
-----Yui's POV

With everyone crowding me like this, I must say it's quite nerve wracking, but I can't run away from this, I need to explain myself.

Yui: "Alice, could you throw another water ball my way?"

Alice: "Huh? Uhm, sure."

I think it'll be better if I demonstrate it while I explain. Alice backs up a bit before gently throwing a water ball my way. I immediately take control of it before maneuvering it around my body. Mom and Alice watched on in awe along with all the maids and butlers. With them reacting like this, it makes me feel like some sort of magician.

Yui: "I can't use magic of my own, but when I started attending the academy, I accidentally found out that I can manipulate other's magic."

I change the water ball into a star, showcasing the extent of my magic.

Butler1: "This is!"

Maid1: "I've never seen such a thing."

Butler2: "Nor have I."

Alice: "Is it just water magic you can manipulate?"

Yui: "No. I can control other kinds of magic too, but light magic is out of my reach."

Iris: "So there's limitations... Then what about summons?"

Yui: "What about them?"

Iris: "Could you also take control of someone's summons?"

Now this is interesting. I've been jealous of Kaede's summoning class for a while now, so now I find myself getting all excited my mom's suggestion.

Yui: "I'm not sure."

Iris: "Then-"

In the next moment, mom quickly summoned a fiery ball that quickly turned into a butterfly fluttering around mom, with the flames now dissipating in it's place. I stand there in shock at how quickly mom just summoned something, mesmerized by how smooth she did it.

Yui: "Pretty~"

Iris: "Fufu~ You wanted to see me use my magic, didn't you?"

Yui: "Yes! It's beautiful, mom!"

So mom is a fire mage. Honestly, it fits well with her image. I got my red hair from her so her being able to use fire magic is quite fitting.

Iris: "Now, could you try and take control of my butterfly?"

Yui: "I-I'll try."

I dump the star shaped water I made to the ground before focusing on the butterfly that's flying around mom. I have no clue how this is supposed to work, so I'm just thinking about the butterfly being just a ball of fire for me to control... However after a few moments, nothing seemed to happen. It's disappointing that I couldn't take control of it, but at least I got to see mom do something cool!

Yui: "I can't."

Iris: "Interesting. I chose to summon something small, but you struggled with even this much?"

Yui: "Sorry."

Iris: "No no! Your magic is amazing. You've only discovered this recently, right? So maybe you need some more practice before you could take control of summons."

She's right. Sure I have done a lot of practice now that controlling magic has become somewhat of a second nature to me, but this seems to be in a whole other league of it's own.

Yui: "Wait, that does mean you can something something bigger?"

Alice: "Pfft!"

Iris: "Of course. I could something something big enough to ride on if I want."

My immediate thought went to something like giant bird, or something that you can fly around on, soaring through the sky.

Yui: "Like a bird big enough to ride?"

Iris: "Ooo! I actually never thought of flying on something before. Maybe? But I am a little scared of heights."

I can relate to that. But I've been in a plane before and I was fine with that. Maybe I'm just more afraid of falling than heights.

Yui: "Why don't we try it some time?"

Iris: "Try what?"

Yui: "Flying!"

Iris: "I- I don't know~"

Mom looks to be uncomfortable with the idea so I choose to back down and not push it any further.

Alice: "Back on the topic of your magic, Ellen. How much magic could you control?"

Yui: "I'm not entirely sure actually."

Alice: "Hmm~ I have an idea."

Yui: "Hmm?"

I found myself on one end of courtyard, with Mom and Alice, along with all the butlers and maids forming a line on the other side. This reminds me when I was the last person alive on one of our dodgeball games in my past life. So much pressure~

Alice: "You ready?!?"

Yui: "Yes!~"

Alice: "On three!"

She begins to count down as everyone began to channel magic in their hands. I know I've been able to control multiple magic at once, but this many? This is a bit-

Alice: "Three!"

Before I could finish my thoughts, everyone began to throw magic my way one by one, like some kind of human machine gun.

I begin to take control of different kinds of magic, ranging from every element except for light and dark. I wasn't too sure how I was going to go about doing this, but I instinctively group all the water magic in one ball, all the fire magic in another and so forth. I'm genuinely shocked to see how easily that felt as everyone finished firing off their magic, leaving me controlling 4 huge balls of different elements.

Everyone appeared to be shocked as they all watch me move around these 4 giant balls of magic above my head.

Iris: "This is amazing! To think my daughter is a genius!"

Mom looks ecstatic as she ends up hugging our head maid. Everyone looks happy at the sight, but how exactly am I meant to get rid of these magic balls? Maybe if I combine the water ball with the fire they'll cancel out? I'm not too sure what I'll do with the earth and wind balls, but I suppose I should try out this for now.

Alice: "Wait, Ellen don't!-"

Suddenly, a loud bang could be heard, followed by immediate silence. My vision went pale while at the same time, I felt completely drenched. I couldn't see anything, and can only hear the ringing that's blasting through my ears, but I for sure feel that my clothes are now completely soaked.

Iris: "Ellen?!"

Alice: "Ellen!"

Maids: "Milady!"

Butlers: "Milady?"

So I can feel, and I can also hear, so at least I know I'm not dead. I move forward to where the voices are coming from. I suddenly bump into something as I immediately grab hold of whoever it is. I feel their arms wrap around me, embracing me firmly.

Maid: "Ah! Found her!"

The maid in question began to use wind magic, blowing away this misty atmosphere, revealing everyone scattered around the place before coming straight to my direction.

Maid: "You alright, young mistress?"

Yui: "Mm. I'm okay. Just a little wet."

Maid: "Hehe. We all are."

Iris: "Ellen! Are you okay?"

Mom now having caught up to us looked to be worried beyond belief, but I smile at her, letting her know that everything fine. Looking around, it looks like I made everyone soaking wet, but thankfully no one seems to mind. The ringing in my ears is still irritating, but at least I can hear everyone.

Yui: "Mhmm. I'm okay. Sorry about that. I didn't mean for that to happen."

Iris: "Hah~ That's alright. I'm just glad you're okay."

The maid slowly lets go of me.

Yui: "Thank you."

Maid: "No problem at all~"

Alice: "That was very reckless of you, Ellen!"

Yui: "I know. I just thought that the two magic would cancel each other out."

Iris: "Well, they do. But the energy has to go somewhere, fufu~"

I guess that makes sense. I don't know why I thought that the fire and water balls would magically just disappear without a trace. Wait... now that I think about it, where did the earth and wind ball go? The wind I'd imagine would just dissipate into the air, and as I look around, I see a lump of earth collected to at the edge of the courtyard. I guess I dropped it when that explosion happened. I'm thankful no one got hurt.

Iris: "Lets all get changed. We don't want anyone getting sick."

It is getting towards the winter season now. In my past life, winter would be towards the end of the year, but in this world it seems to be in the middle of the year.

Maid: "Would you like for me to dress you, young mistress?"

It's been a while since I've been offered this. Growing up, I always felt weird when the maids dressed me when I was little. The moment I became comfortable with speaking, I voiced my complaints and ever since, I've been dressing myself. But I'm coming to like this life now. Maybe it's due to my mom, but maybe I should take her up on her offer.

Yui: "Sure. I'll be in your care."

Iris: "Hmmm?~"

Mom shot a curious look my way. I can't blame her, this is totally out of my comfort zone.

Maid: "Oh? I thought you'd say no."

Yui: "I was going to. But I just had a change of heart right now."

Maid: "Really?! Yay~"

It's a bit weird, but I'm glad that she seems happy. Although I'm not sure how I feel with someone else besides Kaede undressing me, she also appears to be around our age as well, which makes it even worse. But she is quite pretty, with her dark green hair and purple eyes. If she was someone like Ulma then- actually no, I don't want to imagine that. But it might not all be bad letting this maid dress me. I'm curious how she'll do it. Hopefully nothing too extravagant.