Journey Ahead

-----Kaede's POV

It's a strange feeling riding on a horse compared to riding on a caravan. It's a lot faster I'll give it that as I feel like we can maybe make it to Inasdale in less than half the the amount of time it took us to get to Yarene... But there is one big problem.

Kaede: "This sucks!"

Masked Captain: "I'm aware that it's tough to say goodbye to your loved ones, but every soldier here is the same."

Kaede: "I'm not talking about that-"

I won't argue that having to say goodbye to Yui and everyone else was upsetting, but right now all I can think of is how uncomfortable riding on horseback is. It feels like my tail bone is getting smashed over and over again with every gallop my horse makes. I wouldn't be surprised if I turn into a grandma after riding like this all the way to Inasdale.

Kaede: "Is riding on a horse always this uncomfortable?"

Neri: "Oh? Is this your first time?"

Kaede: "Of course it is! And I don't see why I need to ride one. Can't I just fly?"

I honestly could keep up with the horses with just running as well without using that much energy.

Masked Captain: "It'll be better to conserve your energy."

Kaede: "But I can keep a bird's eye view from up high."

Neri: "She does make a point there, captain."

Yes! Thank you Neri for having my back!

Masked Captain: "Very well. I'll take your horse from you whenever you're ready."

Kaede: "Thank you!"

I waste no time as I immediately jump off of the horses back before growing out my wings and flying up into the sky. I let out a heavy sigh now that I'm finally off of that stupid horse... No offence, horse, but I don't think we're compatible. But I can't be laid back now, I need to make sure I don't fall behind and actually do my job and keep an eye out for anything in our path. That said, I do take a moment to look back at Yarene, where Yui, Mell and everyone else is...

Kaede: "I miss you already..."

I mutter to myself before facing back forward, picking up the pace in order to match the others as I soar above the trees.

Mai: "You sure this was the right move?"

Popping up next to me, Mai floats as she matches my speed. It's honestly weird seeing her body just move while still being stationary.

Kaede: "I've been over this many times. This is the best option available to me."

Mai: "And is undeniably the most dangerous."

Kaede: "Maybe."

Mai: "I'll say this again. The fight you're going into. Don't get carried away."

Her voice sounds quite worried this time around which I felt was unusual. Normally Mai would be carefree, simply revealing huge news as if it's common knowledge. So to hear her voice tremble a little does make me quite curious.

Kaede: "Is everything okay?"

Mai: "I just don't want you to die."

Kaede: "I made a promise, didn't I? I'll survive. I have to."

Mai: "Just don't take your opponent lightly. You may have more power than this demon, but they've been around much longer than you. Not to mention they have servants that could pose to be a bit of a problem."

Kaede: "You saying I'm inept at using my magic?"

Mai: "I'm not saying that. But what I am saying is that this demon has likely mastered their arts over centuries. Just be careful, okay?"

Kaede: "Got it. Thanks."

It's nice to know that in terms of raw power I do have the advantage, but Mai's warning is good to hear. I didn't think about my opponent all that much.

Kaede: "So? What is this demon?"

Mai: "Honestly... I'm not too sure myself. At first glance I would say they're a succubus, but there's definitely something odd about it."

Kaede: "Odd?"

Mai: "I'm not sure how, but they possess an ability to split themselves."

Kaede: "Huh?"

Mai: "When I was there briefly, I noticed a shockingly similar aura not too far from them. Almost as if they're the exact same being."

Kaede: "Like cloning?"

Mai: "Sort of. But cloning is a temporary magic, albeit extremely powerful despite only lasting 5 minutes depending on the caster."

I didn't even think that cloning was an actual kind of magic until now. Once again, Mai just spouts huge news out of nowhere like it's nothing, making it hard to digest at times.

Mai: "But this is different. It's like they've used a vessel in order create their clone."

Kaede: "Vessel? Like the kind humans have?"

Mai: "Not really, but I guess it works in the same way. They've likely sacrificed someone in order to house their clone permanently. In other words, a sacrifice."

Kaede: "That's a thing?"

Mai: "Well that's how I created the vessels in humans in the first place. I just killed many creatures that could house mana and shove them into those humans. I was surprised though how quickly it spread though."

Wait... So this entire time, the "vessels" inside humans are actually made from monsters? Despite Mai saying that they aren't physicals things yet they're made from monsters? I mean, I can understand the train of thought, but I fail to understand exactly how all that works. Also now I wonder if these "vessels" are the reason why monsters hate humans...

Mai: "Well, either way. They managed to stumble upon my technique back then, so do not underestimate this demon, okay?"

Kaede: "Yes! Thank you."

-----Fabian's POV

Ilfa: "Looking great!"

Ilfa came around today to check on the progress I've made with my walking. The pain is still there, but I can now safely take strides and even jump a little without feeling too much pain.

Rina: "Mhmm!"

Rina's also here, watching over me with a great smile on her face. We haven't told Ilfa about our relationship, but maybe once I'm more certain about my feelings, I might try and bring it up. Rina and I did kiss the other day, but it wasn't overly intimate and we only did it that one time. I can't tell whether Rina liked it and wanted more, but even I'm unsure how to feel about it. Even now with Ilfa in the room, my heart still tenses up.

Fabian: "Maybe I can start walking around outside at this rate."

Ilfa: "I can permit you to move around in this castle, but do remember you are my hostage. I cannot allow you to leave."

A sudden sense of dread washes over me as I feel like I've just been brought straight back into reality. That's right... Since the start I've been a hostage, but how Ilfa's been treating me and spending time with Rina made me feel like some kind of equal to them... It hurts to be reminded like this.

Rina: "...What if, I watch over him?"

Ilfa: "Hmmm?"

Is Rina seriously standing up for me? I can tell she's trying to make it look like she's trying to keep me in check, but I can tell that it's just a white lie. To think Rina would help me like this.

Ilfa: "I'm aware you're quite strong as it's the reason why I've let you stay despite your age. But you sure you can handle it?"

Rina: "Yes, Matriarch."

Ilfa: "Fufu, alright. I'll leave Fabian in your care then when I'm gone."

Rina: "ㄩ几ᗪ乇尺丂ㄒㄖㄖᗪ."

I can't help but be speechless at what I just witnessed. I was just brooding over my hope to leave this place being crushed, only to have Rina swoop in to save me. I'd hug her right now, but I'll refrain from doing so since Ilfa's still here.

Ilfa: "I will warn you. Other's won't take kindly to Fabian. I don't want him to be killed, so if he dies. I won't hesitate to kill you."

Rina: "...Yes."

But with Ilfa's comment just now, I can't help but question what she said before. Would she really go out of her way to kill Rina if I'm just a hostage to her? Either way, I'm happy that Ilfa still cares for me.

Ilfa soon left once again after giving her warnings to Rina, leaving the two of us now alone in the room. I would think that with Ilfa now out of the room, the atmosphere would lighten up, but looking over at Rina, she still looks tense, not moving one bit from where she's standing. Is she afraid to go out now?

Fabian: "...H-hey."

Rina: "Hmm?"

She finally turned her head to face me, but her feet remained glued to the floor, clearly still taken aback from Ilfa's warnings.

Fabian: "We don't need to go outside if it's too much. Just the castle would be enough."

Rina: "Hehe."

Suddenly, Rina softened up at my suggestion, now turning her whole body to face me with a soft smile on her face. Although I'm unsure what it is she's giggling about.

Fabian: "Did I say something funny?"

Rina: "Mm-mmm-"

She shakes her head while still smiling at me.

Rina: "You knew I was stressing over it. And even though you really want to get out of here, you choose to throw that away for my sake... You're too kind."

Crap, now she's making me feel embarrassed as well as I end up breaking eye contact from her. And almost immediately as I looked away, as if in a defiant manner to grab my attention, Rina steps forward, wrapping her arms around me, bringing me into a soft embrace. I hesitate for a moment where to put my arms before gently wrapping them around her waist. I wanted to hug her to thank her for helping me back there, but I guess she beat me to it.

Rina: "You don't have to worry about me. I'm strong, so we'll be fine going outside."

She says in a soft tone as we continue our embrace, with neither of us wanting to let go. I must admit that it feels nice having her body pressed up against me like this, but that's a double-edged sword.

Fabian: "S-still. We can take it slow. We can start with just the castle."

Rina: "Mm! Okay."

She tightens her hold around me, pushing herself even closer against me as I can't help but me conscious of her chest. I swear this is all Ilfa's fault... I can't even enjoy simple things such as a hug without thinking about such things.

Rina: "Uhm. Is everything okay?"

Fabian: "Y-yeah..."

Rina: "I'm not doing it too tight?"

It was then that Rina loosen her grasp around me as I immediately go to pull her back into a tight embrace, not wanting to part away from her just yet.

Fabian: "No. This is fine."

Rina: "Hehe."

She's too damn innocent! I couldn't imagine doing this with Ilfa, she'd just skip this and just right into the intense stuff; not that I particularly mind that. But this is a whole new experience in and of itself... Thank you again, Rina.