
-----Yui's POV

I found myself drifting in and out of consciousness. And each time I wake up, I can feel Kaede's hand firmly grasping my own. I know she's trying to heal me, but every time she does, it's like I'm being brought to some kind of high, only to fall back down in pain, like some sort of fucked up rollercoaster. But I'm thankful for her, I can't imagine how much painful it would be if she wasn't here trying to heal me.

The pain was no longer just in my stomach, but is more so evenly spread throughout my entire body, as if someone had thrown me in an oven and left me to cook. Somehow, I find the strength to open my eyes, but my vision is still so hazy that I immediately shut them out of fear.

Yui: "Kae-de..."

Kaede: "Yes?"

Hearing her voice was soothing to my ears. I'm thankful I can still hear just fine, telling me that I'm still alive, but calling out her name, my throat was unbelievably dry.

Yui: "More..."

Kaede: "Yes."

I don't know what it was that she gave me earlier. It reminded me of some kind of tea my mom used to make back home. Not my mom in this world, but my first mom in the other world. Whatever it was, I wanted more of it, and soon enough I could smell the scent of it as it was brought closer to my mouth.

Kaede: "Open wide."

I do as I'm told, opening my mouth as the hot tea pours into my mouth. It was the right temperature for me to drink comfortably as I gently swallow the mouthful little by little until there was non left. I open my mouth once more as more of the delicious, floral tea fills my mouth, swallowing it moments later. After finishing my mouthful, I try again to open my eyes, but my vision is still blurred, unable to properly see, but I could tell I was no longer in that tent.

Just like the last time I drank the tea, my mind slowly drifts off as I fall back to sleep. It's only when I'm asleep like this that the pain disappears, but that in and of itself is scary, thinking that maybe I have died. Weirdly enough, it was the same pain that refused to go away that told me that I'm alive.

I drift in and out of sleep like this, sleeping to get rid of the pain, and waking up to bring the pain back. It's a nightmarish cycle than I can't control, but every time, Kaede's still there, holding onto my hand. It's her that calmed me down while I fight through this, but for how long, I'll never know.

-----Kaede's POV

Honestly, if it weren't for Yui waking up every hour or so, I probably would've passed out from exhaustion. I could feel my body needing more blood to fuel my mana, but I didn't want to get and wake Sicily and Lillian up for that, and there's no way in hell I'll subject Mell to that. It's bad enough she found me drinking blood normal.

Tonight must've been the longest night I've ever experienced. But suddenly, sunlight slowly started to break in through the window, slowly filling the room with light. I'm hoping this sunlight will wake me up as my eyes have been shut for the majority of the time. "Please, wake up."

Fleur: "Hello?~"

I hear the door to the room open as I'm greeted by Fleur. It's common for her to wake up this early since she has the guild to run. But I'm thankful she decided to check on me, hoping she can provide me with some distraction from falling asleep.

Kaede: "Good... morning."

Fleur: "You, look horrible."

Kaede: "Fufu~ I feel horrible too."

She walks in further into my room, crouching down next to me as we keep our voices down as Yui and Mell are still fast asleep.

Fleur: "You didn't get any sleep?"

Kaede: "How could I? If I sleep, then I'll hate myself."

Fleur: "...Wait, you've been using magic all throughout the night!?"

She must've took notice of my hand as it was still faintly glowing around Yui's hand.

Kaede: "Yes."

Fleur: "That's reckless... You can die doing that you know."

Kaede: "If it means that Yui will live, then I'll do it."

Fleur: "..."

Unlike in our old world, I actually have power to do the impossible. She goes quiet as she sits beside me. I wonder how bad my face looks right now.

Fleur: "Kaede?"

Kaede: "Hmm?"

Fleur: "Yesterday, when you... bit Sicily's wrist. Is that how vampires, replenish themselves?"

From my understanding growing up, drinking blood certainly does help give a boost.

Kaede: "Yes. But I can rest and replenish mana normally, but blood is a lot more effective."

Fleur: "I see..."

It feels weird talking about stuff like this with Fleur. All my life, I've kept this a secret from her, deceiving her, so talking about it casually like this is quite surreal to me.

Fleur: "Then-"

She pulls up her sleeve, extending her arm out to me just like how Sicily and Lillian did last yesterday.

Kaede: "No."

Fleur: "Come on-"

Kaede: "No. I won't hurt you."

Fleur: "And you're not hurting as well? Isn't it a mother's job to look after her kids?"

I recall back to my hug with Lilith, re-living Selene's memories. Lilith was always there, giving up her blood for Selene's sake. Going by that logic, it seems natural for Fleur to be doing the same thing here.

Kaede: "...Okay."

Fleur: "Good, now here."

She gestures with her arm already extended, signaling for me to take it. Taking her wrist in one hand, I gently sink my fangs into her skin and immediately, a new taste filled my mouth. Actually, now that I think about it, this is my first time drinking from a demi-human. If I described human blood to be sweet, and monster blood like Silver's to be sour, then Fleur's blood comes across like something in between; tangy in a way.

Fleur: "Mm!-"

I hear her make a painful groan, quickly looking up at her, I try my best to not move my fangs as I try to gauge how much pain she's feeling. I know she's doing this for my sake, but seeing her squint like that puts me off. I never want to bring harm to the people I care for, especially Fleur.

With every swallow, I make sure to keep as steady as possible, being extra careful to not bring any further pain to her. My body quickly got accustomed to the new taste as I felt my insides growing warm. "This should be enough." In truth, I wanted more, but with this much, I feel like I can continue healing Yui for another few hours or so, and by that time I'm hoping to borrow Sicily and Lillian again; that's of course if Yui still hasn't woken up. I slowly take my fangs out, licking off the excess blood while at the same time, healing the opening I left behind.

Fleur: "H-had enough?"

Kaede: "Mhmm. Thanks Fleur."

Fleur: "Hey, it's mom now isn't it?"

It's quite a weird predicament now isn't it? Fleur had just welcomed me into her family officially, but now I stumble into Lilith. I know it's because of Selene that I view Lilith much more closely than I would've, but to me, Fleur is more of a mother figure. That being said, it's because of Selene that I have these mixed feelings. Making up my mind, I accept them both. Selene can have Lilith, I'll have Fleur. Yes, lets go with that.

Kaede: "Thanks mom."

Fleur: "Anytime~ I do need to tend to the guild now though, but call out if you need anything."

Kaede: "Mhmm. Will do."

With that, Fleur leaves the room, gently closing the door to not wake Yui or Mell. She was a nice distraction just like I hoped as I found my eyes staying open more than before, but that also could be because of the blood she gave me. I focus back on Yui's hand, pouring more of my mana into her as the morning light illuminates the room more with every passing moment.

Mell: "Mm-mmm~"

I could feel the weight of Mell's head grow lighter before rising up from me. I gently brush the hair that had gotten in her face as I look down at her.

Kaede: "Sorry, did I wake you?"

Mell: "Mmm."

She nods her head, gently rubbing her eyes and once again, I'm greeted by the same eyes I used to have back home; my old world.

Kaede: "You can go back to sleep if you like?"

Mell: "Mmm~"

She nestles back down on my lap as I re-adjust the blanket so it covers all the way up to her shoulders. She clings onto me more so than before as she almost immediately falls back asleep, with the sound of her soft breathing calming my nerves once more. In a way, Mell's also giving me her own kind of energy. It might not be in the form of blood, but having her by my side like this, giving me her support as I try to support Yui is valuable nonetheless. "Thank you Mell."

The day went just as slow as the night, only this time... Yui never woke up. It did make all of us anxious, but I was constantly keeping an eye on her, and her breathing and heart beat was still there. It's almost like she's in some sort of coma-like state. Even though I know she's still alive, it's impossible for me to have any sort of emotion as I'm left in the unknown.

Mell: "Why isn't she waking up?"

Kaede: "..."

Sicily: "...Come on. Lets go get our dinner, Mell."

Lillian: "You not joining us Kaede?"

Kaede: "..."

Olivia: "Why don't we have it in here?"

Mell: "Yes!"

Sicily: "Mmm! Good idea."

Lillian: "Alright. Kaede, we'll be right back."

Sicily: "I'll grab you something as well."

After a few moments, they walk out of the room with Mell, leaving me alone in the room with Yui for the first time in a while. For some reason, now that I'm alone like this, I feel my emotions start to move once more as I feel a single tear squeeze it's way out. "I should've stopped her..." Those words, reverberating inside my head over and over again.