
-----Alice's POV

I had no idea that Ellen's been missing until Luna pointed it out. I've been still staying at Iris' mansion and I haven't see her around, so I figured she'd be with Luna at the academy.

After running for 20 or so minutes, I burst inside the mansion. The maids and butlers didn't stop me, only giving me worried looks as one of them closes the door behind me.

Head Maid: "Welcome back-"

Alice: "Is Iris home?"

Head Maid: "Uh- Yes, but she's about to head out for business in regards to the monster attacks near Azalea."

Alice: "Perfect, thank you."

I'm quite aware of the attacks that have been happening in Azalea. Iris still refused to send in her soldiers to fight, but maybe with this meeting, the king may force it on her. If I was still serving in the king's army then I would've already been sent there. But if it does come to it, I'd gladly go there in Iris' stead.

After walking through the mansion, I knock on Iris' bedroom door. It's just a guess she'd be in here, but if she's still getting ready for the meeting then the likely hood of her being here is quite high.

Iris: "Yes?~"

Alice: "Iris, it's me. May I enter?"

Iris: "Mmm!"

It was another maid who opened the door inside, where I see a couple other maids helping dress Iris. Her long, red hair was now being put into a plaited bun, and her crystal blue eyes glittered in the light. It brings back memories of when Iris offered her maids to dress me as well, but I still view myself as a commoner, and even still, I don't think I could accept that kind of generosity.

Iris: "Welcome back Alice. I'm just getting ready to-"

Alice: "It's Ellen."

Her tone was soft and her expression was filled with delight, but I answered back with a serious tone, with a stern face; polar opposite of Iris. Of course, her expression immediately dropped since I don't normally talk like this.

Iris: "What happened?"

Alice: "I just got word that Ellen is not in the academy. Even Luna doesn't know where she is."

Iris: "What?"

Alice: "I came here as soon as I heard. I'll do some investigating in hopes to find her. W-where's Oliver?"

Iris: "He's upstairs, probably still getting ready."

I don't really want to waste time explaining this again, so I guess I'll leave Iris to explain it to him herself. Thinking so, I quickly turn around to head out the room when suddenly, my arm was grabbed by someone. When I turned around, it was Iris. Her face filled with anxiety that made my heart ache.

Iris: "...I'm coming with you."

Alice: "But-"

Iris: "That's an order!"

It's rare for Iris to spout commands at me since we're close friends. It's only when she's heated about something that it slips by. That said, I can't just decline her orders.

Alice: "Understood, milady."

I respond differently as well, just like any of her servants would as I grab onto her hand.

Iris: "Ah! Tell Oliver to go on without me."

Maid: "Yes, milady."

Iris: "Oh, and do tell him the details."

Maid: "Yes, milady."

Iris: "Okay. Alice, let's go."

It was perfect time on her part since she tends to leave her hair for last, meaning we can just run straight out of here.

We get outside of the mansion where I notice the carriage that must've been waiting for Iris and Oliver. Thinking that Oliver would use it, I choose to run past-

Iris: "Wait. Let's take this. Could you bring another carriage around for us?"

Butler: "Understood, milady"

We get into the carriage as I take my seat opposite of Iris.

Alice: "Take us to the guild!"

Driver: "Uh- Uhm~"

Iris: "As she says. Take us to the guild, immediately."

Driver: "Yes!"

At her words, the carriage began to move. I don't know what took over me to try and order someone like that. I'm thankful I have Iris with me as it might have taken longer to get their on foot.

Iris: "Good thinking, the guild."

Alice: "Are you sure about taking this carriage?"

This carriage is one reserved for Iris, the duchess of the Leinhart family. It's the only one we have, which would leave Oliver to ride to the castle in one of our ordinary ones. Meanwhile this one was adorned with many jewels and gilded frames.

Iris: "Mmm. I didn't want to waste another second waiting."

Alice: "Likewise."

That said, I could hear commotion through the curtained windows from inside the carriage as we have probably entered the Leinhart territory. Here, people treat the Leinhart family as if they are royalty, which in a way they are. If Iris wanted to, she could split and make her own kingdom by this point, especially with her influence expanding year after year. Heck, even she captivated me to transfer from the king's army to hers.

Iris: "...I hope she's safe."

Alice: "You seen her fight in the tournament, right? I'm sure there aren't many people who could best Ellen."

Iris: "Hehe. But still... It's scary to think she just disappeared like that. I was getting more and more upset that she didn't come visit like she promised. But when you said she's missing, I-"

Tears immediately began to pour out of her eyes, stopping her mid sentence. I grab my handkerchief from my pocket before quickly wiping her tears in an attempt to keep her makeup intact.

Iris: "Th-thank you Alice."

She grabs the handkerchief from me, wiping herself up as I relax back in my seat.

Alice: "Mmm. That's what friends are for, right?"

We smile at one another as the tears eventually subside. Growing up in school together, she was always the one to cry, which brought me to be the strong shoulder for her to rely on. I was practically her knight in shining armor, that's of course before Oliver came later into our lives once we graduated. But oddly enough, she never liked to cry in front of him, only around me. I know it's probably because I was just a commoner so she didn't need to hold back as much as she did with Oliver, but I still felt relieved to know that she could open up to me like that, showing sides of her only I knew.

Iris: "How do I look?"

Alice: "Beautiful as always."

She managed to wipe off the makeup that ended up leaking, only leaving her eyes a little swollen. Looking at her like this, Ellen really does look like her now.

Iris: "Hehe. So~ You think the guild will know where she is?"

Alice: "I'm not really sure. But if you're there, I'm sure we can get some information out of them."

Iris: "And if they don't?"

Alice: "Then I'll have to beat it out of them."

Iris: "Pfft~ You can't do that, come on~"

I try and keep her distracted and cheerful with small jokes like this, trying to calm her down in case waterfalls start flowing again.

Soon enough, we come to a stop. I pull the curtain aside where I could see the guild, along with several people all crowding around the carriage.

Alice: "One moment."

Iris: "Mmm."

She stays seated as I go to open the door, exiting the carriage. Everyone is crowding the carriage with smiles on their faces as they all try to take a peek inside.

Stranger1: "Ah! Lady Iris!"

Stranger2: "Lady Iris?!"

Stranger3: "Milady!"

Alice: "Oi oi!~ Move aside will you!"

Stranger4: "A-Alice Farlight!?"

Alice: "Hah~"

Maybe it was a bad idea after all. I haven't done adventure work in a while so I've forgotten what this is like, putting up with people who think I'm some kind of celebrity.

Macho Stranger: "Come on people! You heard the lady."

Strangers: "..."

They all start to disperse, giving us space as I look at the tall burly man.

Alice: "Thank you. Iris, it's clear."

She slowly starts to come out of the carriage as I take her hand to steady her balance until her feet finally make contact to the ground. The man bent down on one knee at the sight, which made everyone around us follow suit. Her influence really has spread a lot now, even all the way out here as well...

Iris: "Please, don't dirty yourselves. Stand."

At Iris' command, everyone stood back up as their smiles were beaming with happiness.

Iris: "Shall we?"

Alice: "Mmm!"

She takes her arm in mine as we begin to walk towards the guild. I've escorted Iris like this many times, but this might be the first time I've done so in this area of the city. I didn't expect such a large crowd to form all the way out here.

Upon entering the guild, it was much less the same, but there were some adventurers who did not take a knee. But after Iris tells them to stand, everyone's back on their feet.

Alice: "Even adventurers huh?"

Iris: "Hmm?"

Alice: "Nothing. I just see that you're very popular, haha."

Iris: "That's what hard work gets you, hehe. But... I do wish people could relax around me."

I guess she's not too fond of how people see her. But what does she expect? After lending aid to people who are struggling, of course they'd start worshipping you like that.

There "was" a line when we first entered, but the line quickly disappeared, leaving us free passage straight to the counter.

Lady: "What brings Lady Leinhart to grace us our establishment?"

Iris: "My daughter, she's missing."

Alice: "We were wondering if you have any information on her whereabouts."

Lady: "Oh my. Ellen, right?"

Iris: "Yes!"

She began searching through some notes, looking over many names that I could see from the other side of the counter.

Lady: "She's not registered with us, so-"

Adventurer: "The mana-less knight? She was here about a week ago."

In a flash, both Iris and I turn the the man who spoke.

Iris: "Where is she?"

Adventurer: "And what will I get in re-"

I draw my rapier in an instant, putting the tip a hairs breadth away from his face, but he remained composed, staring at me as if he has no care in the world.

Iris: "A-Alice!"

Alice: "I'll repeat what she said. Where is she."

Adventurer: "Wow~ The Alice Farlight, gracing me with such a sight."

Iris tries to pull my arms down, but it remains where it is as I keep eye contact with him.

Alice: "Quit it. Do you know where she is or not?"

Adventurer: "Hmmm~ Unfortunately, no. But I did see her taking those caravans to Azalea."

Alice: "What?"

Iris: "Azalea?! That's-"

My first thought was that he's lying. I could tell from his demeanor that he doesn't support Iris one bit and is likely making us travel an absurd distance. When I think that, it makes me wonder if he's somehow responsible for her disappearance, keeping her locked up somewhere. Anger starts coursing through me as I push the tip of my rapier up against his cheek.

Alice: "Lies."

Adventurer: "Oh? You don't believe me?"

Alice: "Why would she-"

Adventurer: "Heh-"

Alice: "..."

I don't want to think it, but when I think of Ellen, she does resemble me in a way. If I would go there in Iris's stead, then I'm sure Ellen would go for someone as well. It's a possibility that I don't want to be true.

Iris: "Alice?"

Alice: "...Let's go."