Night with a Vampire

-----Yui's POV

So far, things have been going quite well. When Nick came back, I was worried how Mell might react, but she didn't really even acknowledge him which was relieving to see. I guess Kaede's blood that's coursing through my own body is really having an affect on Mell, but that does make me wonder if it's the same for Fleur and Faye.

Nick: "So how old are you, Mell?"

Mell: "..."

I've noticed whenever the subject of Mell comes up, especially regarding her change in appearance and age, she gets a little tense, even clutching onto my shirt for some comfort.

Yui: "Sorry, maybe she can answer that another time?"

Nick: "Ah, right. Sorry."

Luna: "You're so slow at ready the mood."

Nick: "I'm sorry. Mell looks very pretty, so I got a bit curious."

Luna: "You say that when you already have Alice? Creep."

Nick: "Hey. I just felt like giving a compliment is all."

I can understand where he's coming from. Looking at Mell like this, anyone with a kind heart would want to comfort them. But I do wonder if Nick is charmed enough by Mell's looks that he would even consider cheating on Alice.

Mell: "...Thank you."

But surprisingly, in a muffled voice, Mell responded to Nick's attempt at a compliment as she loosens her grasp on my shirt.

Mell: "I'm 11..."

Of course, Nick went speechless at Mell's words, which didn't really help as Mell immediately became tense once more. I feel like I should cut this here before things get out of hand.

Yui: "Things are a bit complicated, so let's move on from this."

Nick: "R-right. Sorry."

I gently pat Mell on the head as she soon soothes her body once more against me. Honestly, it's so great to have Mell like this next to me. I've always wanted to be closer with Mell, and now that Kaede's gone, it's finally opened up this opportunity for us to connect. I even find myself focusing more on Mell rather than Kaede... But of course I had to think of her right now, huh.

Elira: "Will you two be having dinner with us as well?"

A gentle call from the kitchen enters the lounge as I turn my head to face Luna's mom who looks to be preparing dinner.

Yui: "Yes, if that's alright with you. Oh, but don't worry about Mell."

Elira: "Okay~"

If it comes down to it, I can feed Mell myself. I'm not sure how Mell will feel about it, but I promised Kaede that I'd look after her. And making sure she's properly fed is quite important.

Dinner soon came around as the night began to set outside. Luna's father came back to join us as we all gathered on the table. Mell did end up joining us as well, sitting beside me on my right side, with Luna to my left. Nick and his father sat on the opposite side of us, and Luna's mother sat at the head of the table between Luna and William. Despite me saying not to worry about Mell's serving, Elira cooked a little something for her. I guess she's just unaware the differences between us. I just hope that Elira won't be offended when Mell refuses to eat it.

Because of our new location, In front of me was a plate of fish with some mixed vegetables all evenly cut up. The fish looks a bit different compared to the fish I have back at the mansion, but every cook probably cooks it a little differently. Either way, it looks fucking delicious.

Elira: "I hope you all enjoy~"

William: "Mm! Thank you for the food, hon."

Luna/Nick: "Thanks mom!"

Yui/Mell: "Thank you."

And with that, we all began to eat, but my attention is focused more on Mell than everyone else or the food. I would've thought she'd hesitate, but she just stabbed her fork into the fish and began to eat as if she's a normal person, even smiling as she swallows the first bite before going for another piece. I switch my gaze over to Elira who looked to be watching us with a smile on her face also. And that's when it hit me.

For a second I thought the fish had been cooked in alcohol, but I'm not tasting anything of the sorts. Which means... Mell's putting on an act just to make Elira happy? Even now, Mell continues to eat with a smile as we all continue to eat our food. I guess I can talk about it with Mell before we sleep.

Nick: "That was delicious~"

Luna: "Mhmm!"

Yui: "Yeah. The fish was cooked beautifully."

Elira: "Thank you. I was worried if my fish wouldn't suit your taste."

Yui: "Nope! It was perfect."

Elira: "Thank you."

But of course, Mell struggles to voice any compliments after that, but I can tell that she wanted to say something. And it seems as though everyone caught on as we all waited for Mell to speak.

Mell: "I-it was delicious."

Elira: "Thank you, Mell."

You're too cute, Mell. Trying to be nice despite what I know you're dealing with. Heh, maybe I should offer some of my blood before we sleep. Won't be fair to her if she were the only one left out of the dinner.

But the time for sleep would soon come as it was decided that Mell and I would be sleeping in Luna's room upstairs. We did have to move the spare bed in the other room into Luna's room, which did worry me, but after seeing how much space Luna's room has, this could easily work. But it was funny to see that Mell was doing most of the work as both Luna and I were quite shocked to see how easily Mell was moving the bed, but we still helped regardless.

After positioned the two bed together, it was time to figure out where to go from here. Luna knows about me feeding Kaede, so she shouldn't be that weirded out if I feed Mell.

Luna: "So. I'm guessing you two are on this bed?"

Yui: "Yeah."

Luna: "Hehe. This is like back in our old dorm room."

She's clearly happy about me staying the night, wearing a soft smile on her face as she tidies up the bedding. But I do need to ask-

Yui: "Is it okay if I feed Mell before we sleep?"

Luna: "Huh? Erm, yeah. Sure."

Mell: "Yui?"

Unlike Luna's somewhat shocked expression when I brought up the topic, Mell looked more concerned, as if what I said is something bad. I turn to face her, giving her a reassuring smile before saying anything else.

Yui: "You're hungry, right?"

Mell: "N-not really. Mom fed me before she left."

Yui: "Oh."

Why didn't I think of that? It makes sense that Kaede would do that for her... Well now I feel a bit silly for jumping to conclusions.

Mell: "But... You're okay with it?"

Yui: "Of course. I promised I'd look after you, so I don't want to cut corners."

Mell: "...Then, could I- cuddle with you as we sleep?"

Yui: "Sure."

She's too precious! She doesn't even need to ask that, I'd just do that anyways.

Luna: "Oh? Could I join in on the cuddles?"

Yui: "Hmm?"

To be honest, this was a bit surprising. She knows I'm with Kaede, and I guess Mell is an exception to this since she's Kaede's daughter, making her my daughter in-law in a way. But Luna on the other hand did have feelings for me, and I was even about to reciprocate those feelings before I was aware of Kaede's existence here. It almost feels wrong for me to accept her here.

Luna: "It's okay. I understand that was weird to say. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

Yui: "It's scary how you always read me like a book."

Luna: "Pfft. We've been friends for so long. It makes sense for me to understand how you're feeling. But I will say this. I'm in no way trying to get in between you and Kaede. I just remembered when we were kids."

I suppose we did share a bed on the rare occasions when I was little. I guess looking at it this way, I guess it could be fine. Considering that she says she's not trying to get in the way of Kaede and I.

Yui: "Hmmm. What do you think, Mell?"

Mell: "Mmmm. Luna would be alone, so... I think it's okay."

Luna and I both end up melting at Mell's consideration for Luna, smiling in sync with one another as Mell still looks to be concerned. And it's not like Luna will be alone since we'll all still be in the same room, and the beds are basically touching at this point. But I guess I have my answer.

Yui: "Alright~"

Luna: "Yes!"

Yui: "But not too much cuddles, okay?"

Luna: "Mhmm! Got it!"

With all that now settled, my mind instantly shifts back to Kaede. We're about to go to sleep, so I can't help but wonder how she's doing. There's also Fabian all the way in Inasdale as well. I don't know how he can sleep being surrounded by monsters, but at least Kaede is now going there to save him. I just hope that this dark elf idea will work for Kaede's mother...

Soon enough, we all hopped into bed as Mell immediately cuddled up beside me, with Luna on my other side but not as close like Mell. I share a smile with Luna as I end up holding onto her hand.

Luna: "Goodnight."

Yui: "Mm. Night."

I watch as she slowly closes her eyes while facing me. She might not be too close to me right now, but I get the sneaking suspicion that won't be the case when I wake up. Meanwhile, Mell seems to have already fallen asleep next to me as I just lay there, listening to her cute, soft breaths.