
-----Mai's POV

I've been watching over Lilith for a while now as she tends to the wounded. "Fascinating." I can't believe I'm seeing Lilith in the flesh after so many years. She doesn't know me, but from the little time I spent watching her, I've been very curious on what she's been up to. But doing these mindless chores is quite unsightly.

Lilith: "So... Why are you here?"

Mai: "Just watching. My Kaede cares about you so I chose to look out for you in her stead."

Lilith: "She does?"

Mai: "Yes. Or if you ask me, I think it's Selene."

Lilith: "Huh?"

Mai: "She's been asleep all this time, but I think after meeting you, Selene's beginning to wake up. It's why I'm here."

Lilith: "You mean-"

Captain: "Oi! Lilith, I need you in my quarters."

Ugh, this guy again. Can he just die already? I feel the same sentiment as Kaede, in fact I wish Lilith didn't stop her before as I was hoping for Kaede to rip him to shreds, but I guess that'll be for another day.

I decided to follow Lilith with the captain. I figured that the captain would have an issue with me coming along, so to avoid unnecessary drama, I decided to use invisibility magic, the same magic that devil used before he fought Kaede.

They entered the cabin, making their way into the bedroom. They closed the door before I could enter but I just phase right through it.

It was quite an unpleasant sight. I could tell it was the same act that Kaede and Yui do when they are together, but this feels different. There wasn't an ounce of expression on Lilith's face as she just laid there, letting the captain do as he pleased. If she at least screamed or something then I would have to interfere, but standing here watching this unfold brings a sour mood on me. That being said, I can't just leave in case something does happen. "I wonder how Kaede's doing?" Wanting a nice distraction from what's unravelling in front of me, I go to speak with her telepathically.

Mai: "Hey, how is Yui doing?"

Kaede: "Mai? Yeah... She's still in a lot of pain, but the medicine we gave her seems to be helping somewhat."

Mai: "That's good to hear."

Kaede: "What about mom? I-I mean, Lilith?"

Mai: "Oh? Is this Selene I'm speaking to?"

Kaede: "Nevermind that. How is she?"

At her question, I glace over to the bed, observing both Lilith and the captain. She still seems okay to me personally, but again, it's nothing like when Kaede and Yui do it.

Mai: "No harm has come to her yet."

Kaede: "And if she does?"

Mai: "Then I'll just have to fix that wouldn't I."

Kaede: "Thank you, Mai... Wait, what do you mean by 'yet'?"

Mai: "Well, to me it looks like Lilith is relieving the captain of his carnal desires."

Kaede: "What?!"

The volume of her thoughts were the same, but if we were talking in person, I could tell just how loud that reaction of hers would be.

Mai: "Don't worry. If I see that she's in pain I'll-"

Kaede: "No. Put a stop to it right now."

Mai: "What?"

Kaede: "Just do it."

Mai: "Fine~"

I let out a sigh at how ridiculous that order is. Why do I have to get involved when there's no harm at all? And what does she really mean by "Put a stop to it." Does she want me to kill him like how she did to that man? Ah, whatever.

Making up my mind on how to deal with it, I walk over tot he side of the bed, placing my hand on his shoulder before I teleport him to the broken down wall we went to earlier. It's nightfall now so I wouldn't be surprised if creatures can do the job for me.

Lilith: "W-what?"

Seeing that it's just the two of us, I reveal myself to her.

Mai: "It's okay. I sent him away."

She quickly grabs her clothes, covering her body as her head jolts in my direction.

Lilith: "You... You were with Kaede..."

Mai: "Yes. I chose to watch over you on her behalf."

Lilith: "Wait... So you saw, all that?"

Mai: "Yes."

Lilith: "You didn't kill him, right?"

Mai: "No. I sent him to that wall you guys were constructing."

Lilith: "No! Bring him back, or at least to safety!"

Seeing her like this, I'm glad I didn't just outright kill him. But is she wants me to bring him somewhere else that means I have to go all the way out there. "Such a pain..."

Lilith: "Please."

Mai: "Ah! Fine! One moment."

In the very next instant, I teleport to where I sent him as I see him laying on the ground with barely any clothes on, desperately searching his surroundings. I grab hold of his hair tightly before teleporting the both of us back into the cabin's bedroom, tossing him to one of the corners of the room.

Captain: "W-what did you do to me?!"

Mai: "Shut up, or I'll send you down a volcano instead."

Captain: "!!!"

He quickly shuts his mouth at my command as I move closer to him, towering above him as he lays there on the floor.

Mai: "You don't lay a hand on her."

Captain: "..."

Mai: "Answer me."

Captain: "Yes!"

Mai: "Good. If you do, then I'll cut off whatever you touched her with. Got it?"

Captain: "Yes!"

Mai: "Splendid."

Feeling happy with the results, I give him a smile before turning my focus back to Lilith who seems to be awestruck while still clinging to her clothes.

Mai: "Are you fine with that, Lilith?"

Lilith: "Huh? Y-yes, but-"

Mai: "Don't worry about me. I'm just a familiar, no harm will come to me."

Lilith: "...Okay."

It was a little lie, but I don't want to worry Lilith any more than she already is. But now that I've done my job, I contact Kaede once more.

Mai: "Done."

Kaede: "What do you mean, done?"

Mai: "The captain won't lay a finger on Lilith again."

Kaede: "Great. Thanks Mai."

Mai: "Honestly. Can't believe I'm running around like this."

Kaede: "I know. I'm sorry."

Mai: "It's okay. You're worried about Yui, right? So rest assured. I'll do my part on this end."

Kaede: "Thank you."

I cut off my communication with Kaede.

Mai: "So, what will you do?"

Lilith: "Uhm-"

She looks over to the captain who had now finally gotten himself up from the floor.

Mai: "Don't worry about him. What do YOU want to do."

Lilith: "...I want to see my daughter again."

She spoke in soft words, but I could just barely make out what she said. I'm unsure if she wanted me to hear that or not, so I wait for her to continue.

Lilith: "I want to go back."

Mai: "Back where?"

Lilith: "Before I- sent her away..."

Ah~ She meant time. I may be able to alter space around me to traverse distances, but sadly time is too great. It devours all things, not caring at all what it eats, no bias, no exceptions.

Mai: "That's impossible."

Lilith: "I know... But that's all I've ever wanted."

I could see tears begin to form in her eyes. A sense of nostalgia floods into my body as I think back on my time observing Lilith and Selene. Back then I was incapable of crying, but maybe, just maybe I can cry with this body. I check my eyes but there was no feeling of tears, however that didn't stop my heart from aching at the sight of Lilith's tears beginning to flow down her cheek.

-----Kaede's POV

Relief washed over me now that I know Lilith is safe in Mai's care. Mai may be unique and weird, but I found her to be quite dependable, never failing at what she's tasked with.

Everyone has now gone to bed, but Mell stayed on my lap. When Faye came back with more of the herbal medicine she boiled, she brought another blanket for us. I was just going to gently move Mell to a bed or at least somewhere more comfortable, but even in her sleep, she gripped my dress tightly. So instead, I just wrapped her up in the blanket as she snuggles into my lap. In contrast to Mell's blissful sleep, Yui's was still filled with pain as I held her hand firmly, pouring more of my mana into her.

I'm not sure if I'm just seeing things, but I feel like whenever I'm not healing her, the pain gets worse. It's only when I'm pouring my mana into her that her pain becomes stagnate, not increasing nor decreasing. Typically I wouldn't need that much sleep, but I can feel myself grow more and more tired doing this as her body just sucks in all the mana I give her.

Kaede: "Please..."

I quietly speak to not wake up Mell. I plead for her to get better, but on top of that, I plead that I can make it myself, feeling my eyes grow heavier with every passing moment. Fear takes hold me me at the thought of passing out, only to wake up to see that Yui's gone. "Not yet." I snap my eyes back open, forcing myself to stay awake as I continue throughout the night.