Unwrapped Feelings

-----Fabian's POV

Rina: "Hahh~ That was fun."

We've now returned back to my room as it was getting quite dark. We didn't plan on hanging out with Rina's mother the entire time, but that's how it turned out. Most of the time, they spoke in their own language, so I barely understood anything, but at least the food was good and the atmosphere was positive. I didn't feel anything negative coming from the other dark elves either, and they all actually said their thanks to me for sparing Rina. But even so, I still felt so out of place, being the only human there.

Fabian: "Your mom's quite something, haha."

Rina: "She just isn't aware of how people see her. I could tell you were scared when we first entered the kitchen."

It's still embarrassing being called out like that. I'll be fine when meeting her again, since Alenia is actually quite soft on the inside, she just has a hard looking shell. Rina on the other hand is exactly how you perceive her. Gentle, kind, cute, and even funny at times. Especially when she flings herself on the bed like that, sprawling her arms across the bedsheets.

Fabian: "I wonder if your mother would consent to us."

Rina: "Hmm?"

Fabian: "Like us, being partners."

Rina: "Ah, yeah. I was wondering that as well."

She then sat up on the bed, straightening out the hem of her clothes in the process which does sway my focus a little.

Rina: "I think she wouldn't mind. I think she likes you. But we should still keep it a secret."

Fabian: "M-mm. Yeah."

Rina: "Hmm? Something wrong?"

I end up sitting down on the side of the bed next to Rina. I guess she picked up on something, but I don't think there's anything wrong with me exactly.

Rina: "...Did you not enjoy today?"

Fabian: "N-no, I did."

Rina: "Then why make that face?"

Now that she points it out, I guess I'm not overly happy right now. But I'm still trying to figure out why exactly. I know it's something to do with Rina, but... Maybe it's the difference between us? She looked so much at home being around her own kind, yet I felt so out of place. Maybe that's the reason?

Rina: "Sorry. Maybe we should've went somewhere else instead."

Fabian: "No! I enjoyed meeting your mother. It's just-"

Ah... I get it now.

Fabian: "Maybe you'd prefer someone better?"

Rina: "Huh?"

I honestly feel guilty using Rina like this. Hearing Rina say that her mother would probably accept us should've made me happy, but instead I felt a stinging pain in my chest. After getting to know Rina, she's really cute, and would make a wonderful partner, but I started this quite half-heartedly, taking advantage of her feelings for my own benefit. So being told that I'd be accepted for doing such a thing makes me feel quite guilty...

Fabian: "I'm sorry, Rina."

Rina: "What are you talking about?"

Fabian: "I went into this thinking how advantageous it would be for me, and I didn't properly consider your feelings. So... I think it's wrong to be accepted like that."

Rina: "I know."

Fabian: "So... Huh?"

Wait, did she just say she knew? Since when?

Rina: "But even so. You've done a lot for me. If giving you freedom will repay you for saving my life, then I'll play along."

Playing along? I'm utterly speechless at what I'm hearing, I can't believe she's being following along with me and this relationship. I should be happy that we're on the same page, so then why am I still feeling this pain in my chest?

Rina: "I know you still like the Matriarch, right? I wouldn't want to get in between you two."

Fabian: "That's!"

Numerous responses flood through my mind as her words that I end up stumbling on which to take. Sure my relationship with Ilfa has improved and I do like her. But after all this time with Rina, especially today, she's opened my eyes to many different things... So I hate what she said, it's just making this pain worse.

Rina: "It's okay. This is the least I can do."

Fabian: "No."

Now the pain is turning into a bit of anger. Why is Rina just jumping to conclusions? Sure that all might've been true before, but things have changed now. Especially since earlier today, I've realized it. Plus I don't think Ilfa will ever see me like that.

Fabian: "You're right, but that was before. What I feel now is completely different. It's the least you can do for me? Come on, you've done more than enough already. Wouldn't you be getting yourself killed if you helped me?"

Rina: "I would've died either way. And after learning more about you, I wouldn't mind it. I like you after all."

Fabian: "Don't just say that like it's nothing!"

I absentmindedly grab hold of her shoulder with one of my hands, which shocked Rina as her eyes widened and her ears quiver. Yeah... Thanks to Rina, everything in my scrambled up mind is clear now.

Fabian: "I don't want you to throw your life away for my sake."

Rina: "But-"

Fabian: "You had fun today, right? Your mother would hate to hear you say these words, just as much as me."

Rina: "Yes, but like I said. That would not have happened if you didn't-"

Fabian: "Stop going on about that. And like I said, I don't want you to think like that."

Rina: "But why?"

I grab hold of her other shoulder with my other hand as the next words immediately began to spill out of my mouth. It's scary how natural this all feels.

Fabian: "Because I like you as well!"

Rina: "..."

Fabian: "..."

We both remain there in silence as I slowly loosen my grasp on her shoulders after finally letting it out. All that pain in my chest before has left, leaving me filled with uncertainty with how we proceed from here.

Rina: "...Y-you mean, like-"

I slide my hands down her arms, gently cupping her hands with my own, causing her to stop mid sentence.

Fabian: "I'm serious. I don't want to play around like before. I want to be with you, properly."

Rina: "...Do you mean-"

Not wanting to say anything more, I decide to tell her with my body instead as I quickly close the distance between us before sealing my lips with hers. With this, I'm certain she'll understand.

I feel her tense up, making the kiss feel quite awkward, and also a bit scary as I feel afraid that maybe she doesn't feel the same way. But in the next moment, I feel her lips soften up, causing that anxiety to escape my body as happiness soon replaces it. We part away from one another I quickly notice how pink her face has become and her ears are pointed down a bit more than usual, combine that with her half closed eyes, she almost looks like she wants more.

Fabian: "Understa-?"

It was her this time, cutting me off mid sentence as she presses herself against me. I feel my body growing hot as we continue to kiss as she slowly wraps her arms around my neck, drawing me closer as we soon fall back onto the bed. Happiness surges through me knowing that our feelings are mutual, but having her now on top of me just reminds me of Ilfa, causing me to get more heated than I would've liked. I thought my feelings were genuine, but seems like Ilfa still taking over my thoughts... But before I could act, Rina parts her lips away from mine.

Rina: "C-can we... Sleep together tonight?"

Wait... I'm sure she doesn't mean "that," but even still, my body reacts to her words. There's no way she has learnt that the sentence she just said can mean two different things. Thinking so, I try and calm myself down before giving her an answer, but it's proving to be quite a challenge.

Rina: "...Is that a no?"

Fabian: "N-no. Of course we can."

My hearts beating far too fast for me to calm down. I'd like to go all the way right now, but there's no way I would want to force that unto her. But that would soon change as Rina leans back down on top of me, sealing our lips once more. Did she actually mean "that?" Wanting to test the waters, I open my mouth a bit before gently prodding my tongue against her lips. I could feel her body tense up for a moment before relaxing as she opens her mouth in response as we soon intertwine our tongues together as we kiss.

This feels completely different than when doing it with Ilfa. Being able to stay in control of my body makes this whole experience a lot more thrilling as I end up kissing Rina a bit more aggressively, slowly switching places with her as I gently move her onto her back, leaving me now on top.

Fabian: "Is this what you meant?"

Rina: "...No, but... I like this."

Seeing her lay down like this with her partially disheveled hair and flushed face just makes me want to go further with Rina... Fuck it. I end up cupping one of her breasts in my hand as she ends letting out a sharp, yet small moan from the suddenness of it, but at least she doesn't seem to be against this. I end up kissing her once more as we immediately go back to kissing passionately as I cup both of breasts in both hands, gently fondling them as we continue. At this point, we're going to go all the way. And hearing her now muffled moans in between our kiss, just causes me to get more aggressive with my hands, caressing her breasts more roughly than before, wanting to hear more of her cute sounds.

Ilfa: "I'm back!~"

Bursting through the door, Ilfa steps in. And in a panic, I quickly cover us over the blanket, making sure that at least Rina was covered as I roll over to face Ilfa who had just entered, praying to god that Ilfa didn't see anything.

Ilfa: "Fufu. Sorry. Did I wake you?"

Fabian: "I-I wasn't asleep for long."

I decide to just follow along with the story Ilfa set up for me, hoping that it all works out. I can still feel Rina's body next to me as she presses up against my side, trying to hide as much of herself as she can without moving too much. But this only makes it harder for me to remain calm!

Ilfa: "Hahh~"

Just then, Ilfa collapsed onto the bed, thankfully on the other side of me. I can only imagine what would've happened if she just collapse straight on top of Rina like that. But as soon as Ilfa made contact with the bed, I felt my hand being grabbed by Rina as she holds me tight, almost as if she's frightened from this whole situation. I give her hand a little squeeze in hopes to reassure her. God, why did Ilfa have to turn up right when things were heating up between Rina and I? I wish I could tell Ilfa to leave, but I'm in no position to say something like that. I am just a hostage to her at the end of the day...

Rina: "Mm...mmm-"

I then feel her body pressing against me even more, almost as if she's trying to make sure I know of her existence now with Ilfa in the picture. She's too cute right now... I adjust myself a little in order to properly bring her into an embrace as she rests her head against my chest underneath the sheets. I guess we'll have to remain like this until the coast is clear, but there's no way I can sleep like this after what we were just doing before! And having Rina move around, ticking many different parts of my body, makes that whole idea of sleep border-line impossible...