The Split

-----Kaede's POV

We finally arrived at a building where the soldiers of Narlimar led us to. They brought all our wounded soldiers inside, leaving us to do whatever, although Fleur, Faye, Sicily, Lillian and I are under supervision of this, Neri person, so I doubt there's much we can do. Hell, I would've asked if I could help healing the soldiers since I know I'm capable, but with this stupid collar around my neck that's constantly digging into my skin, I doubt I can help much.

Yui: "Would you like me to help?

Male Medic1: "It's okay. I wouldn't want lady Iris' daughter to trouble herself with this sort of work."

Yui: "I insist."

Male Medic2: "We've got this under control. You should relax with your family. It must've been a long trip coming all the way here, right miss?"

Yui: "...Okay."

Dejected, Yui ends up walking back over to us. I understand how she feels. Those soldiers fought to keep everyone safe, the least we could do was to heal them ourselves. Especially Yui since she just discovered her potential with healing magic.

Iris: "They're in safe hands, Ellen."

Yui: "I know, but-"

Soldier: "Lady Iris."

Iris: "Yes?"

Another soldier comes up to us, interrupting the conversation. I would think that's quite a scary thing to do to a noble such as Iris, but maybe people here treat nobles a little differently than in Inasdale. Regardless, Iris doesn't seem to mind that much.

Soldier: "We have a few inns for you and your people. However, with this many people, many of them will not be able to fit."

Kaede: "Well, I don't really need sleep, so someone can have my bed."

Sure, I'm being a bit selfless right now, but I genuinely feel like I could stay up for a month with how much energy is in my system, even with this stupid collar around my neck.

Neri: "You lot will be staying with me. I'm not having you all split up."

Fleur: "W-where would we stay then?"

Neri: "I'll find us a room big enough for us."

Yui: "U-uhm. I'd like to come as well."

Neri: "No, You're to stay with the rest. I don't want to risk your safety."

Shoot. This might be a problem. Yui technically needs to stay with me due to her condition, but it seems as though we're going to be forced apart.

Natalie: "...I'll stick with you, lady Ellen."

Neri: "Perfect. Problem solved."

Yui: "...Fine."

Yeah, she's clearly not happy with this outcome, but if it's with Natalie, someone who she's already "attacked" before, I think this is the best compromise for us.

Iris: "I'll have the wounded and their families fill up the rooms first. Anyone else after that, can fill up the rest."

Soldier: "Understood."

Alice: "I'll help you escort the wounded inside their rooms."

Soldier: "Thank you."

With Alice, Iris and the soldier walking off to collect the people, we're left behind next to the caravan as we wait for the rooms to fill up.

Mell: "What about me?"

Neri: "Hmm?"

Mell: "I'd like to stay with mom."

Neri: "R-right. I forgot about that."

Kaede: "Can you at least allow Mell to join us as well?"

But at the same time, this would be unfair to Yui... However I did promise to Mell, albeit internally, that I'd be here for her, so I'd like to keep that promise.

Neri: "..."

Kaede: "You saw how capable I am when I dealt with Fleur. If something happens, I'll take responsibility."

Neri: "That's not how it works. I'm responsible for you. If you fuck up, then that puts me at risk."

Mell: "...I promise to behave. I can just sleep on the floor if that's an issue."

Neri: "Aww. No, you won't have to do that."

Surprisingly, Neri bends down to Mell, however Mell jumps back before clinging to my side, almost as if Neri is some sort of demon. Not that I blame her with the black get-up and not wanting to show their face.

Neri: "Fine."

Seems as though this mysterious person has a soft spot for children, although Mell isn't quite a child as she's now up to my chest in height. But at least these "masked" people aren't all that bad.

Yui: "Hah~"

And like I predicted, Yui doesn't seem too happy with how things are turning out. Hopefully this is just for tonight and not an ongoing thing. This is actually the first time I think since we haven't shared a room together...


Eventually, after the wounded finished being treated and filled up the rooms of the inns, including Luna and her family since she's still recovering from all that blood loss. But now it was finally our turn. Iris and her family went in first, taking up two rooms, one for Iris and Alice, and the other for Yui and Natalie. Marcus actually decided that he'd stay outside, letting someone else take his place.

Kaede: "Sweet dreams."

Yui: "I'll try."

With us being watched by Neri, I refrain from kissing on the lips and instead settle with kissing Yui on the forehead, seizing the opportunity to play with her hair for a brief moment before moving back.

Kaede: "Keep her safe."

Natalie: "I will."

I really should be saying that to Yui, since Natalie will be the one getting attacked if it does come to that.

And so, after saying our goodbye's, Neri takes us out of the inn before heading in the direction of another inn. I end up carrying Faye with us since she still hasn't woken up from when Fleur pounced her. But I soon realize that we pass all the inns that the soldiers showed us, and instead, we come to a bar.

Sicily: "We're... Staying in a bar?"

Neri: "Yes. Away from everyone else."

Lillian: "There's people here though. What does it matter?"

Neri: "I know these people well. They can handle themselves in a fight if the worst happens."

So in other words, these people who are drinking are backup if any of us decides to do something crazy... Got it. Yeah I'm starting to think we really are criminals with how things are going now.

We come up to the main counter of the bar as everyone immediately moved to the side after seeing Neri approach.

Neri: "I need to borrow your largest room."

Server: "Y-yes! Right this way."

Not even questioning Neri, the eight eyed demi-human led us upstairs, probably where the rooms are. His main two eyes matched the traditional "human" eye, but he has extra smaller eyes stretching out to the sides of his head, almost like a spider.

Soon, he led us to a large room, which has two large beds and even a connecting room inside, likely the bathroom.

Server: "Thank you."

Neri hands the server some coins before the server walks off back downstairs. I would've thought we'd be staying here for free, at least that's how it felt with how dominating Neri is in this place.

Neri: "Get in. Hop in whatever bed you like."

Neri them pulls out a chair from under a table before immediately sitting down, heaving a heavy sigh through their mask. Sicily and Lillian of course chose to stick together, taking the bed furthest from the door. I gently lay Faye down onto the other bed. I guess Fleur could hop in with her, but with Fleur now dealing with her new body, maybe Mell might be better suited for it.

Fleur: "I'm actually not that tired. Mell, you can sleep with Kaede if you like?"

Mell: "Deal!"

Perfect. Didn't even need to worry about it. I wanted to stay awake with Fleur anyways.

Kaede: "I'm not that tired either."

Hmmm... Maybe-

Kaede: "Ne- Uhm. You can sleep in the bed if you like?"

I almost let Neri's name slip, but luckily, they didn't seem to catch it.

Neri: "Thank you, but I cannot sleep. I'll be putting everyone at risk if I do so."

Kaede: "...You said that you trusted mom, right? So you can trust me. I can stay up and make sure nothing goes wrong. You seem tired anyways."

Neri: "...Mom you say?"

Fuck... I may of caught myself from saying Neri's name, but I completely let that one slip.

Kaede: "I meant to say Lilith."

Neri: "She's your mom then?"

Kaede: "I'm a vampire."

Neri: "One that was born from a human female. I recall you saying that."

Kaede: "...Y-yeah."

Yeah, I really fucked up this time. From what Mai said, mom has been living comfortably since coming here, but now I think I've just ruined all of that for her...

Neri: "Pfft. Calm down. We're not savages. I already had a hunch that you and Lilith were related somehow. She spoke of you in such high praise."

I feel like my heart had stopped after hearing that. As if all the tension in the air just suddenly vanished. I don't know why I keep thinking that these people are bad, but their get-up doesn't really help at all.

Kaede: "S-so?"

Neri: "Alright... I'll trust you. But just to warn you. I am confident in my abilities, and I will not hesitate."

Kaede: "Mhmm."

Neri: "Then-"

They then get up from the table before immediately laying their back on the bed next to Faye. To be honest, I figured they would take off their mask, but are they seriously planning to leave it on? Including everything else?

Kaede: "...You can sleep beside them if you like?"

Mell: "No thanks. I'll stay up with you."

Kaede: "Hehe. Is that so?"

I don't blame her, considering how she reacted to Neri before we came here. Even I would be concerned sleeping next to that person.

Sicily: "H-hey~ If you get tired, you can just join us, Mell. There's plenty of room for you."

Mell: "Thank you~"

Problems solved. Now all I'm worried about is Yui. I hope she's doing alright with me not around. It's been a while since I had given her blood.

-----Yui's POV

I still can't believe that this is the first time I'll be sleeping without Kaede... I know I've slept alone before, but it pains me just knowing Kaede's there and I can't be there. But speaking of pain, it's happening again... It's not as bad as before as I can still move around, but I fear that by tomorrow morning, Natalie would be dead in my arms.

Natalie: "You okay?"

Yui: "...Natalie."

Natalie: "You need some blood, right?"

Yui: "..."

I say nothing, only replying with a slight nod before she goes to grab her knife.

Yui: "Not so big this time!"

Natalie: "Hehe. Okay."

Last time, blood was spraying everywhere, even getting onto my clothes. But thankfully my attempt at healing her wound paid off, even more so than I thought as not even a scar was left behind. Maybe Luna's wound was just too much for me to handle, but I'm relived that I did manage to heal her, even if she has to live with that hideous scar for the rest of her life...

Natalie: "Here."

Like I said, Natalie didn't cut her hand open like before, only cutting roughly half the size of last time. I stare at the blood pooling up in her palm for a moment before lowering my lips to her palm. I may not be able to smell blood like Kaede and Fleur, but the moment Natalie's blood touches my lips, I feel an intense urge to drink as I quickly snatch Natalie's hand with my own before steadily drinking all the blood, as if a switch had just been flipped inside me. I can feel, and even hear my heart beat faster as I swallow more and more of her blood. The taste is just as intoxicating as before as I end up finishing all the blood before I realize.

Natalie: "Need a bit more?"

Yui: "Mm."

We continue for a bit longer as I drink even more of Natalie's blood. However, I have no idea just how much it'll take for my urge to stop...

I end up drinking 5 palmfuls of blood before stopping it there. It's a lot more than what Kaede would usually give me, so I think this should be enough. And just like before, I wrap up Natalie's hand in a piece of cloth before concentrating on drawing out water into my palm before soaking it into the cloth.

Natalie: "Thank you."

Yui: "I should be the one saying that."

Soon after that, we shut off the lights before laying down in our beds, although Natalie still wanted to act like a maid and tuck me in before she goes in herself.