The Girlfriend

-----Luna's POV

Nick: "Dad, Mom, Luna. This here is-"

Just like Nick had promised me, he did bring his girlfriend to our house after talking about my crush last night. But what I didn't expect was his girlfriend to be-

Alice: "Alice Farlight. It's a pleasure to finally meet you two. And hello again, Luna."

Elira: "Likewise!"

William: "You know Alice, Luna?"

Luna: "Y-yes. She's Ellen's tutor."

Alice: "Correct."

I'm still quite surprised by this matchup. I new Nick was quite fond of Alice back when they were in the academy together, but I didn't expect him to have 'these' kind of feelings. On top of that, Alice feels the same way?

Elira: "Oh~ I think I remember hearing your name. You two were friends in school, right?"

Nick: "Yes. But it was only recently that things started to develop between us."

They do seem quite close standing shoulder to shoulder like this. The sight of them together like this only makes me feel jealous, thinking about Ellen and I together like that.

Willian: "Well, come on in. We were just about to have lunch."

Closing the door behind them, Nick and Alice make their way inside, with Alice looking around the lounge area and kitchen.

Alice: "It's quite a cozy place you guys have here."

Elira: "Thank you. It's not much, but I'm thankful we actually own this house."

Alice: "Really? That's quite a challenge especially in the city. How did you manage that?"

William: "Well, this house was originally my brother's place. He worked as a blacksmith so he had special privilege's to be allowed to own a house. Unfortunately he died just before we had Lilith so the house was passed down to me through his will."

I honestly think if it weren't for my uncles death, Nick wouldn't have been able to attend the academy, along with me later down the line. From what I've heard, most property here can only rent out a place, or you could stay at the many inns. Either option isn't terrific as it's quite expensive.

Alice: "Amazing. So that's how you guys managed to send Nick and Luna to the academy."

Elira: "Nick yes. Luna actually got accepted without the need for payment."

Alice: "Wow~ So even your sister is better than you, huh?"

Nick: "Oh please."

Alice: "Hehe."

We all chose to sit down in the lounge, leaving mom the only one standing.

Elira: "I'll go get started on our lunch. It'll-"

Alice: "Oh. I'll help."

Elira: "It's okay. Your our guest."

Alice: "Please, I insist."

Elira: "Mmm~ Well alright~"

Both Mom and Alice make their way into the kitchen, leaving Dad, Nick and I together.

William: "So. How far have you two gone?"

Nick: "What?!"

Luna: "I'm curious as well."

Nick: "Luna?!"

Maybe not in the same way as dad, but I'm more curious what relationships between lover's is like since I've never been in one. It might help me understand my feelings for Ellen a bit more.

Nick: "I don't think I can-"

William: "Come on~ They won't hear us back there."

Nick turns behind him, looking over towards mom and Alice who were both prepping lunch in the kitchen.

Nick: "Okay fine~ We haven't gone 'that' far."

Luna: "THAT far?"

Nick: "Hah~ We haven't slept together yet. The most we've done is holding hands. We're still early in our relationship."

William: "Is that it? Just hand holding?"

Nick: "...Yes."

Great, this wasn't that helpful at all. Ellen and I hold hands all the time, even clinging to eachother's arms. So does this mean that Nick and Alice haven't kissed yet? And their supposedly lovers now as well.

Luna: "Not even kissing?"

Nick: "I want to. But she's quite stoic. I'm not sure when the right move is, or whether it'll be better for her to initiate it."

Knowing what I know of Alice, she does seem like the kind of person to take charge and lead Nick around. But when I think of myself being in a relationship with a guy, I do feel like I'd want the guy to take the initiative, despite the fact that I initiated the kiss with Ellen; albeit, she is a girl.

William: "That's stupid talk. When your mom and I first got together, I was the one that-"

Elira: "Ahem! Don't go telling lies dear~"

William: "!!!"

Even from across the room in the kitchen, it seems as though mom had been hearing this entire conversation. Nick also seems to be worried, probably wondering if Alice could overhear us as well. I could hear laughter between mom and Alice as they continue to prepare lunch.

William: "Ugh~ It- was your mother who made the first move. But I was the one who proposed! So be sure to at the very least, do that."

Nick: "I just said we're in the early stages of our relationship. I'm not going to propose."

The talk of marriage now makes me wonder if it even is possible for people with the same sex being able to marry one another. I doubt it, at least in this country.

William: "Well regardless, you sure found a beauty."

Luna: "Mhmm. I feel sorry for Alice to have to put up with that face."

Nick: "Hey!~"

Luna: "Pfft"

Despite my jealousy over Nick and Alice's relationship, I'm still happy for him. Just hope their relationship will be successful unlike my failed attempt. No, I never attempted in the first place. I can't just cast aside what mom told me last night.

Elira: "There we are~"

Mom places down a large plate filled with sandwiches with Alice carrying over multiples cups of juice before placing them down beside the plate.

Nick: "Mmmm! Looks delicious."

Elira: "Alice assembled them. I just cut up the vegetables and meat."

Luna: "Thank you for helping mom, Alice."

Alice: "No no, thank you guys for having me."

We all sat down as we began to eat. I could tell immediately how Alice ate was a little different than us. Her posture was prim and proper with a straight back, almost like she was of noble decent; pure elegance. Meanwhile the rest of us ate just like we would normally.

Luna: "So. How did you two start dating?"

Nick: "Ah~"

Alice: "Well, I already knew he had some kind of feelings for me. But it was only when he nearly died during that dragon subjugation that I understood my own feelings."

Nick: "Haha. In a way, I thank the dragon for spearing my back."

Alice: "Hey, don't joke about that. I was really worried you know."

Nick: "I know, I'm sorry."

Elira/William: "What?!"

Nicks: "...Oops."

William: "What's this about you nearly dying?"

Elira: "Yes. Do explain~"

Alice: "Don't worry Mr. and Mrs. Warridge. He was tended to by a master light user by the name of Kaede. I don't think she would've let anyone die during that fight.

Nick: "Mmm! She didn't even leave any scars. it's like I was never in battle."

He proceeded to lift his shirt, exposing his back to us. I hadn't seen the sight of my brother's back, but looking at him now, he seems to be quite strong, maybe even stronger than dad.

Elira: "Just don't get into anything reckless again."

Alice: "That's what I keep telling him. Just recently he wanted to help in assisting the current monster attacks near Azalea, but I told him no."

Nick: "Hey. I heard Kaede grew up over there. I felt like it might be my chance to repay her in someway."

Hah~ Even with Kaede nowhere near me, she's still like a parasite, eating her way into our conversation. I'm grateful to her for sure, but I just can't help but feel jealous over her, stealing away Ellen.

Alice: "And what would you hope to do? You seen how powerful she is. I'm sure she would've went there and defend Azalea herself even if she was the only one there."

Luna: "Mmm- I can see that."

Alice: "See?"

Kaede really is strong, even stronger than Ellen who I thought was beyond me. Even though I know I have no way to compete against her, I'll still express my feelings, regardless of how it turns out.

After a while, we finished lunch and continued to idly chat before it was time for Alice to leave.

Alice: "It was a pleasure."

Elira: "Pleasure's all mine. And thank you for taking care of our son."

Alice: "Hehe. I'll be sure to report back to you if he does anything reckless again."

Nick: "I promise, mom~"

Luna: "It was nice seeing you again, Alice."

Alice: "Same here. But I would've thought you would be with Ellen?"

Luna: "Ah~ I actually don't know where she's gone to."

Alice: "She not at the dorm?"

Luna: "No. Wait, so she really isn't at the mansion?"

I'm well aware that Alice tends to stay in Ellen's mansion, so hearing her also questioning Ellen's whereabouts is a bit worrying.

Alice: "I'll investigate this immediately."

Luna: "Wait! Could you tell me if you find anything before you go anywhere?"

Alice: "Of course. I'll stop by again soon once I find something."

Nick: "W-want me to come with you?"

Alice: "...You sure you can keep up?"

Nick: "...Maybe"

Alice: "It's okay. I won't be long. Well then, I'll see you guys soon."

Elira/William: "Take care~"

With that, Alice immediately ran off, leaving Nick behind with us. He looked a bit down, but he still had that goofy smile on his face. I also felt relieved to know that Alice will be out there looking for Ellen. I would've offered to come with her like what Nick did, but I'd only slow her down as well.