Fallen Kingdom

-----Fabian's POV

It's been a day since they attacked, and I can still hear that woman's voice echoing in my head.

The teachers were quick to mobilize to try and take her down along with all the spiders that came for us, while Julius managed to escape with the students who chose to run. I think if the prince and I didn't encounter her before, I'm sure we would've stayed back and tried to fight back, but just like the students that ran, we followed suit. The tunnel didn't actually lead to the castle like what the prince had me think, but actually led to building which we entered through another hidden passage through a bookshelf. We knew we couldn't just stay here as they most likely saw us enter though here, so we quickly made our way to the opposite side of the city.

Elf Monster: "爪ㄖᐯ乇 丨ㄒ!"

Of course, our escape was futile as we did end up getting caught. The elf monster whipped one of the students as we all worked to rebuild the north wall that was destroyed. We had no choice but to surrender, otherwise we'd be risking our lives, but I'm surprised to see elves working under the spiders. Their purple like skin ranging from dark tones to some light tones really does make them stand out as as they all watch us, however I have no idea what they're saying.

Leon: "We could just make a run for it you know."

The prince, who's whispering in my direction catches my attention as I pass up a large stone slab to him.

Fabian: "And then what? You do realize that the spiders came from that direction."

Leon: "So? We're strong. We can can make it."

Fabian: "Strong enough to fight, that?"

I'm referring to the monster that we first met, who also seems to be the leader of this invasion, although she's nowhere to be seen right now.

Leon: "Maybe not, but I'm sure they won't come running for just 2 humans, right?"

Fabian: "And leave everyone else here?"

I'm honestly surprised. Before, during our walk to mom's mansion the other day, he seemed like he deeply cared for everyone. But now he's saying to just abandon them?

Leon: "It's too dangerous. It'll be much easier to find the headmaster with as little people as possible."

Elf Monster: "Ɋㄩ丨乇ㄒ!"

The sound of the whip cracking against another student's back causes us to lower our voices even more. I go to grab another slap on the ground before handing it up to Leon.

Fabian: "So that's your plan? To find our headmaster?"

Leon: "Yes. You in?"

Fabian: "We have no supplies. Plus, how do we know that the other towns aren't like the city?"

Leon: "We have to try."

I was originally just going to bide my time and just do as I'm told. I'm aware that my sister and the rest of my family are away right now, so they could maybe gather an army to take back the kingdom. But how long that will take, I'm not sure.

Looking around, spider's are crawling around, from small sized ones that we killed, to larger ones. Some even having a white color instead of black. Not to mention the many elves that are watching over us. They're so close that even if we do make a run for it now, they'll catch us quickly and kill us on the spot...

Leon: "Come on."

Fabian: "..."

But if we do end up finding Lucien ourselves, then the risk might be worth taking. That's of course if Lucien's even alive...

Fabian: "Okay. But on my signal."

Leon: "Got it."

I grab another stone slap, taking the opportunity to look around once more. We've built the wall roughly 5 feet high right now so it will be a bit of a jump for me, especially with these chains around my ankles. I lock eyes with one of the elves briefly before moving back to Leon to pass him the slab.

Fabian: "You have a way to deal with your restraints?"

Leon: "Yes. I'll cut them with light magic. You?"

Fabian: "...I guess I can try melting them off."

Leon: "Won't that also burn your feet?"

Fabian: "Yes. But if we successfully make it out, you can just heal me."

Leon: "It's risky..."

I did think of just dropping one of the slabs onto the chains in hopes to break it. But on the off chance that it doesn't work and someone catches me doing that. I'll likely be killed. This way will be effective, but also the most painful route.

Fabian: "On my signal."

With a mutual nod of our heads, I go to pick up another slab, but I'm not actually going to pick up the slab, only going over there to get enough distance for me to hopefully clear the jump. I feel my heart beat out of my chest with every step I make, almost like they're in sync with each other. With a deep breath, I prepare myself for what's to come as I slowly bend down to the slabs. I grit my teeth as hard as I can before using as much mana as I can muster before torching the chains with my hands. The chains quickly melted away, as the pain quickly shot up my legs, spreading all over my body, but I don't waste time to deal with that, right now I need to run. I kick off the ground with my still burning legs, sprinting straight for the wall.

Elf Monster: "卂千ㄒ乇尺 卄丨爪!"

I hear the elves behind me start to yell, only making my heart pound even harder as I quickly approach the wall.

Fabian: "Fuck it!"

The moment I go to leap over the wall, I explode more of my fire magic in my hands downwards in an attempt to propel me higher. With that, I just barely managed to clear the wall before landing on the other side with Leon already there. But the impact of the landing caused all that pain in my legs to flood right back, causing me to collapse to the ground.

Leon: "Come on!"

I feel Leon lift one side of me up as I quickly plant my feet back on the ground before continuing to run, trying my best to block out the pain. Then suddenly, I feel something coiling around my ankles, stopping me in my tracks as I collapse head first into the ground.

Leon: "Fabian!"

My vision becomes incredibly blurry from the sudden impact, but I manage to hear Leon's voice. I go to try to stand back up, but my thoughts finally catch back up to me as I realize I'm now stuck to the ground. It's a bit hazy but it seems as though the grass is growing around my ankles, now working their way up past my knees, as if their trying to bury me into the ground. Screw it... I end up channeling even more mana in my hands before unleashing it directly onto my own legs, burning the grass off of me, along with my legs. Leon ends up blocking a magic attack with a barrier, allowing me some time to stand back up.

With my head still in a daze, and the pain now even worse, I desperately try and make it to the woods with Leon following close behind me. Knowing what I know now, I end up burning every single blade of grass around us during our escape until finally, we made it to the woods.

Leon: "Don't stop!"

Fabian: "I-I can't!"

I've tried my best to endure the pain, but it's quickly becoming to be too much as I feel my legs slowly seizing up, not wanting to move anymore. Even the act of bending my knees shot an unbearable amount of pain through my body. I end up stumbling against a tree, as I try to keep myself from falling, but that only causes my vision to become even more of a blur.

Leon: "Here-"

I feel Leon hoisting one of my arms over his shoulder as he helps me continue further into the woods.

Leon: "Doesn't seem like they're following, but we can't risk it."

With every step I make, the less I begin to feel as I can't even feel the impact of the ground hitting my feet. I don't dare to even imagine just how bad it is, nor do I even dare to look...

Leon: "Here, let's make a left here."

Fabian: "L-Leon... my legs."

My legs finally give out as I end up putting my entire weight onto Leon as he desperately tries to keep me standing.

Finally, he lays me down with my back up against a tree. It was then that I realized just how bad my legs are. My pants were almost entirely burnt off, making it seem as though I'm wearing short shorts. But that wasn't the problem... Half way down my thigh and all the way down, my legs were complement charred, almost as if I have black scales from how cracked my skin looks. But what was even scarier was my ankles. I didn't bother to look as after I went and melted the chains, I just ran, but I failed to realized that the shackles around both my ankles have now been melted onto my ankles as the weight of them has now ripped my now burnt flesh, exposing raw flesh underneath as blood drips onto the forest floor. Even Leon averted his eyes a few times, not wanting to look at my ankles. I couldn't even tell that I was bleeding until now, as if all the nerves around my ankles are non-existent.

Leon: "I...I-I'm not too sure how well this will be, but I'll try my best."

He quickly begins to heal me with his magic, but surprisingly, instead of feeling relief, even more pain floods through my legs, almost as if I'm burning my legs all over again. I grit my teeth as hard as I can, trying to not scream as I claw at the ground, looking for any sort of comfort.

Leon: "Hang in there."

I'm trying! Are you even healing me right now?!

Elf Monster: "ㄒ卄乇ㄚ 山乇几ㄒ ㄒ卄尺ㄖㄩᎶ卄 卄乇尺乇"

The voices from the elves brought my thoughts back as Leon stops healing me.

Leon: "I've done what I can. Let's go."

With help of Leon lifting me up from the ground, we quietly travel further into the woods, heading slightly west. The pain is still excruciating, but at least I know my legs are somewhat alive as I can now feel some of the impact of the ground through my legs, however I still struggle to move them, making me feel like I'll just kill the prince from holding him back like this.

Fabian: "You, should just go on without me."

Leon: "Not happening."

As if defying my suggestion, he picks up more of my weight, picking up the pace as we move even faster through the woods. Sis... I hope you're doing better than I am right now...