
-----Mai's POV

It's been about an hour or two and there's still no sign of those masked people coming back. That Neri person said this was temporary, but now I'm starting to think that we're going to be stuck in here.

At least Lilith is getting some rest, but she's hanging her injured ankle off the side. Even unconscious, she still won't let that foot rest. Suddenly, I can hear the sound of the door opening from up the stairs, and after some time, we were greeted by one of the masked people, only this time it was just one of them.

?: "Open this cell."

Guard: "Yes."

At the masked person's command, the guard opens our cell door. The creaking sound of it opening ends up waking Lilith in the process.

?: "Follow me."

Our hands were still bound, but we manage to make our way up the stairs. I expected this person to put bags over out heads again, but this time, they opened the door, allowing us to see something quite eye catching.

Contrast to the dark corridor we just were, the room we entered was quite luxurious, with white porcelain walls.

Lilith: "What is this place?"

?: "You'll know soon enough."

We walked through an archway before turning a corner, only to come across a massive hall which had numerous guards in position.

?: "This way."

Leading us up the hall, I could see the other masked individuals along with the Captain and Neri. But the woman who was beside them, sitting on a throne was what caught my eye. Her long, dark blue hair with a golden crown worn atop of it gave me the feeling that we're in the presence of a queen. It was then that we were stopped roughly 20 meters away from the queen. Both Lilith and I remain still, awaiting instructions. However, I prepare myself at a moments notice to flood this bracelet with mana and destroy it if things turn bad.

Queen: "My friends here say that you've travelled all the way from Inasdale?"

I choose to remain silent in case Lilith wants to speak for us. And sure enough-

Lilith: "Yes, your majesty."

Queen: "We've cut ties from the king of Inasdale, so how did you know where to find us?"

Lilith: "My friend here is my guide. I did not know the way personally, your majesty."

Queen: "Right. You're 'friend' there. Tell me, how can a human be able to use invisibility magic?"

Like I thought. Humans, even royalty have lost the knowledge about invisibility magic. That said, I will just state the honest truth.

Mai: "It's like you said. I am not human."

At my words, the guards in the hall immediately became alerted, however the masked people remain composed along with the queen.

Queen: "Then tell me. What are you?"

Mai: "I'm just a familiar."

Queen: "What?"

Mai: "A spirit who was summoned by it's master. I was tasked to escort my friend here to Yarene."

Sure I said I would tell the truth, but that doesn't mean I will actually say who I am. As much as I hate lumping myself with the likes of spirits, this is the best way to deal with this.

Masked Captain: "Preposterous. Familiars cannot talk."

Queen: "Hold on. Why don't you prove it to us? Prove to me that you are in fact a spirit."

How the hell am I meant to do that? I guess I could just break this bracelet here and now. That might be enough to prove it, maybe?

With my mind made up, I exhaust my mana in a quick, intense manner as the bracelet around my wrist breaks apart in several pieces, scattering all over the ground. The act of me doing that causes the guards to point their spears to my neck, but I remain composed.

Mai: "This bracelet. It only works on beings who use mana. However, I am mana. A simple bracelet like this is not enough to contain me."

I'm not really entirely made of mana. This is a physical body, so I can bleed and in fact die. But my soul is still bound to Kaede's so I'd just be back to how I was. But thanks to the doorway I made in Kaede's body, I can just re-summon myself. Quite scary now that I think about it.

Queen: "..."

The queen went silent as her guards remain where they are, with their spears inches away from piercing my neck. I guess I should start talking.

Mai: "Look. I mean no harm. I am simply here to escort my friend to a safe place. Away from her past life in Inasdale."

Without anyone telling her, Lilith began to show the queen the magic crest on her back.

Lilith: "The mages of Inasdale gave me this. Please. I just want to live a normal life."

Queen: "So it's true. Those guys in Inasdale sure are repulsive. I do feel for you, but I can't just take in outsiders at the moment."

Lilith: "Please!"

Suddenly, Lilith drops to her knees, bowing to the queen.

Lilith: "I'm not asking to live here for free. I'll do whatever I can, so please..."

I wonder why it is that she can't take outsiders. Sure I only saw that one distant town that was 3 or so days away, but I think there was room for her there. The place didn't look that over-populated.

Queen: "I'm sorry. I can't take you in."

Lilith: "I can live in the cell I was just in! Please! I beg of you, I'll do anything."

Really? Living her life in that cell? Sure I'd think that she would have food supply and a bed to sleep on, but living a life in such a dark place?

Mai: "No, Lilith. You deserve to live a better life than that."

The queen rests her head on her hand in a frustrated fashion. I can feel that she does want to help, but something does seem to be holding her back. She then lifts her head back up, facing us.

Queen: "You said anything?"

Lilith: "Yes!"

Queen: "Hah~ I can't let you live in the city-"

Lilith: "I'll be fine in the cells!"

Queen "Please, let me finish. I can't let you live in the city as I cannot jeopardize a promise I made. And your friend here is right. I also wouldn't like for you to live your life as a criminal when you haven't done anything wrong-"

Great. I was worried that the queen would actually consider housing Lilith in the cells. Relief washing over me, even with these damn spears still pointed at my neck.

Queen: "However, I can let you stay in the castle."

Lilith: "Your majesty?"

Queen: "You'll serve me as my personal maid. You'll have your own room to sleep in and can live a comfortable life here."

Lilith: "T-thank you, your majesty!"

Queen: "Be sure to do your job well. You'll be by my side, so I can monitor you myself. And if I see that you're not doing your job well, I'll cast you out."

I don't think I'm quite happy with this outcome. Lilith just got done with serving those filthy humans back in Inasdale, and now she'll be serving another?

Lilith: "Yes! I'll do my best!"

Mai: "Wait!"

Queen: "Hmm?"

Mai: "Lilith has been through hell. She's lost everything. She's been serving humans for well over a decade and you've seen what they've done to her. So I ask of you that you treat her that of a human. Not a slave."

Queen: "And if I don't?"

Her words infuriated me that I lost my composure as my aura grows stronger. Strong enough to push back the spears that were surrounding me.

Lilith: "Mai!"

It was Lilith's words that snapped me out of it, as I begin to draw my mana back inside me.

Queen: "Pfft! Haha! Calm down, calm down. I admire your loyalty to your friend. I'm not like that tyrant in Inasdale. I promise you that she'll be in safe hands."

Mai: "And how do I know you'll hold true to that promise?"

Queen: "I've seen your power first hand now. I'm sure if your unhappy, you'd bring this castle down. But I do sincerely want to help your friend, and I'll take that risk."

Mai: "Then... If she wants to leave?"

Queen: "Then I'll do as I said before. I'll cast her out. I won't force her to serve me."

I guess I'm happy with that.

Lilith: "Mai, it's okay. I want this."

Mai: "...Okay."

With Lilith reassuring me, I accept handing Lilith off to this person. However I do want to know one thing.

Mai: "May I ask who I'm speaking to first?"

Queen: "My name is Cecilia Tempest. I am the Queen of the Yarene Kingdom."

I had a hunch that we would be in Yarene, but now this confirms it. This was Lilith's goal, to get to Yarene and we've done so. My job here seems to be done, but I still have some worries on how Lilith will be treated. Lilith may trust this place, but I don't. Not yet.

Mai: "Could I also see where she'll be staying?"

Queen: "If that will ease your worries, then sure. But I don't have room to house you as well."

Mai: "It's okay. I'll leave once I had a look."

Queen: "Great. Then I declare that this attendance is over. Everyone, you may resume your duties."

At her command, everyone, including the masked people, began to leave the area, leaving just a handful of guards in the hall.

Queen: "I'll escort you two personally. Right this way."

I still find it suspicious that a queen of all people would take in someone randomly like this. But if I can see the room she'll be staying in and some more places, then I can just teleport back whenever I want to check on her. With this, I can have some peace of mind.