The Link

-----Yui's POV

Before we went to sleep, Kaede insisted to drink my blood. I'm used to it after doing it for so long, but she said this was for something else. Not that it really matters to me since I enjoy it when she does it anyways. But with Mell now sleeping in the same bed as us, she ends up watching which kind of makes it all the more exciting since we've never really done this with other people around. Mell seemed completely unfazed with Kaede drinking my blood, which I found was quite surprising.

Kaede: "...Mmm~ Done."

She gently take her fangs out of my neck, licking the wound left behind causing the bleeding to stop. Sure I feel weak now with a lot of my blood being taken, but I could still jump right on her if Mell wasn't here.

Yui: "S-so- how was this different than the other times?"

Kaede: "Well you see. The last time you lost control, I tried something different. Instead of letting you take my blood, I sucked the blood out of you until your energy was depleted."

Yui: "So this time, it's more of a precaution?"

Kaede: "Yes... Also because I was hungry, hehe."

Yui: "Of course."

Well if it helps me regain control over my body, then it's all the more reason to let Kaede drink from me. I don't want to hurt anyone. Suddenly, a thought crosses my mind regarding blood. I still remember how Kaede's blood tasted different. So-

Yui: "Ah! Does my blood taste different now?"

Kaede: "Not that I can tell. It's still delicious as ever, hehe."

So I'm still human, yes!

Kaede: "Alright, come on. Let's get some sleep."

Once again, Kaede wedged herself between Mell and I. I still feel guilty that I nearly hurt Mell, so I'm fine with things like this. But I also still have that feeling of wanting Mell to lean against me as well like she does to Kaede.

Yui: "When do you think we'll be going back?"

Kaede: "Mmmm~ I'm not sure. No news has come up regarding the attacks, so maybe a couple more days?"

No real news was sent out after the last fight that Lilith participated in. I wasn't there, but I heard it was a large battle with many casualties. Looking at Kaede's face as we lay down in bed, I could still see that pained expression.

Yui: "Still thinking about Lilith?"

Kaede: "Yeah... I'm fine now. Just wish I was there with her."

I grab hold of her hand, squeezing it snuggly in mine as I give a smile.

Yui: "We'll see her again."

Kaede: "Just felt like we never really spent that much time together. And then she just leaves like that..."

Yui: "Mmm. I'm sure when we get to Yarene, you'll be able to spend a lot more time with her."

Kaede: "I hope so."

I bring her into an embrace, with one of my arms resting over her waist. That was when I could feel Mell's small arm already there, clinging to Kaede's sleep wear as I gently rest mine a top of hers. Mell's been asleep ever since dinner so she's out like a light right now.

Yui: "Pfft-"

Kaede: "What's so funny?"

Yui: "Nothing. Just realizing how loved you are."

Kaede: "Not as much as you."

Yui: "Now even I know that's a lie."

Kaede: "It's true. Your friends back in the academy, not to mention you actually have a proper family since birth."

Yui: "I know. But it's difficult being a daughter of Leinhart. So much pressure is put on me. Hell, even my father looked at me in disappointed until recently. Not sure if he even does. I feel like if mom wasn't there when we exited the stadium, he wouldn't have acknowledged me."

All that said, those words that my father spoke to me did fill me with happiness, even if he was lying just to make my mom happy.

Yui: "But you. I feel like everyone here around you deeply cares for you. I find myself feeling jealous sometimes."

My eyes naturally move to Mell who's still clinging onto Kaede. Her long, sweet breaths making her even more adorable.

Kaede: "Hey. You don't need to feel jealous, silly. Mell won't take me away, fufu~"

Yui: "I know. I guess I just want what you have."

Kaede: "Give it time. You were asleep for over 3 days, but Mell was by your side just as much as I was. She cares for you, even if you don't see it."

Yui: "Really?"

When I kept waking up in my sleep, I do remember seeing Mell with Kaede, but I only ever saw Mell's love for Kaede and not that she could possibly be there for me. After hearing those words from Kaede, I gently move my hand, gently patting Mell's head as she nestles deeper into Kaede. She probably think Kaede's the one doing this, haha.

Kaede: "Mhmm. You'll see soon enough. Now let's sleep, yeah?"

Yui: "Mmm!"

Feeling happy, I gently move my face forward, pressing my lips against Kaede's for a few moments before sinking my head into the pillow.

Yui: "Love you."

Kaede: "Hehe, Love you too."

She peck my lips back before also sinking into the pillow. I take a moment to stare at her beautiful, scarlet red eyes that are faintly glowing in the darkness before closing my own

-----Alice's POV

With Iris sleeping on my shoulder like this, we continue through the night. Occasionally, she would wake up, only to fall back asleep once more. We're making good progress, but I'm not certain we will make it to Azalea by morning, since we've only just now passed Clesbridge. Most likely we'll arrive in Azalea tomorrow night at this pace.

Iris refused to eat, but I'll make sure she eats something by morning. I know its because she's stressed but that doesn't mean she can just forget about eating. I take out some dried beef, snacking on it as we ride.

Iris: "Mmm?"

Alice: "Iris?"

Iris: "Are- we there yet?"

Alice: "No, haha."

Iris: "What's that you're eating?"

Alice: "Oh. Just some dried meat."

Its a staple snack for hunters and adventurers so I'm quite used to eating stuff like this. And I only just now realized that this might be the first time Iris has seen this style of food. When we have dinner together, it's always extravagant, so seeing something like this must be strange for her.

Iris: "Can I try some?"

Alice: "It's not that great. Your foods over-"

Iris: "No. I'd like to try that please."

Does she really want to try this that badly? The food that was packed in the carriage is a lot better than this. If I would compare them, this piece of dried meat would taste like swamp water compared to her food. But if a refuse again, Iris would just order me anyways, I know that look on her face all too well. Resigning myself, I hand her the piece of dried meat I was snacking on. The look on her face was questionable as she inspects the piece of meat, rubbing it with her fingers.

Alice: "Don't complain to me if you don't like it."

Iris: "It feels funny. Kind of like rubber."

Alice: "Tastes like rubber too, haha."

Iris: "Hey, no spoilers~"

Alice: "Sorry."

A few moments later, she bites down on the piece where I had bit. However, she was struggling to break the piece off with her teeth, tugging at it like a wolf trying to tear off meat from a boar. With another desperate attempt, she finally broke a piece off as her head recoils from the amount of force she put into it.

Iris: "Woah!"

Alice: "A bit hard, isn't it?"

Iris: "How the hell- do you even eat this?"

She was chewing the piece in her mouth, but I could tell she was struggling. To be fair, dried beef shouldn't be this tough, but that might just be Iris not used to putting this much force into eating.

Alice: "It's meant to be chewy. Works out the muscles in your jaw."

Iris: "So salty..."

Alice: "That's to help preserve it. Some hunters or adventurers might go days without food, so carrying some of these help a lot."

Iris: "Hmmm~"

I could see her putting more effort into chewing until finally, she managed to swallow it before handing the rest back to me.

Iris: "I think I'll stick with this food for now, hehe."

Alice: "For now?"

Iris: "Well~ I wouldn't mind trying again. But right now I'm starving, and I don't want to work for my food."

Alice: "Pfft~ Fair enough."

I take another bite of the dried meat like it was the easiest thing in the world, leaving Iris shocked as she began reaching for her food.

Iris: "You make it look so easy!~"

Alice: "Years of practice, haha."

Well, I didn't expect for her to be eating in the middle of the night, but I'm happy she's back in good spirits as she begin munching down on a slice of cake.

Iris: "Here."

She hands me another slice, wrapped in a paper towel.

Alice: "No no. That's your food."

Iris: "..."

She gives me that same look, as if threatening me. I could just hear her voice in her mind saying "Eat it, that's an order." I take it from her as she immediately smiles at me before continuing to eat hers.

Alice: "Thank you."

Iris: "Mhmm!"

The taste of it was creamy as it sticks to my gums and teeth. If the dried beef was swamp water, then this would be something sent straight by the gods. The taste was a little different than what I'm used to, leaving me to question-

Alice: "You made this?"

Iris: "Mhmm! I made it last night. How could you tell?"

Alice: "It's a lot sweeter than the cakes the maids make. Also the blue berries in it is a big give away."

Growing up in school, Iris loved blue berries. It's only natural that she'd incorporate them into her baking as well. I myself like them as well, but no where near as much as Iris.

Iris: "Well, help yourself. I won't be able to eat all of this food anyways."

True. This food would have been for Oliver as well. I suppose I could indulge myself in Iris' cooking for a bit.