
-----Luna's POV

Time felt like it stopped, my thoughts filled with what my family thinks of me. Soon enough, I hear a knock at my door, before it slowly opens, revealing my mom.

Elira: "Hey~"

Luna: "..."

I can't find any words to say, so instead I give a simple nod while clenching onto my pillow. I still can't believe I said that to my family, and I wouldn't have needed to if Ellen didn't run away. If she was around for maybe a couple more weeks then I would've surely gotten over her. But now, my emotions are right back to when Kaede first came back, the same feelings I felt welling up inside me after seeing the two of them together.

Seeing me like this, mom gently makes herself comfortable on my bed, sitting next to me as I continue to find comfort with my pillow.

Elira: "How'd you like dinner?"

Luna: "!- It, was lovely."

I was completely ready for her to start talking about it, so hearing her talking about dinner first caught me off guard.

Elira: "I'm glad. Seeing you clean your plate every time never fails to make me smile."

Luna: "That's not it, right..."

Elira: "..."

I'm not in the mood to continue on this topic, my thoughts are still filled with what she actually came here to talk about. And soon enough, mom opens her mouth.

Elira: "So... You like Ellen, huh?"

Luna: "...Yes."

Clenching harder on the pillow, I answer her honestly.

Elira: "And am I correct to assume this is in a romantic way?"

Honestly... I'm not too sure myself. I did kiss her, and seeing her with Kaede does make my chest tighten, but It could be that I'm just jealous of the fact that Ellen as another person to spend time with. That for sure can can a possibility.

Luna: "I- I'm not sure."

Elira: "Hmm?"

I could tell from her tone she isn't happy with that answer. I guess I could give her more details about my feelings and stuff.

Luna: "I did... kiss her. That's not something friends do, right?"

Elira: "Oh?~ Personally I wouldn't kiss any of my friends, no."

So it must be in a romantic sense then...

Elira: "You're both girls though. What made you start thinking about a relationship like this?"

If it weren't for her soft and calm tone, I would've seen her question as some kind of attack. If dad were to be the one questioning me like this instead, I don't think I could open up at all like this.

Luna: "She... She told me about her past life- AH!"

I accidently just leaked something I shouldn't have! In a panic, I take the pillow away from my mouth and turn to face mom.

Elira: "Past life?"

Luna: "Uhh~ No, I mean-"

Damnit. Sorry Ellen, but I'm backed into a corner right now, It's okay to say it, right?

Luna: "She said she came from another place, another world. There, she was in a relationship with another girl-"

Words naturally started to flow out of my mouth in my panic, taking small glances at my mom to make sure she's listening.

Luna: "At first I was in shock at the idea of same sex relationships, but after she explained that because her world had no real need for everyone to reproduce, people there started to seek relationships with people they genuinely like, regardless of their sex."

Elira: "I see~"

Luna: "Then, I couldn't help but think of our world. With humans now growing more and more, I felt like maybe I could also try and see relationships differently. Eventually, I came to realize that I like... Ellen."

Ah!~ I said it, I did it Ellen. I get how you felt when you talked about your past life with Alice and Nick... Wait... Nick knows! That completely slipped my mind. But I guess Alice and Nick only know the bare minimum. What I just told mom was something in far more detail. Looking at her, I can see she was lost in thought, going over everything I just said.

Luna: "You don't believe me?"

Elira: "Of course not. I know my daughter isn't one to lie."

The comfort of her hand, and she gently rubs my head soothes my stress as my shoulders begin to loosen up.

Elira: "I'm just still shocked that other worlds exist. Did Ellen tell you all that?"

Luna: "Yes."

Elira: "Hmmm."

Hearing her audibly think only makes my stress return, only for her to open her mouth one more.

Elira: "Alright! I approve."

Luna: "Huh? Of what?"

Elira: "Ellen is a nice girl, so I'm fine with giving my daughter to her."

Luna: "M-Mom?!"

What even is she saying? Didn't she hear- Oh wait. I totally forgot to explain that her partner also came to this world and that they've reunited. I'm happy that my mom is accepting of this, but I should explain it properly.

Elira: "What's the matter? I'm sure Nick will have kids, so it's not like I'll be missing out on seeing my grandkids. As long as you're happy, I'm happy."

Luna: "N-no, it's not that. It's just... Ellen already has someone."

Elira: "But you said you two kissed?"

Luna: "That was before... Before Ellen, reunited with her partner."

Elira: "Eh?"

Luna: "Her partner, back in her past life. Her partner also came to this world. I kissed Ellen before they reunited..."

Elira: "..."

Now she should understand the pain I'm going through. This... Unrequited love of mine.

Elira: "So?"

Luna: "Huh?"

Elira: "Who cares? If she cared that much of you to let you kiss her, then why back down?"

Luna: "That's-"

I can't possibly do that. Ellen is a dear friend of mine, first and foremost. I can't just selfishly take her away from the person she loves. I get that mom wants me to be happy, but I wont sacrifice their happiness for the sake of my own.

Luna: "...Impossible."

Elira: "Nonsense. So Ellen is in a relationship, so what? Your father was in one before we got together and had both you and Nick. Of course I don't know what a relationship between girls would be, but you shouldn't cast away these precious feelings."

Luna: "M-hmm."

She's right. But having to hold onto these feelings is still painful.

Elira: "So, have you properly conveyed those feelings?"

Luna: "Huh? Uhm-"

I know she's not talking about that kiss. I guess I have never really told Ellen my feelings after Kaede had came back into her life. I just decided on my own to take the back seat and watch from the sidelines. Thinking back, when I was yelling at Kaede that one time in the cafeteria, I could've expressed my feelings there, in fact I might have if Ellen didn't step in.

Elira: "Hehe. When you see her next, tell her. And no matter what happens, I'll be there for you."

She pulls me in softly before wrapping her arms around my shoulders. I find myself letting go of my pillow to wrap my arms around mom instead, feeling her warmth spread throughout my body. It's relaxing.

Luna: "Thanks mom."

Elira: "Mhmm!"

Letting out a long sigh of relief in her arms, I know exactly what I must do. However, I still have no idea where Ellen has ran off to. At least now my pain has been taken away by my mother, replacing it with her sincerity and kindness as I bask in her warmth some more.

-----Kaede's POV

Laying back in bed like this, I think back on the talk we had earlier in the day. "Yarene." The place where Lilith was trying to take Selene. Would it truly be safe for someone like me to live there? I'm not sure.

Once again, Mell had decided to join Yui and I in bed, clinging up close to my body as she sleeps. Maybe in the past, I would've been disgusted at sharing a bed with someone other than Yui, but now It feel right for Mell to be here.

Yui: "Mmmm~"

It could be just me, but that moan Yui just made felt like it had a tinge of pain hidden inside as she continues to sleep. Not wanting to think what it is, I reach over Mell, placing my hand on Yui's waist before pouring my mana inside her, trying to heal whatever that pain she felt just now. Soon enough, it seemed to work as her face relaxed back to normal.

I really hope that pain from before wasn't making it's return. I don't know if I cant stand to see Yui like that again. The least I can do is to play it safe, healing her even at the slightest pain she might feel. "I'm not losing you again..." I'm thankful for my body not needing sleep like a normal human as I find myself still full of energy as I watch over Yui throughout the night, healing her every so often to make sure her dreams are pleasant ones, not filled with pain or misery.