
-----Yui's POV

I have no idea how much time had passed, but upon waking up, Kaede was still there by my side, clutching my hand in her own. Her head however, was resting on the side of the bed looking to be completely exhausted as I could hear the sound of her long, deep breathes. Wait... I can see now? I just realized my vision was functioning normally again as I slowly sat up from the bed while still holding onto Kaede's hand. It was then that I noticed, when I looked down at Kaede, Mell was sleeping on her lap with a blanket covering the both of them.

The pain that was coursing through my body was not as bad now, as I could now freely move my body unlike before when I was bedridden. This time, the pain is more of a lingering pain if anything. I gently pat Kaede's head as she sleeps soundly, pushing back some of the hair that has gotten on her face behind her ears.

My body is still very weak as I found myself laying back down, resting my head on the soft pillow. Now that my head is clear and not trying to drown out the pain, I find myself thinking back on what had happened. I watched Kaede fight that- monster, then we went back to the tent to... Wait, am I missing something? Did I just collapse right then and there? I can't remember what happened after that. Wait, why were we going back to those tents? For some reason, my memory of those events were hazy, just like how my vision was until now.

I let out a soft sigh, trying to rid myself of my frustration as I lay there trying to think what had happened to me, or what is still happening to me. Focusing more on my body, the heat of it was still there. It's like I was just taken out of an oven to cool down. Actually, now that I'm looking at my body, where did my clothes go?

I notice that I'm only in my underwear as I instinctively pull the blanket up to cover me It's not so much that I'm cold, but more so to just keep my body covered if someone were to barge into the room. Suddenly, a loud grumble sound had come from under the blanket, followed by a stinging pain in my stomach. I remember drinking that tea Kaede had given me, but I don't recall eating anything. In fact, how long was I out for? While thinking so, my stomach grumbled more, demanding it's food, but it's not like I can find anything to eat with my body like this. Plus I don't know where my bag went as I couldn't find it. My stomach continues to grumble in pain as I keep telling it no, trying to fall back asleep instead, but the pain is too discomforting that I stay awake, waiting for the morning to come.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, morning came as sunlight slowly broke into the room. I didn't want to wake anyone up, especially Kaede as she looked like she needed that sleep. However, now that it's morning, I think it's time. Gently, I brush her hair, twirling it between my fingers.

Yui: "Kaede~"

Kaede: "...Mmm~"

Yui: "Kaede."

Kaede: "Hmm?... Yui!"

After slowly lifting her head from the bed, her head darted up as our eyes lock onto one another.

Yui: "Good morning~"

Kaede: "I'm not dreaming right?"

Yui: "I don't think so, haha."

I didn't notice before, but now that her face is exposed to me, I could see her eyes were puffy. She mustn't of got much sleep.

Kaede: "Then, how do you feel?"

Yui: "Still a bit of pain, but I think the majority of it is because I'm hungry."

Kaede: "Ah- Then wait right there! I'll go grab your share that Fleur made. Yell out if something's wrong."

Yui: "Mmm. Thank you."

She slowly gets up from the ground, lifting Mell up with her as she carries her out the door, leaving me all alone in this room.

Not much time passed as Kaede had returned with Mell walking tiredly at her side. She held out a plate of food to me, which looked to be some meat that had already been sliced up, along with some mixed vegetables.

Kaede: "Here."

Yui: "Thanks."

Holding the plate in my hands, I instantly realized that it was cold. But I'm not about to be picky as looking at this food is making my stomach all the more hungry. I choose to not use the utensils and decide to use my hands, grabbing the meat before shoving it into my mouth. It's a bit dry, but I could still appreciate it's tenderness as I swallow piece by piece.

Kaede: "Hehe, you sure are hungry."

Yui: "How long was I out?"

Kaede: "3 days."

Yui: "3?! Wait, then-"

Instantly, I started to worry about Kaede. Normally we would find somewhere for her to drink my blood every day, but to go without it for 3 days? I can't imagine what kind of pain she's going through.

Yui: "If you need blood then-"

Kaede: "No no! It's fine. Sicily and Lillian helped out. Oh, and Fleur as well."

She sucked the blood of 3 people? Just how much blood did she need? Even though I was unconscious for the majority of the time, I still feel jealous that Kaede did that with other people.

Kaede: "It's not like I could drink your blood in the state you were in."

Yui: "Hmmm. Fine~ As long as you drink my blood from now on."

Kaede: "Only if you're feeling better."

Yui: "I am!"

Taking the last piece of meat in my hands, I puff out my chest as I bite into it enthusiastically, showing her that I'm not some bed ridden person no more.

Kaede: "Fufu~ Okay okay."

Faye: "Morning!~"

Barging into the room, Faye came in holding a platter with a kettle and cup on top of it before placing it on the drawer next to the bed.

Faye: "I brought some more in case you need it."

Kaede: "Thanks."

Faye: "No problem. So~ Yui. How you feeling?"

Yui: "A lot better now that I got some food in me, haha."

Faye: "That's relieving to hear. Seems like your hard work paid off, Kaede."

Kaede: "Yeah..."

I could see a smile creep up on Kaede's face as Faye started to walk back out of the room.

Faye: "I have to go get ready now. Come down when you feel ready."

She slowly closes the door behind her as she left.

Kaede: "You want some?"

Yui: "Just a bit."

She fills up a cup with what I'd presume the same tea she had been giving me as the scent was exactly the same. Feeling the hot cup in my hands felt pleasant in contrast to the cold food I had just before.

Kaede: "Be careful, it's hot."

Yui: "Mmm."

I gently take a sip of it as it was indeed hot that it made me recoil the moment the tea touched my tongue. But the little bit I did manage to swallow, did wonders for my dry throat as I breathed out in satisfaction.

Yui: "So~ Where are my clothes?"

Kaede: "They should be clean now. They were drenched in sweat so I had to take them off."

Wait, so Kaede was the one that stripped me? I mean, I'm thankful it was her to be the one doing it, but still... That's a little embarrassing.

Kaede: "They're just in the drawer here."

She proceeds to open the drawer that the kettle was resting on top of. There I saw the same clothes I had travelled over with, the clothes my mother had given me. I also saw the missing bag Kaede had given me as it was tucked beside my clothes.

Yui: "Thank you. I'll put them on soon."

Kaede: "Mhmm, no rush-"

Olivia: "Yui!"

Bursting through the door, startling both Kaede and I in the process, Olivia made her way into the room before leaping in to hug me, almost spilling my tea in the process.

Yui: "You called me Yui, hehe."

Olivia: "I was so worried... But when I got up and heard your voice through the door..."

Suddenly, I could hear her sniffling as I slowly reach out past her to put the cup next to the kettle before slowly brining her into an embrace.

Yui: "It's okay. I'm feeling better now."

Olivia: "You- better. Mrs. and Mr. Leinhart would kill me if you weren't."

Hearing her this concerned for me while on the verge of tears was quite funny as I let a chuckle escape. That being said, It does feel weird hugging someone in my underwear that isn't Kaede. But I suppose Olivia doesn't see it the same way as I do.

Kaede: "Ahem!~"

Olivia: "Sorry!"

Looks as though Kaede felt the same way as her face seemed to be quite annoyed with Olivia's sudden hug. I'm glad that Olivia knows about Kaede and I as it might have been awkward otherwise. But with this, Kaede can easily show Olivia the boundaries.

Yui: "!!!"

Out of nowhere, the same stinging pain assaulted my stomach. I remember this pain all too well, the same kind I felt before I collapsed, only this time it was a lot more bearable, but still painful nonetheless. "I guess I got my hopes up."

Kaede: "Yui!"

She grabs hold of me as I clutch my stomach with my hand.

Olivia: "I'll go get Faye!"

The pain slowly starts to spread with every beat of my heart until I felt my whole body growing hot once more...