Where Did You Go?

-----Luna's POV

It was nice being able to spend my days with my family, but when I came back to the dorms to see Ellen, she was nowhere to be seen. I know I have other friends at the academy as well, but I just can't stand being there when Ellen is not. But when I did come back after my first visit to my parents, I did pick up her guild card she left behind as I now find myself staring at it while laying in bed.

Luna: "Where did you go..."

It just had to happen right when I was finally getting over her as well. But now that I'm unable to see her, my mind is so fixated on her. Wondering where she is, what she's doing, is she okay?

Elira: "Luna~ Dinner's ready~"

The knock on my door broke me out of my thoughts as I put Ellen's guild card on top of the bedside table.

Luna: "I'll be out soon."

Even my parents have changed a bit. They'd usually just open my door, but now they're choosing to knock every time I hold myself up in my room. I guess I should just tell them about it, I don't want them to worry about me over something as stupid as this.

Making my way downstairs, I take my seat at the dining table along with my family. I notice that they haven't touched their food yet as they must've been waiting for me.

Luna: "Sorry if I took a while."

Elira: "Don't apologize. We all have our days."

Luna: "Actually, it's nothing that serious."

William: "Did you want to talk about it?"

Well I was meaning to talk about it during my walk downstairs, but being asked that directly makes me nervous all over again.

Luna: "I've just been wondering where Ellen went off to."

Elira: "She's not at the dorms? Maybe she's just been with her parents as well."

That would make sense if it was back then, but a week has passed now. I can't see her staying at the mansion for this long. Even back in school, she would visit my house more often than her own, so I doubt she'd be there all this time.

Luna: "I don't know."

Not to mention, it'd be weird to just go to her house uninvited. Usually when I went over, I was brought along with Ellen

Nick: "I'm home!~"

Suddenly, Nick came through the front door, interrupting our talk.

Elira: "Ah~ Nick! How was the date?"

Nick has been going out more and more, sometimes even spending the night out and coming back the next morning. He still hasn't brought the girl he's seeing though, but from the look on his face, he sure does fancy her and seems to be quite happy; unlike me.

Nick: "It went well! She's been bugging me to bring her to meet you guys, but I'm still a bit nervous."

William: "Oh come on! You can't leave us in the dark. Even your girlfriend is getting impatient."

Elira: "Yes! You have to introduce us soon."

Nick: "Yeah yeah~ I'll get right on it. I'll bring her over next time."

He says that, but I still doubt if he'll actually follow through with it or not. Last time he said that, he said something came up and dodged our questions.

Elira: "Oh, there's some food left over if you want to join us?"

Nick: "Mmm! I'll have some then, thanks mom."

He joins us at the table as we all begin to eat, but my mind is still focused on trying to figure out where Ellen had gone off to. I feel like each passing day, I get more and more fixated on her, like she's some kind of parasite latched onto my brain

Nick: "Hmm? Luna? Is something wrong?"

Luna: "Huh?"

Nick: "You look a little-"

Elira: "She's just missing Ellen."

Nick: "Ah~ I see."

I start shoveling food in my mouth to try and distract me from this conversation. Sure I was ready to talk about my feelings just mere moments ago, but now I just want to talk about something else.

Nick: "I thought it would be some love troubles."

Luna: "!!!"

But Nick's next words would stop me in my tracks as I put my fork down. Do I look that obvious to him?

William: "Luna?"

Luna: "S-sorry. What do you mean by love troubles?"

Nick: "You just look like me when I don't see- Oops, I nearly said her name, haha. My girlfriend. When I don't see her, I sometimes start looking like how you were just before; lovesick."

Luna: "That's-"

Elira: "Is that true? You have someone you like?"

William: "What kind of man is he? Did you meet him at the academy?"

Luna: "I-"

God. Now I really don't want to talk about this now. Thanks to Nick, now our parents think I'm falling for some guy. I don't think I have the strength to correct them that it's Ellen that I've fallen for.

Luna: "...I met them before the academy."

That being said, words start to slip out of my mouth in an attempt to break the silence.

William: "So they don't go to the academy?"

Luna: "No, they do. I just met them back in school."

Elira/William: "Really?"

Elira: "But I never seen you hanging out with anyone besides Ellen during that time."

Can they just put two and two together already? I don't want to say it.

Nick: "Well if you've known them for that long, then I'm sure they're good enough for my lil sis."

Luna: "Y-yeah."

I find myself playing with my food while recalling the time I spent with Ellen. I even went out of my way and kissed her! Just thinking about that is making my face feel flushed as I try to distract myself by playing with my food more.

Nick: "Hehe~ It totally is about love. So? What are they like? What's their name?"

Luna: "Like I'd give a name when you haven't given your girlfriend's."

Nick: "You got me there, haha."

Thanks to this little banter, I find myself smiling again. "Thanks Nick." Somehow, I feel that I've gotten back some of the strength to continue as I think about Ellen.

Luna: "They're very talented, independent, brave, even more than you brother."

Nick: "Which part?"

Luna: "All of them, haha."

Nick: "Hey, now you're making me want to have a duel with this person."

Luna: "Pfft~ I think you'd lose if I'm honest. What about your girlfriend?"

Nick: "I mean... She would kick my ass if I dueled her."

William: "Nickolas. You'd lose to a girl?"

Nick: "Father, if I gave you her name, you'd understand."

So she's a famous person or something? Someone who my father knows already... The only person who meets that criteria is Ellen, so I have no clue.

Elira: "Do I know her as well?"

Nick: "Yes. Wait, mother you would've maybe forgotten."

Elira: "Hey, I'm not 'that' forgetful. If you tell me her name than I'm sure I'd remember."

Mom is known to forget things, but it's rare for her to forget people she's met.

We continue to eat our food for a bit, with my father and I finishing our food first.

Elira: "Just as gluttonous as your father, hehe."

William: "Mmm!"

Luna: "Hey, Nick."

Nick: "Hmm?"

Thanks to my family, I'm now in good spirits as I've started to feel more comfortable with the topic of Ellen.

Luna: "If I say who the person I like is, would you bring your girlfriend over tomorrow?"

Elira: "Oh!~ Nice one Luna!"

William: "I like it! Come on son. You have to accept it now."

Nick: "Fine~ Okay. But that's only if she wants to come by tomorrow. If not then can I make it the next day?"

Luna: "Mhmm!"

Nick: "Alright. Who's the guys name?"

Luna: "Their name is-"

Suddenly, I find my body tightening up as I struggle to hold my happy attitude. Instead, my mind is racing at how my family will react once I say her name. It's totally weird right? Saying that I like a girl and not a guy. It's not that I don't like guys, in fact I think I still prefer them if I'm honest. It's just that Ellen has always been there for me, and slowly she opened my eyes up to the possibility. I could understand how Ellen thinks about relationships, but I'm unsure about my family. Then again, they adore Ellen so it could be fine.

Luna: "Hah~"

I attempt to drown out my anxiety, letting out a long exhale while scraping together the strength I have to say it.

Luna: "Ellen."

Elira: "Oh?~"

William/Nick: "What!?"

Mother's reaction was more curious than anything, however my father and Nick's reactions were that of bewilderment, shocked at what I just said.

William: "Allen, right? Is that what you said?"

Is he really going to make me repeat myself? But I guess Ellen and Allen do sound similar, maybe he is just genuinely confused. Looking at Nick however, he seems to have already caught on who exactly I was talking about, including mom who now had a scolding look as she stared at dad.

Luna: "No. I like Ellen. You've met her countless times."

There. Saying it like that, there's no way he can misinterpret what I said. I even said "her." That said, I can't seem to find any more words as my throat's beginning to tighten more and more.

William: "But-"

Elira: "Shh. Luna, could I come to your room with you after dinner? We can talk about it more if you like."

Cutting dad off, I nod my head to mom's request as the tenseness in my throat dissipates a little. "I can't believe I just said it!" What would mom think? I know dad looks to be questioning it, so does that mean they don't approve of it? Looking at Nick, he looks to still be surprised but not on the level that my father is. Thank god I finished dinner already, I can escape to my room before mom comes.

Luna: "Y-you better bring your girlfriend here."

Nick: "Yes! I will. I promise."

Not wanting to stay in case it gets awkward, I flee to my room. I have no doubt in my mind that they're talking about what I just said, making me all the more nervous for when mom comes up to talk with me.

Luna: "Hah~"