Back To Work

-----Kaede's POV

With Lilith heading off to Yarene, the monster attacks now subsiding, and Yui's situation now somewhat stable as long as she's beside me. Things are more or less resolved.

With Mell clinging to me as she sleeps, I'm reminded that I haven't taken her shopping yet, still wearing clothes that aren't fit for her size, and instead hanging loose. But the last time we went shopping for Mai, I had essentially nothing left in terms of money. So starting next morning, I'll bring Yui along and do some jobs at the guild. It's been a while since my last job and I still haven't even seen what B ranks jobs are like, but if I'm brining Yui along with me, maybe something easy like hunting trolls would suffice.

Still though, I really do wonder why Yui needs to be close to me. It seems like she's changing little by little, but not in the way I thought. My only thought on it is that my blood inside her is wanting to be close to me; it's owner, which in turn brings Yui along. It'd be a bigger problem if this happened with anyone else, but it's still a problem nonetheless. We should probably do some experiments later, but right now, I want to check something.

Kaede: "Mai. You there?"

Mai: "Yes! I'm here. I don't really have a need for sleep."

I began talking with Mai telepathically. I was worried if I could even contact her at such a large distance, but so far it seems normal.

Mai: "What's wrong? Something happen with Yui?"

Kaede: "No, she's sleeping peacefully right now. How's mom?"

Mai: "Sleeping. She wanted to walk by herself all the way to Yarene, but her legs couldn't take it any longer. Quite a stubborn mom you have here."

Kaede: "Yeah. So you guys pitched a tent or something for the night?"

Mai: "No. I have her floating next to me, pulling her long as I walk."

I can just imagine the sight of it now. Mai dragging Lilith around, but thankfully she's floating so it doesn't sound all too bad.

Kaede: "Doesn't that deplete a lot of your mana?"

Mai: "If it was the both of us, yes. But I can keep Lilith floating just fine. Flight magic is quite taxing."

Flight... I know she just means floating, but hearing the word flight gets me excited at the possibility of flying. With what I know about magic now, thanks to Mai, maybe I should try and experiment in that regard as well. Perhaps I could learn flight magic as well. That being said, I have no idea where to start. I might have to wait for Mai to teach me.

Mai: "Oh? You want to fly?"

Kaede: "Yes."

Mai: "Well it's just magic. With practice you can pull it off."

Kaede: "Will you teach me when you return?"

Mai: "I've never really taught anyone before. But if it's for you, I can try."

Kaede: "Thanks!~"

With this conversation, I feel my mood only getting happier as I gently kick my legs with happiness under the bed sheets.

We end the conversation at that as I begin to stare at Yui sleeping next to me. She doesn't seem to be in pain at all as I gently stroke her hair, waiting for morning to come.

Eventually, morning came. The first one to wake up was Mell, lifting her head up off of me, letting out a cute, adorable yawn.

Kaede: "Good morning~"

Mell: "Mmm~ G-Morning~"

Yui: "Mmm?"

It was Yui who woke up next due to our little conversation. As she opens her eyes, I was relieved to see that crystal blue color, smiling.

Kaede: "Sleep well?"

Yui: "Mmm, I did."

Kaede: "Have any plans today?"

Yui: "Not really. Maybe check with the soldiers to see when we can head back on the caravans?"

Kaede: "Hmm~ We can do that another time. I want to do some jobs and get some money."

Yui: "Like, guild jobs?"

She sits up from the bed as she asks, rubbing her eyes.

Kaede: "Yeah. I need some money to buy Mell some proper clothes."

Mell: "Ah!~"

Mell's face immediately filled with delight, like all the sleepiness was no longer there as her eyes glitter in the morning light. Again, it only reminds me of my old life, but the pain when I see it is a lot more tolerable than it once was.

Yui: "You could've just asked me. I have plenty of money to-"

Kaede: "Nope~ I need to do this. If I'm gonna be serious with Mell, then I need to step up."

Yui: "Haha, okay~ So what kind of jobs were you thinking?"

Kaede: "Well, with your situation, I have to do something that you're comfortable with. So maybe goblin hunting, maybe even trolls?"

Yui: "That just sound like I'm holding you back."

In all honesty, she's right. I can't just leave her back like Mell. What if she collapses and ends up dying while I'm out? Yui has to come with me.

Kaede: "I just don't wanna be the only one killing stuff."

Yui: "Hey. Take me on whatever job you like. I'm not weak you know."

Kaede: "Alright~ If you say so~"

Mell: "Can I come too?"

Kaede: "It's too dangerous. Maybe when you're older."

Mell: "...Not fair."

Actually. I never really thought about it, but what kind of magic does Mell know? She's young, sure, but surely she's used magic before.

Kaede: "Hmm? Does Mell know how to use magic then?~"

I'm curious, but I ask it in a way as if to provoke her.

Mell: "Of course!"

Kaede: "Oh? Show me."

With determination in her eyes, she begins to close them, brining both her hands to her chest. Soon enough I could see her light blue hair begin to glow brighter. I was left speechless a the sight as it reminded me of the same glow my magic has. Suddenly, the glow began to flicker, before her hair turns back to normal, leaving Mell panting heavily.

Yui: "Pretty~"

Mell: "S-sorry."

Kaede: "Huh?"

I was still speechless, but hearing Mell say sorry felt strange, breaking me from my thoughts.

Kaede: "Why are you sorry?"

Mell: "I tried to make a water ball..."

That certainly didn't look like magic that would be in the family of water magic. Does this mean that her affinity changed? If I didn't learn what I learnt from Mai, then I'd be clueless by this discovery. This could only mean that she had the affinity for water magic, but at some point, it grew to even touch the likes of light magic? But from the looks of it, she has no idea how to control it, as the light quickly dissipated. Maybe it's because of her watching me use light magic she's come to some kind of understanding? Maybe it might be a good idea to take her along then.

Kaede: "Good enough for me!"

I pat her head, livening up her mood as she smiles once more.

Kaede: "You wanna come with us then?"

Mell: "Mhmm!"

Yui: "Wait, Kaede?!"

Kaede: "It's okay. I don't mind baby sitting the both of you, hehe."

After getting changed, with me in my black dress, we head downstairs as I see Faye at the counter. Fleur must still be sleeping, or getting ready for cooking.

Faye: "Ah- Good morning."

Kaede/Yui/Mell: "Morning~"

Sicily: "Ah!"

That was when I spotted Sicily and Lillian about to leave through the front door.

Kaede: "Where you off to?"

Sicily: "We're off to do our next job."

Lillian: "With the monster attacks now subsided, we can now go back to doing guild jobs."

Sicily: "Mhmm!"

Kaede: "Oh! Perfect. I was just about to take Yui and Mell to do a job."

Faye/Sicily/Lillian: "WHAT?!"

Faye: "Mell?"

Kaede: "Yes."

Faye: "Are you sure?"

Kaede: "Yes. I'll protect her, don't worry."

Faye: "Hah~ You're crazy. But it's not like I can stop you. Does this mean that Mell will be registering?"

Kaede: "Oh, N-"

Mell: "Yesh!"

I was caught by surprise by Mell. My first thought was to scold her, but I quickly remember myself in a similar situation. I registered at such a young age, so I shouldn't butt in what my daughter wants to do.

Faye: "Wow~ She sure does take after her mother, haha."

Kaede: "Oh hush you."

Faye: "Hehe. Then I won't charge for the registration. But I will need a sample of her blood on this card please."

She hands me an empty guild card along with a pin. I bend down to Mell.

Kaede: "This will only hurt for a bit."

Mell: "Mmm!"

Holding onto her hand, I quickly prick her finger with the pin, causing her to flinch a bit as a small drop of blood began to form.

Kaede: "Now place that finger here."

She places her finger in the small indent that's on the card, causing the card to glow faintly. I take the card before handing it back to Faye.

Faye: "Alright! So what's your adventure name going to be, Mell?"

Mell: "Mell!"

Faye: "Using your real name? Just like your mother I see.

Mell: "Hehe~"

Faye hands the card back to me. Not wanting it to be lost, I make the decision of putting it in my bag to not lose it.

Faye: "So? What kind of job you wanting to do?"

Sicily: "Yeah!"

Lillian: "We'll cancel ours and join Kaede."

Faye: "Okay! Let me just take your guild cards first then."

She takes their cards for a moment, writing stuff down before handing them back.

Kaede: "Well I haven't tried a B rank job yet, so I was thinking about doing one of those if you have any?"

Faye: "B rank?! And you're taking Mell with you?"

Kaede: "Yes."

Faye: "Well, we don't have much since a lot of the monsters nearby was killed during those attacks. But I guess we have that spider nest up north for you? Scouts sighted a giant spider building a nest there just before the monster attacks, so it hasn't been cleared yet. But that's the only B rank we have here."

Kaede: "I'll take it!"

Yui: "Spi-spiders..."

I totally forgot! Yui is terrified of spiders! Haha! Maybe this will be more fun than I thought!