Just rest up here for now until we have to head back. Also congratulations."

Congratulations? What does that mean?"

Yui: "For what?"

Leon: "Your win. You beat Marcus."

Yui: "I did?!"

My memory of it was a bit hazy as the last thing I remember was giving every ounce of the remaining energy I had before collapsing immediately after. Wow... So that means I've made it to the quarter finals? I hope I made my parents proud at least, that was the entire reason why I chose to reveal my secret in front of everyone.

Luna: "I still have my match to go so I'll leave you here as well to rest up. I'm glad you're okay."

Yui: "Mmm, thank you guys for looking out for me."

Leon: "Thank Kaede, she's the one who healed you, and helped carry you all the way here."

She was still in her own little world on my stomach, as if she was not part of the conversation as she continued to rest her head on my stomach. I give her a gentle pat on her head.

Fabian: "I'll leave my sister to you Kaede. Thank you again for helping her."

Kaede: "Mm-"

Yui: "I'll join you guys there soon."

They all left one by one, leaving just Kaede and I alone in the room.

Kaede: "...Scary."

Yui: "Hmm?"

Kaede: "The look on your face... It looked the same back then..."

Yui: "Sorry."

I do my best to comfort her, gently brushing her hair in between my fingers. It did feel the same like before, with the pain fading along with my consciousness, I even questioned whether I'm dying or not just from how similar it was.

Yui: "I'm sorry for putting you through that again."

Kaede: "It's okay. I'm just glad my healing worked. Who knows what would have happened if I was just a minute too late."

Yui: "Was it that bad?"

Kaede: "Of course! Your heart was staggering and your breathing was shallow."

Yui: "I see. Sorry for scaring you haha."

Kaede: "It's not funny. I don't want to lose you again. So don't hold back like that again..."

Well it's not like I can hide it any longer. I'm sure to get asked what I did back there, so I have no intention on hiding it any longer.

Yui: "Mmm. I promise."