The Bridge

-----Kaede's POV

I've been flying above the soldiers for so long now that it's now gotten dark. I'm tempted to fly down and ask if we're going to stop anytime soon, but I guess they'd stop themselves if it were time to rest. But if we're to continue going through the night, then I probably won't have the time to teleport back to see how everyone's doing. Then again, it hasn't even been a day, so it shouldn't be all that bad. Still though, I'd like to make sure that we are indeed going through the night.

I descend a little bit towards the front of the soldier where the masked soldier's and their captain is, just enough to be within ear-shot.

Kaede: "Hey! Are we going to stop?"

Masked Captain: "We continue through the night! We'll set up camp at sunrise!"

I don't continue the conversation and just fly back up to where I was. I guess it does make sense since monsters are more active at night, but the human soldiers will surely be having difficulty seeing through the night. But I guess with me around, I'm somewhat of a repellent for the other monsters, so the soldiers should be fine.

Mai: "Did you want me to check up on the others?"

Kaede: "Thanks, but they're all probably getting ready to sleep. Although I am a little worried about Mell."

With my talk with Yui before we left, I feel like she'd be fine with my absence, but Mell on the other hand... Not only is she probably stressed out from me leaving, but also now that she's a vampire, she'll probably be getting hungry too. I don't think Sicily or Lillian can handle feeding two vampires.

Mai: "Okay, so I will go check on them then."

Kaede: "...Please do."

No real point trying to think my way out of that, especially knowing that Mai can read my thoughts. And in the next moment, Mai's presence soon vanishes as she teleports back home.


Mai: "Seems like Mell is having dinner at Luna's place along with Yui."

And with not too much time passing, Mai's voice echoes through my head. But her words were a bit concerning to me. Mell's at Luna's place?

Kaede: "Is she okay?"

Mai: "From the looks of it, yes. She's even eating the food that Luna's mother prepared for her. She even looks to be enjoying it as well." 

My immediate thought was that she must be putting on an act to be nice. I can definitely see Mell doing something like that. Just imagining it puts a smile on my face as I listen to Mai.

Mai: "She really seems to like Yui. They're pretty much glued together."

Kaede: "Really?"

Mai: "Yes. It reminds me of you two in a way."

That's a relief. I'm glad that Yui and Mell are getting along.

Kaede: "Thanks, Mai. You can come back now."

Mai: "Okay~"

And in an instant, she pops back up next to me, floating by at the same speed as me. I still find it ridiculous looking at her moving so fast yet not moving a muscle, whereas I have to continuously use my wings to keep moving. I would think I could fly forever, but I am feeling a little fatigue in my wings. Maybe it's because I haven't been using them that much and they're not to the same strength as the rest of my body.

Kaede: "Hah~"

Mai: "Getting tired?"

Kaede: "A little. But I suppose I can keep going till morning."

Not like I really have a choice here. It was my decision to fly instead of using the horse.

Mai: "Hmm. Then give me a second."

Suddenly, I felt my body grow light as I now couldn't feel the wind pressure under my wings. It was confusing for a second, but after slowing down my wings, I soon realize that I'm actually floating and stop using my wings.

Mai: "There."

Kaede: "Thank you."

Mai: "Oh? Is the idea of floating now okay with you?"

Kaede: "Fufu."

I recall the first time Mai used this magic on me during the time at the mountain range. I nearly threw up with how odd it felt, but now it feels normal as I can now finally rest my wings.

Kaede: "Isn't using this magic too draining?"

Mai: "I used it a lot with your mother. So I should be fine."

Kaede: "Okay. Thank you, Mai."

Mai: "You're welcome~"


We both continue to float through the night as there's no longer any sunlight left in the sky. But it's not like it's hindering my sight as I can still see everything around us, including Mai, who seems to be making faces every now and again, making me questions what's wrong.

Kaede: "Hey, you okay?"

Mai: "Ah, don't worry about it."

Kaede: "Hmmm. Then why do you look annoyed? Is it too much to have me float this high after all?"

Mai: "No, it's not that. Remember when I told you about my sibling, Erytheia?"

What an odd time to bring that up. I do recall Mai mentioning her name when I questioned what she used to be called before I named her "Mai." But why is her sibling being brought up now?

Kaede: "Yeah?"

Mai: "Well, they've found me and is currently screaming into my head wanting to talk with me."

Kaede: "Wait-"

So Ery is speaking to Mai through her thoughts much like how I communicate with Mai? Does that make Ery connected as well? But then why can't I hear their voice?

Kaede: "So you share thoughts with Ery like you and me?"

Mai: "No. They're not in the material plane so I cannot communicate like that with them. But they can still hear me if I talk openly like this."

Kaede: "Then does that mean they can hear me right now?"

Mai: "Yes."

Pretty spooky to be honest. Having someone eavesdrop on a conversation and not knowing about it. It reminds of those movies back in my other life where the government would eavesdrop on phone calls, spying on them in case someone says something suspicious.

Kaede: "Can Ery not come to this material plane or something?"

Mai: "They can, but they'd need to bind themselves to someone, much like what I did with you."

Kaede: "I see. So in other words, I won't be able to hear them speak?"

Mai: "No... wait, hold on-"

Suddenly, Mai began to look like she was staring off into space, as if she's hyper focused on nothing.

Kaede: "Mai?"

Mai: "One moment."

?: "-don't you!"

Suddenly, a piercing loud, squeaking voice echoed through my head, making my ears ring in the process.

Mai: "Yes yes, calm down. Couldn't you see I was talking with Selene?"

So this is Ery then? I didn't know what to expect, but I most certainly didn't expect for her to sound like a little girl.

Erytheia: "Am I not more important to you?"

Mai: "...I've connected Selene to you. She can hear you now."

Wait, this is so weird. So Mai is acting as a bridge between Ery and I? This just made tonight a whole lot more interesting.

Erytheia: "Wait, you can do that?!"

Mai: "I didn't until now. Just a little experiment is all. Aren't I an amazing elder?"

Erytheia: "Shut up. You're still the one that messed up and got trapped down there."

Despite now being connected, Ery seems disinterested in talking about me and instead berating Mai. I can't argue that it's quite enjoyable seeing Mai get scolded like this.

Kaede: "Hey, Ery."

Erytheia: "...Who's Ery?"

Mai: "That'd be you."

Erytheia: "HUH?! We've been connected for not even a minute and she's already given me a name?"

Mai: "Heh. I think it suits you to be honest."

Huh? It's literally just her name abbreviated, but okay. I guess Mai and her siblings see names differently.

Erytheia: "Ery... Fine. I'll allow you to call me that."

I could hear the change in her tone as if she's somewhat satisfied, maybe even happy about given a "name," even though it's nothing really special.

Kaede: "Thank you."

Erytheia: "Woah! But this is kind of cool! I didn't know we could do this! I wonder if I can do this in my world."

Mai: "I doubt it. This only works because of my connection to you and Selene. So this is a bit of a unique situation."

Erytheia: "Then I guess I'll make the most of it. Hi there!~"

Kaede: "H-hey..."

This is definitely a surreal situation I'm in. I'm not even sure what to even say to her.

Erytheia: "So what's it like being a mortal?"

How the hell am I meant to answer such a weird question? What makes someone a mortal? I guess someone that dies?

Kaede: "What's it like being immortal?"

So instead, I just give the same question back at her, not knowing how to exactly answer.

Erytheia: "Boring! All we do is just watch all you guys have fun."

Mai: "I've told you that you can find enjoyment if you fool around with your world a little."

Erytheia: "Yeah, but that gets boring as well."

Mai: "Hehe. Yeah."

Erytheia: "No wonder you got yourself trapped down there. Looks fun."

Mai: "Like I said, you can always just join me."

Erytheia: "Not until I know it's safe. Hey! Selene!"

Suddenly, Ery directed her words towards me, and in a more serious manner as her voice became sharp and stern.

Kaede: "Y-yes?"

Erytheia: "I don't know if Leuce told you or not, but she could actually die if you do as well. So don't get yourself killed in this battle of yours, you hear?!"

Kaede: "I'll try my best, Ery."

I find it cute that Ery is trying to look out for Mai despite her attitude at times. At first I thought she was just an annoying brat, but I can tell she clearly cares for Mai.