
-----Yui's POV

I wasted no time and began dragging Natalie along with me the moment she fixed my handkerchief on her neck. She was hesitant at first, but has now accepted my demand. I'm taking her to Kaede.

Walking downstairs, with Natalie now putting some of her weight on my shoulder, I spotted my mom just now exiting her room as she catches sight of our desperate run down the stairs.

Iris: "Ellen? What's wrong? W-wait, is that-"

Yui: "I'll explain later. I need to take Natalie to Kaede."

Maid: "We need to get you patched up!"

Yui: "No!"

This is my fault, and I don't want to dump my mistake onto someone else. Plus Natalie is already in pain. Even with the wound now covered, with blood now staining my handkerchief, I still remember how bad of a gash I left. Most likely if I leave this to the maid, she'd need stitches. I don't know what it would feel like, but I know it must be painful.

Iris: "Very well. Let's go."

Yui: "Huh?"

Iris: "I was about to leave for a meeting. Ride with me, I'll take you where you need."

Normally I would try to decline, but with Natalie in the state she's in, wincing in pain while trying to stop the bleeding, there's no time.

Yui: "Yes!"

The maid offered to help Natalie to the carriage outside, but I declined. Natalie also seemed to not want to leave my shoulder as I hold her up by the waist as we continue our walk to to the carriage. I do wonder why Natalie suddenly isn't able to walk properly since I only injured her neck, so why is her legs weak? I don't question it further as all I'm focused on right now is making sure Natalie is safe.

We hop inside the carriage as I carefully sit Natalie down on the seat before I sit next to her. Mom sat opposite to us with a worried expression.

Yui: "The academy."

Iris: "Take us to the academy first! Quickly!"

Driver: "Yes, milady!"

Immediately, the carriage begins to move swiftly at the sound of a whip cracking. The jolt of the carriage was startling as Natalie ended up resting a bit of her weight on me once more.

Yui: "You doing okay?"

Natalie: "Y-yes."

Her face has gone pale and her eyes seem to be tired as they flutter between half-closed and closed. Did I drink too much of her blood? Her face seems like there's barely any blood running through it.

Iris: "So, what happened?"

I face my mom after checking Natalie. Mom's face still had a worried expression, but her eyes were like daggers, piercing straight at me as if demanding an explanation.

Yui: "Where do I start... Mom. You know about Kaede's and my circumstances, right?"

Iris: "Like how you both came from another world?"

Yui: "Yes."

Natalie: "W-what?"

This is quite odd now that I think about it. Mom knows about my past life, but not of my situation with Kaede. And on the other hand, Natalie knows of that situation, but doesn't know of my past life. They're both like two pieces of a puzzle that I need to put together.

Yui: "I'll explain soon. But mom. Back when you visited me in Azalea, something happened to me. I'll cut straight to it. Kaede's a half-vampire.

Iris: "..."

She listens without saying a word, knowing full well that there's more to the story than that.

Yui: "I didn't know at the time, but I ended up drinking a bit of Kaede's blood. Soon after that, I collapsed. I was in and out of consciousness, trying to drown out the pain. I had no idea if when I closed my eyes that I'd even wake up. Then, after a few days, my body started to feel better. I thought I returned to normal... But there are some circumstances now."

Iris: "...And Natalie's wound there has something to do with it?"

Yui: "Yes."

I can tell just how bewildered mom is, but she remains composed and doesn't question anything I've said.

Yui: "This all happened recently, but I fall unconscious when I'm away from Kaede. Not too long ago, we discovered if I drink Kaede's blood, I can distance myself from her like I did yesterday. But today was different. I lost control of myself and ending up finding myself biting down on Natalie's neck."

The guilt pours over me, making my head feel heavier as I let it hang down as I stare at the floor of the carriage.

Iris: "...It sound's like you've turned into a vampire..."

That statement however instantly makes me raise my head.

Yui: "No! Actually that's the only thing I can compare myself. Kaede lives a hard life, but I don't live with any of those struggles... Except for this."

Iris: "Who else knows of this?"

Yui: "Just you, Natalie, Luna and Olivia. Oh and Kaede of course."

I chose to keep Sicily, Lillian and Mell out of it since they're not in the city. I more or less knew what mom was actually saying was "Who else knows in 'this' city."

Iris: "Don't let anyone else know."

Yui: "Yes!"

I didn't plan for this to happen anyways. I'm thankful that I only told very few people to begin with. but to think mom seems accepting of all this...

-----Kaede's POV

Olivia: "Mm! This is so good~"

After meeting at the academy's gate, Olivia, Gabriella and I headed to a place to eat. Gabriella offered to treat us and with how volatile our conversation was before, I accepted her generosity.

Olivia seems to be drinking some kind of juice, with Gabriella drinking water. We were waiting for our food, but I chose not to order anything. However- I pull out one of the bottles of wine I bought from that bar in Azalea. I pulled out the one that had about a third of the wine left inside it as I began to pour myself a glass.

Gabriella: "Is that wine?"

Kaede: "Yes."

Olivia: "K-Kaede?"

Kaede: "It's okay. I won't go crazy this time around."

When I first tried this wine, I was completely engrossed by it. Similar to how my body felt when I was younger, dealing with the thirst of blood, losing myself in the process. Now that I'm looking at the wine in the glass, it does resemble blood in a way. When I was young, I was disgusted by the sight of blood, but now it's appealing to me, so looking at this wine and knowing how it'll taste sends shivers down my spine as I begin to slowly drink. The taste is just like how I remembered, tasting unbelievably fruity, with sweetness akin to pineapple. I had to force myself to stop before I end up finishing the glass.

Gabriella: "You make it look like it tastes amazing."

Olivia: "Ah- Don't be fooled. I tasted it before."

Gabriella: "Is it bad?"

Olivia: "K-kinda? It's definitely not my choice of drink."

Kaede: "Did you wanna try?"

It was out of impulse on my part in an attempt to better my relationship with Gabriella. It would be a stretch for us to already be friends, at best we're back to being acquaintances.

Gabriella: "Hmmm... Just a bit."

I slide over the glass of wine as she gently picks it up. Her eyes examining it in detail before smelling it.

Gabriella: "Smells nice."

Olivia: "You think?"

Gabriella: "Yes."

In the next moment, she brings the glass to her mouth as I watch the wine pass her lips. I waited for a visceral reaction like Yui made back when she first tried it, but surprisingly, she drank the wine with no problem before putting the glass back down.

Gabriella: "Ooh! The after taste is a bit strong."

Kaede: "Didn't like it?"

She shakes her head, completely different to how I thought she'd react.

Gabriella: "I liked it."

With a smile on her face finally appearing, she slides the glass back over to me.

Kaede: "You can have more if you like?"

Gabriella: "You sure?"

Kaede: "Of course. I have another bottle in my bag anyways."

Gabriella: "T-then if you insist."

She pours out her glass of water before bringing it over to me with the smile still plastered on her face. Feeling happy with how things are going, I pour a full glass of wine for her before filling up my own glass.

Olivia: "Uhm..."

Gabriella: "Cheers."

I was surprised at the gesture as I didn't know that was a thing in this world. But I happily raise my glass as does Olivia with her juice.

Kaede/Olivia: "Cheers."

We all clink our glasses together before drinking from our glasses. It might be wishful thinking, but maybe with our joined glasses, it's possibly closed that awkward gap between Gabriella and I. Today's been such a pleasant surprise. I had no idea how my apology would turn out, but to think we could hang out like this soon after. Of course it's thanks to Olivia setting it up as I smile in her direction as she smiles back. I wonder how things are going for Yui?