Bloody Alcohol

-----Yui's POV

We been riding at a fast pace throughout the city. Natalie's condition is quite bad, but at least she doesn't seem to be getting worse. That said, ever since we sat down in the carriage before we left, it doesn't seem like she'll have the energy to stand back up. Well if it means I'll have to carry her, then I'll do just that.

Time flew by as I was checking on Natalie until the carriage came to a sudden halt.

Iris: "We're here."

Yui: "Alright! You can continue without me mom."

Iris: "What?"

Yui: "I don't want to hold you back from your meeting."

Iris: "I'm sorry, but I can't just walk away knowing Natalie is-"

Yui: "Mom. Didn't you say for me to take care of her?"

I say as I wrap one of Natalie's arms over my shoulder, getting ready to get up from the seat. Mom said those exact words to me and it seems as though saying them back at her as gotten it across to her.

Iris: "...Okay."

Yui: "Thank you."

Iris: "But I'm coming straight back here after the meeting, okay?"

Yui: "Mm!"

Usually, the academy would not allow others to enter as they please, but with mom being a duchess along with how much influence she has, I'm sure the academy would let it slide.

With mom giving me to green light, I sit up from the seat, taking extra care to slowly bring Natalie up. I'm reminded of her weight as it feels like she's putting even more of herself on me. At this point it might just be convenient to just carry her. I step out with Natalie clutched onto my shoulder, leaving mom inside.

Iris: "Hang in there Natalie~"

Natalie: "Th-thank you, milady."

Iris: "I'll see you two soon."

With a pained expression, the door closes to the carriage as it soon rides off, away from the academy gates. There were some guards around the gate that saw our little spectacle as they didn't bother stopping us as I carefully brought Natalie through the gate, heading straight for the dorms.

It was a slow walk heading over there, and at some point, I ended up resorting to carrying Natalie on my back, holding onto her legs for added support. Like I thought, it was much faster this way as I increased the pace.

Entering the dorms, the dorm mother spotted us and immediately rushed on over. I really didn't want to bother dealing with her and quickly decided to continue up the stairs.

Dorm Mother: "W-Wait!-"

Yui: "I don't have time! I'll explain later."

Might have been a bit cold on my part, but right now all I care about is getting Natalie healed. With Natalie on my back, sure I felt the weight, but it was nothing that bad, she was quite light after all. However walking up these stairs was something I didn't consider. Every step was a hurdle, as I can feel my muscles in my legs tensing up more with every step. I had to take my time since I didn't want to drop Natalie and cause even more issues. So with every step I took, I made sure that I would succeed the next one, taking a deep breath each time.

Luna: "E-Ellen?"

I had my head down, focusing on the stairs, so I wasn't exactly paying attention to what's above me, but with the familiar sound of Luna, I shot my head up as I see a perplexed look on her face. Before I could say anything, she rushed down the stairs and helped me up the stairs, distributing some of Natalie's weight on herself.

Once we were up the stairs it was smooth sailing as I could finally catch a breath.

Yui: "Thank you."

Luna: "What happened?"

Yui: "I'll explain later. I need to take her to Kaede."

Luna: "Okay!"

With no more words said, we head straight for Kaede's room. Luna lets go to open the door for us as I quickly bring Natalie inside. Luna went in before us to quickly turn on the lights as we head straight for the bedroom. But upon entering, I realized that there's no sign of Kaede at all. Is she still apologizing to Gabriella? Thinking that, I gently lay Natalie down on the spare bed that Mai occasionally uses. Before I'd think getting blood on the sheets would be a problem, but knowing what Kaede can do, it shouldn't be an issue. I lay Natalie's head on the pillow gently as she continues to hold my handkerchief on her neck. The blood has definitely turned it completely red, but it seems like blood is still escaping, pouring out through the gaps. I need to hurry. 

Yui: "Wait here. I'll find Kaede."

Natalie: "M-mm."

She nods slightly as I get ready to leave.

Luna: "I-I'll stay here and keep and eye on her."

Yui: "Thank you."

Not waiting any more time, I exit the room and head straight for the room next door. Immediately I start to knock on the door, but after a few seconds there's no answer. Not wanting to waste time knocking I try to open the door, but frustration gets the better of me as I realize it's locked. Where did they go?

-----Kaede's POV

We finish eating our food and begin to make our way back.

Gabriella: "Ahh~"

Olivia did have half a glass of wine with us, but that was after Gabriella insisted on it. That would have to be after we had nearly finished the bottle. I've never experience being drunk before, but I could tell what I was feeling was not the same as Gabriella. She couldn't even stand upright as Olivia and I were on both sides of her as she was giggling away, making sure that she was steady... At least enough to make it back. I drank the most, yet I felt exactly the same as usual. Maybe I'm just unable to feel drunk? It sort of makes sense since I can't even taste that "alcoholic" taste to begin with.

Olivia: "You drank too much, Gabriella."

Gabriella: "Gah!~ It's fine!~ We're all adults here."

In my past life, we'd have to be quite a few years older to be able to start drinking, so hearing Gabriella say that still felt weird to me.

Eventually after what felt like hours, we finally reach the academy's gates. But immediately I could feel something was off. A familiar scent entered my lungs. I knew it all too well as I immediately looked down to where the smell was coming from. There I saw just a single drop of blood on the ground. And almost like I dog, I could feel the scent growing stronger the further I looked past the gate. Something is wrong.

Olivia: "Kaede?"

Kaede: "Let's get inside."

Gabriella: "Kay!~"

Yelling with glee, Gabriella puts more weight on me before regaining her balance. The smell of blood was enticing as I could feel my instincts going wild at the smell of blood. I was planning on ignoring the blood when we had to turn to head for the dorms, but I quickly realize that the blood is also leading to the dorms, making me having to hold myself back even more. I haven't drank blood in a while so this is getting quite unpleasant for me. My body just wants to run to where the blood is coming from, but I stay put and make sure Gabriella makes it back to her room. It's still early, but I wouldn't be surprised if she passes out the moment her head hits the pillow.

Entering the dorms, The scent of blood was getting unbelievably strong, and the further we got up the stairs, the more stronger it got. Gabriella immediately had a problem with the stairs, almost like her legs couldn't operate all of a sudden. I didn't have time for this as I picked up Gabriella before quickly walking up the rest of the stairs.

But I'd stop in my tracks as we enter the top floor as I see Yui. Wasn't she suppose to be at her mom's? It was then that my senses caught up to me as I could smell the source of the blood was coming from her. She doesn't look injured, but I can definitely see that some blood was on her clothes.

Yui: "There you are!"

Her face however is covered in sweat, as if she'd been running for hours. I put Gabriella back on her feet before we quickly move to join her.

Kaede: "What happened?"

Yui: "I'll explain later, this way."

In a hurried fashion, she moves away from Olivia's door and enters our room. I was distracted for a moment, but I could now tell that the main source of this blood is emanating from here. Gabriella was still all smiles, completely clueless to the situation as Olivia and I bring her inside.

Finally finding an opportunity to get rid of Gabriella, I sit her down on one of the chairs in the kitchen before following Yui into the bedroom. I was surprised to see Luna was here, but there was another person laying down on one of the beds; someone who I didn't know, but it was evident that she is the main source of this blood.

Yui: "...It happened."

Kaede: "D-did what happen?"

Yui: "..."

Her silence and pained expression was enough to tell me everything. And as I looked closer at this woman's body, sure enough, the blood is coming from her neck. So Yui lost control at her mom's place and attacked one of the maids?

Yui: "Can you heal her?"

Kaede: "Mm."

I nod, but my heart is beating so heavily as I stare at this woman's neck. I shake away my nerves and quickly move closer before bringing my hand to her neck. Her hand is in the way, holding a piece of cloth on the wound, but she slowly removes her hand as I gently remove the cloth. I can feel my mouth salivating at the sight of the blood now pouring out of her neck; it was quite a grotesque sight. Just how badly did Yui bite her to make a wound like this?

I end up having to hold my breath before making contact with her wound. I immediately begin to heal her wound, slowly sealing her would shut, leaving not a single trace of the wound. And with the wound now finally sealed, I quickly lick my hand to satiate my thirst just a bit, otherwise I'd end up going crazy.

Woman: "Th-thank you."

The woman thanks me before her eyes shut.

Yui: "Natalie!"

So that's her name? Yui's reaction was abrupt and immediately went to check on her. But I could still hear her heart beating from this distance. It's weak, but she's not going to die, but I guess Yui cannot tell. What I'm more concerned about is my own problem. But with Luna here, and Olivia and Gabriella out in the kitchen, I can't just drink Yui's blood here. Fuck...