The Long Night

-----Kaede's POV

We've been laying in this tent for so long now, but I still don't like this. Even I could feel cold laying down on the ground like this, I can only imagine how Yui is feeling right now. But it's not like I can leave Lilith back here. I fear that if I take Yui out of here then I'll never get to see her again, and I still have more things to talk about with her.

Mai: "I'll stay back. Kaede, you take Yui back."

Kaede: "Huh?"

She must've been reading my thoughts again. I can't tell whether she does it on purpose or that it's just a part of her being bound to me. Regardless, I trust Mai to watch over Lilith, and looking over at Yui once more, her fever's showing no sign of getting better.

Mai: "I'll make sure they don't try anything on Lilith."

Kaede: "Okay."

Medic Guy: "I'll help carry-"

Kaede: "No, I can do it."

Slowly getting up from the floor, I gently pick up Yui in my arms in a bridal carry, leaving the medics shocked at the sight. With this, if something happens I can heal her in my arms, although I'm not sure how much energy I have left in me.

Kaede: "You guys coming as well?"

Olivia: "Of course! I made a promise after all."

Sicily: "Well the attack has subsided now right? So we'll go as well."

Lillian: "Mmm."

Mell didn't speak, but instead grabbed hold of my black dress. I had no intention of leaving my own daughter behind, but I find her gripping onto me like this quite adorable.

Kaede: "We'll take you shopping when Yui gets better. Sound good?"

Mell: "Mhmm!"

I turn my attention back to the medics who were both standing stiff at my gaze.

Kaede: "We'll be back."

Both Medic: "Yes! Thank you for teaching us!"

This reminds me of when I gave my pinky promise to Mell, Sicily and Lillian. I wondered if that would spread but if anything would spread, somehow, I get the feeling that they'll try and spread the word of CPR right here and now.

We soon depart from the tent, making our way back to the guild, making sure to keep Yui's body close with mine to give her as much warmth as possible. But then again, I don't know whether to give her warmth or cold as her body is still sweating nonstop, even though her body is shivering.

Mell: "Mom?"

Kaede: "Yes?"

Mell: "Will Yui be okay?"

Kaede: "...I hope so."

I could feel Mell's grip around my dress tighten. Seeing her worry about Yui makes me smile despite how scary this situation is. With our bodies closely together like this, I can still barely feel her heart beat.

Eventually, we made it back into the guild as Lillian helps to open the door. The place was practically empty, probably due to all the adventurers being sent out.

Fleur: "Ah! Kae- Wait, what happened?!"

Sicily: "She's fallen ill."

Fleur: "Bring her to one of your rooms. Sis!"

Coming out from the back door leading to the yard, Faye came in to join us.

Faye: "Yes? What's- Eh? What happened?"

Kaede: "She's in a lot of pain, no injuries."

Faye: "I'll go get the herbs!"

She bolts through one of the door that led to where they treat the wounded, the same place I was brought to when I first came here.

I take her into our room as I gently lay her on the bed. Almost immediately, the sweat coming from her began staining the pillow.

Kaede: "Olivia. Water please."

Olivia: "Yes! Uhm- Fleur? Do you have some cloth laying around?"

Fleur: "Like a wash cloth? Sure."

Olivia: "Oh, and a bucket please."

Fleur: "Yes. I'll get them for you. Come with me."

Both Olivia and Fleur leave the room. While I wait for them, I do my best to wipe the sweat from her forehead. Is it just me or is she burning up even more? In a panic, I place my hand on her stomach trying to heal to relieve some of the pain. However, I could feel my mana's definitely weakening as more fatigue piles on my body, making my body grow heavier and heavier.

Kaede: "..."

Lillian: "Kaede."

Kaede: "What..."

Lillian: "I know that face. You need blood, right?"

Kaede: "..."

Sicily: "Let us help. No one is around so-"

Kaede: "Then please..."

I couldn't be picky, if Lillian is offering to help, then I should let her. Lillian extends her wrist to me as I immediately grab hold of it before gently piercing her skin with my fangs. I try and not be desperate, controlling my body to not drink too fast, not spilling a single drop as the warmth of her blood spreads all over my body.

Lillian: "N-not so fast~"

Kaede: "Sorry!"

I quickly take my fangs out, quickly looking up to make sure Lillian was okay. Was I going too fast? It didn't feel like that...

Sicily: "Here."

It was Sicily now who was extending her wrist, trading places with her sister as I take hold of her wrist instead. Just like with Lillian, I bite into her wrist as blood fills my mouth once more. I try to be more slow this time, paying attention to how much I was swallowing. I'm desperate to save Yui, but I'm not just going to kill these two for the sake of-

Olivia: "Huh?"

My eyes dart to the open door. There stood Olivia, holding a bucket of water and wash cloth in both hands. I carefully take out my fangs, swallow the remaining blood in my mouth, not breaking eye contact with her.

Fleur: "What's the hold-"

There arrived Fleur, moments later as she stood next to Olivia.

Faye: "Found them! I made some-"

One by one, they form by the door as I find myself frozen, still holding onto Sicily's wrist. I hadn't healed her so blood slowly started to drip onto the floor as I could hear every drop hitting against the floor board, breaking the silence.

Olivia: "Why were you... Doing that to her hand?"

Kaede: "..."

Fleur: "Now now~ Come on, we need to help Yui."

Breaking the silence, Fleur nudged Olivia into the room as all 3 of them entered. I finally let go of Sicily's hand as she immediately went to hide it. Not wanting to deal with all this right now, I turn my attention back to Yui, placing my hands back on her stomach before healing her once more. I could feel my body was not as heavy as my palms began to glow brightly like before, relieving the tension that has built up inside of me. It was then that Olivia had moved to my side.

Olivia: "...Here."

Kaede: "Thanks."

She passes me the wet wash cloth as I stop healing Yui for a moment to properly wipe the sweat that's pouring out of her face. Her breathing has improved, but it's also very shallow as if her lungs are constantly being squeezed out.

Kaede: "I'll explain later."

Olivia: "O-okay..."

Faye: "Here, I boiled some medicinal herbs that'll help for that fever. Wait for it to cool down."

She placed a tray with a kettle and cup on top of it to my side.

Kaede: "Thank you."

Fleur: "Olivia. Can I borrow you for a second? Kaede, you got everything under control?"

Kaede: "Yes."

Olivia: "Eh?"

Fleur: "I'll fill you in, don't worry."

Faye: "I'll come as well. Let me know if you need anything, Kaede."

Kaede: "Mm- Okay."

They leave the room once more, leaving just Yui, Mell, Sicily, Lillian and I in the room as I finish wiping her face from all the sweat before rinsing it out with the bucket of water. I've gotten to like Olivia, so I hope that she's understanding about it, but I still can't help but be worried what she thinks of me, especially after walking in to see... that.

With her face done, I unbutton the rest of her shirt to properly wipe down more of her body, choosing to keep her underwear on as I wipe from her shoulders, to under her arms, down her body to her belly.

Rinsing off the wash cloth in the bucket, I squeeze it out before placing it on top of Yui's head. Suddenly, I could see her eyes slowly open. Her eyes looked hazy, like she couldn't focus on anything around her, but the fact that her eyes are open filled me with great joy.

Kaede: "Yui?"

Yui: "Kaede?"

Kaede: "Yes?"

Yui: "...Cold."

Almost immediately, Lillian grabbed the blanket that was to the side before casting it over her. I grab the top of it as I tuck it into Yui's sides. But as soon as I do so, her eyes suddenly shut tightly just like before as she winces in pain. I quickly slide my hands under the blankets, placing my hand back on her stomach before attempting to heal her once more.

After some time passed, Yui fell back asleep, only this time she was still breathing as I let out a sigh of relief. Hearing the door knock startled me, as it slowly opened to reveal Fleur, Faye and Olivia.

Olivia: "I understand now."

Fleur: "We told her everything so you don't need to worry about hiding it from Olivia."

We? So I assume Fleur did tell Faye about me already. Not that I mind as I expected as much, and if not then I would've told her myself. Seeing the look on Olivia though, she doesn't appear to be that disgusted by me, in fact she's smiling as they all make their way inside, shutting the door behind them.

Mell: "Mom. It's cooled down now."

I hadn't realized Mell was checking on the kettle Faye had brought over. Actually the kettle completely slipped my mind until Mell pointed it out.

Kaede: "Thank you."

Fleur/Faye: "Mom?"

Mell: "Yes!"

Fleur/Faye: "Does that mean we're grandmothers now?'

Kaede: "I guess so, hehe."

The sudden declaration made for a nice distraction as happiness filled the room for the first time. I pour some of the liquid in the kettle into the cup before moving closer to Yui.

Kaede: "Yui. Wake up."

Yui: "M-Mmm~"

Kaede: "It's medicine. Please drink it."

She didn't open her eyes, but instead shut them tighter. I feel sorry for waking her up only to feel the pain once more, but she slowly opens her mouth regardless, letting me pour some into her mouth. I watch her as she slowly swallows the medicine, only pouring more in once she's ready.

Soon, nightfall came around. Everyone came in and out to check in on Yui, but I stayed by her side throughout the day, planning on doing the same for the night, even if it means not getting any sleep. Mell had found her spot next to me on the floor, using my lap as a pillow as she rests soundly with a blanket over the both of us.

Yui looks to have improved as the medicine must've finally kicked in. Her breathing was still shallow, but her sweating has calmed down quite a bit.

Kaede: "Thank you Faye."

Faye: "No problem. I'll make some more for you."

Kaede: "Yes please."