
-----Yui's POV

A few days has past since the last meeting with the queen, and I now find myself at the gate of city next to Kaede, mom, Natalie, Luna, and everybody else. There's also hundreds of soldiers just outside the walls along with the familiar sight of the black masked soldiers that Neri's apart of. And speaking of Neri, she doesn't seem to be around, but that's when I noticed the familiar getup that Neri wore before she started helping my mom. I guess since war has now come up, she's now needed elsewhere.

Mell: "I change my mind! I don't want you to leave!"

Suddenly, Mell came crashing though, wrapping her arms tightly around Kaede. Trust me, I wanted to do the same thing, but I'm just trying to keep it together right now. I don't want Kaede stressing over me as she leaves, so I'll let Mell do that on my behalf. This will be the first time in a long time that Kaede and I will be actually apart, but I still can't believe that it's due to a war. I feel like one of those wives from those old war movies sending their husband off. That thought puts a smile on my face, if only for a little.

Kaede: "I don't want to either... But I promise I'll have Mai bring me back when I can."

Before we left Kaede's place, she did end up drinking a bit of my blood as I also drank some of hers in return. But hearing Kaede saying she'll try and visit while on the trip is quite reassuring, especially since the journey will likely be a long one. Although the few hundred or so soldiers do seem to have horses with them, so maybe it won't be too bad.

Luna: "Isn't this many soldiers too little?"

Luna came up to whisper into my ear. I agree with her that this does seem quite small compared to the army that was in pursuit of us when we were fleeing Inasdale.

Collin: "Maybe this is an elite force?"

Violet: "They better be... I'd hate for them to just use Kaede like this."

During our little talk, Mell finally parted away from Kaede as Kaede gently kissed Mell on her forehead.

Kaede: "Okay?"

Mell: "Mm."

It was then that Kaede locked eyes with me as we just share a smile together. I didn't want to make a scene, but seeing Mell now let go of Kaede, my body just moved on it's own as I fling myself at Kaede, brining her into a tight embrace.

Yui: "You better stay safe."

Kaede: "I promise."

Yui: "And Mai! If you're hearing this, you better force her back if things get bad!"

Mai: "Yes~ On it."

I look around, but it seems as though Mai is using invisibility magic again. Well, at least she heard me.

Kaede: "I love you."

Yui: "Mm! Love you too."

I tighten my grasp around her for a few more moments before releasing her from my hold. I feel my body immediately begin to tense up as I try and hold back my tears as I watch her say goodbye to Fleur and the others. Everyone else just watched as Mell ended up walking up to my side, gently taking hold of my hand as I tighten my grip around her hand in return. I promised I'd look after Mell while Kaede's gone but I feel like it'll be the other way around as right now, I'm feeling a lot more better with Mell coming in to hold my hand.

The masked captain then walked over to Kaede after she had finished hugging Fleur and the others.

Masked Captain: "I'll be taking charge of this force. I thank you again to lending your aid."

Kaede: "Are you sure this many soldiers will be enough?"

She asks the question that everyone has been thinking. But I've seen just how powerful Kaede can be. I doubt she needs all that much help, but if it means that her chances of survival increases with more soldiers, then I'd like as many as possible.

Masked Captain: "We'll be joining up with the forces in Leris Kingdom just outside the borders of Inasdale."

Oh? This is the first I've heard of another kingdom. It's nice to know now that there's others helping us with this cause. Hopefully this Leris kingdom has sent tens of thousands of soldiers! Or maybe even a hundred thousand!

Kaede: "Okay."

Masked Captain: "I'll give you some more time to say goodbye. We'll leave when you're ready."

Kaede: "Thank you."

He then left as Kaede turned around to face everyone once more. I feel Mell start to tighten her grip around my hand which I found to be quite painful, but that actually made it easier to hold back the tears. Thank you Mell.

Kaede: "Well then... I'll see you guys soon."

Sicily: "We better!"

Sicily took the words right out of my mouth as Kaede lets out a soft chuckle. It was then that I caught a glimpse of a single tear stream down Kaede's cheek, and almost like it was infecting me, a single tear also burst through and slid down my own cheek. Please be safe...

Kaede didn't seem to want to wait any longer as she turned to face the masked soldiers before beginning to walk. With every step she makes, the more tears seem to be pouring out my eyes as I try my best to keep myself together.

Lilith: "Wait!~"

Suddenly, Lilith came running all the way from outside the walls, bursting through some of the soldiers before colliding with Kaede. I couldn't hear anything besides that yell, but I can see that her mom is giving her last goodbye to her as they share in another hug off in the distance.

Yui: "Hah~"

Luna: "You okay?"

Yui: "Yeah..."

Luna: "...It's okay to cry you know?"

Yui: "Not yet."

I may already be crying, but I'm holding most of them back until Kaede is no longer in sight. And after what felt like an eternity of waiting, Kaede gave a final wave in the distance as everyone here waved back, sending her off one last time. I don't take my eyes off Kaede for one moment as I watch her hop on top of a horse next to the masked soldiers. I honestly wish I could ride on that horse with her all the way to battle, but fate would have me stay here I guess... Actually, watching Kaede fumble around trying to get on the horse was quite funny, but I guess this is her first time riding one. I'm pretty sure I'd screw up as well.

Then after a bit more time, they all began to ride off as my vision of Kaede immediately became obscured by all the horses until none were left, leaving just Lilith out there still panting from having ran all the way out here. Once I could no longer hear the sound of the horses hooves crashing into the ground, Lilith began to walk our way. Mell finally freed my hand from her grasp before running in to hug Lilith as they both share in another embrace. And almost immediately, Luna came in from my side, hugging me as well.

Luna: "She'll be okay."

The dam in my eyes that I've been constantly repairing had finally broken as a stream of tears poured down my face and onto Luna's shoulder. I cling to her for as much comfort as possible as Luna just stands there, gently holding me as I finally let everything out that I've been holding back these past few days.

Luna: "It's okay, cry as much as you need."

It honestly feels like I'm at a funeral for Kaede's death. I mean it can well and truly be her funeral as I still fear whatever that monster there is. I just trust that Mai can bring her back safely. I wonder if this is like how Kaede felt when she witnessed my death in our past life? But after 3 or so minutes of pouring my eyes out onto Luna, I finally pull my face away, taking a moment to wipe any tears that may be left behind.

Luna: "Better?"

I nod my head slightly as it's hard to say whether I feel better or not.

Elira: "Why don't you come over to stay for a while?"

Yui: "Can I?"

Elira: "Of course. You're always welcome. Everyone else here as well."

Yui: "Th-thank you. But I'll need to ask my mom."

Iris: "Did you forget I was here? Fufu."

Yui: "Ah-"

Mom was so quiet that she completely slipped my mind. I guess she wanted all of us to say our pieces, sending Kaede off without any interruptions.

Iris: "Just be sure to be back before nightfall. Natalie?"

Natalie: "Yes. I'll be with her."

Thank god... I really don't want to be alone right now. But is it really okay for Mell and the other vampires to come with us to Luna's place? I guess they have had a feast before so it shouldn't be that big of a problem, especially seeing as though they look fine even now with everyone around.

Yui: "Then, I'll be in your care."

Luna: "Mhmm!"