Family Toast

-----Kaede's POV

Once Mell figured out how to fly, I ended up spending the rest of my time in teaching her how to maneuver herself properly as she was just flailing around in the beginning. Her wings were not even synced up right as her right wing moved faster than her left. It honestly made her far too cute despite her appearance as I found myself giggling away while teaching her.

Mell: "L-like this?"

Kaede: "Hehe. You don't need to lean that much forward. Straighten up a bit."

Mell: "A-alright-"

That said, we're still up here. I would've liked for us to land as I do want to check on Fleur and Faye, but considering how excited Mell is, we end up staying up here for a while longer.


Eventually, we did end up landing back onto the ground as I quickly put my wings away. However, Mell must've forgot how heavy she must've been as the moment her feet made contact with the ground, she completely face planted to the ground.

Kaede: "You okay?! Mell?"

Mell: "Pfft!"

But my worries fell on deaf ears as I could hear laughter coming from Mell as she raised her head from off the ground, dirt covering her face. I'm glad to see that she's enjoying herself, even when she fails.

After dusting Mell off, we moved over to Fleur and Faye. But I couldn't help but notice that Mell still has her wings out.

Fleur: "Ah! Mell!"

But suddenly, we were bombarded by the two sisters as Fleur ends up wrapping her arms around Mell in an excited manner.

Fleur: "You grew wings!"

Mell: "Mhmm!"

Fleur: "I-I'll catch up!"

Faye: "Hehe. Yeah, we shouldn't be too far away now. But I expected sis to fly before Mell."

Fleur: "Ah- I'm sorry!"

Kaede: "Yeah. It'd be fun if we could all fly together. So keep it up mom."

Fleur: "Eh?"

Ah... It's been a while since I called her that. Heh. I guess Selene must be asleep or something. Saying that just felt so natural.

Kaede: "Don't think I forgot."

I end up bringing Fleur into a hug, wrapping my arms around both her and Mell.

Kaede: "Lilith might be my birth mother, but you still raised me. There's no rule for having more than one mother, right?"

Fleur: "K-Kaede-"

Her voice begins to break and tremble slight as her arms wrap around me as well, leaving Mell caught between the two of us. Faye also went and joined in, Wrapping her arms around us as well as we soon became a big family ball.

Faye: "Sis was worried about that."

Kaede: "Really?"

Fleur: "Well. You've been hanging around Lilith for ages now. I thought what we no longer meant anything."

Hearing that bothered me enough for me to flick her on the head, causing her to wince for a moment from the sudden pain.

Kaede: "You're silly. You're just as much of a mother as Lilith. Don't think like that."

Fleur: "M-mm... Okay."

Mell: "Mhmm!"

Mell seeming to agree, chimes in as she rests her head against Fleur.

Faye: "Hmm. But would I also be your mother then?"

Fleur: "Hehe, I think having three mothers is a bit too much."

Faye: "Haha. Then maybe an aunt?"

I actually see Faye as some kind of aunt since the beginning, so that's honestly perfect.

Kaede: "Yeah. Let's go with that."

We all relax in each other arms for a while longer. It's honestly so calming being like this without needing to worry about seeing Mell, Fleur or Faye as food. Makes this seem like we're a true family right now.

Kaede: "Okay! But let's have a toast!"

We all separate as I reach into my bag, pulling out a fresh bottle of the human blood I collected in Inasdale. All of their eyes begin to glow slightly at the sight of the transparent bottle as they eye up the blood inside. I can't help but chuckle at the sight of them. They must be hungry.

As usual, I moderated how much they drank, taking away the bottle if they went too hard. And just like last time, they all tensed up after the initial taste, but I was surprised to see that they manage to calm down by themselves this time. But that might be because they almost finished the entire bottle within minutes. I ended up finishing the rest of it as the taste was definitely delicious, but it didn't compare to Yui's blood in the slightest. It might honestly be something that's hardwired into me. Like maybe because my body sees Yui as a mate, my body has grown a preference or something along those lines. Either way, I'm glad that Yui seems to actually like it when I do drink from her neck. Maybe when she get's back I can maybe go for a round of dessert with her.

But it was then that I sensed people coming towards the cabin. I quickly went over there as the others followed close behind. And once we arrive outside the cabin, two carriages pull up in front of us as the people inside soon funneled out.

Yui: "Ah! You're awake."

Kaede: "Mhmm. Is everything okay?"

Yui: "Oh, yeah, haha. I'm fine."

I remember Mell saying that Yui was crying, seeming to be wanted to go back to our old world, but it seems like she doesn't want to talk about it at the moment. I soon spot the queen and her daughter exiting the other carriage as butlers end up bringing out a mattress from the carriage that Yui was in.

Cecelia: "Would you lead me inside?"

Kaede: "S-sure."

I wonder why she asked that when she could just go in herself. With that in mind, we all made our way inside, with me as the head. And it didn't take long for the queen to lunge herself at Lilith, wrapping her arms around her neck.

Cecelia: "Thank god you're okay!"

Lilith: "Y-your grace-"

Her daughter also moved in to give hugs from either side of Lilith which made Alenia and Rina to adjust themselves in order to continue healing her.

Yui: "Sorry. I ended up bringing the queen and her daughters over."

Kaede: "It's okay."

Iris: "But to see Cecelia act like that. She must value Lilith quite a lot."

Yeah... I wonder what she must've done to get the queen to act like that. It's as if they're family in a way, which I find to be a little bit bothersome if I'm honest.

Cecelia: "You're not in pain, right?"

Lilith: "I-I'm fine, your grace."

Cecelia: "You sure?!"

Lilith: "Yes. Alenia and Rina have been looking after me."

Undine/Ona: "Th-thank you so much!"

Suddenly, both daughters bow their heads at both Alenia and Rina, leaving both of them speechless in the process, only for them to show a smile moments later.

Cecelia: "Yes. Thank you both for saving Lilith."

Alenia: "I-it's nothing special. The trees should be the ones being thanked."

Ona: "But aren't you the ones able to use the trees?"

Undine: "Yeah. Without you, there's no way we could've done that."

Alenia: "My~"

Both Alenia and Rina are becoming visibly embarrassed after being praised so much like that, but it's deserved. They truly have helped mom survive through such a grueling experience, and it's also because of them that she's not in pain from the blood I'd given her. Hmmm.

Kaede: "Hey, Mai."


I go to communicate with Mai through my thoughts, but no response. I was going to ask whether she could tell when my blood stops attacking her. Should still be another two days until then, but maybe with both Alenia and Rina's help, it might take even less than that.

Kaede: "Hello~ Mai?"

Mai: "Ah, sorry. I'm a bit busy at the moment."

Kaede: "Busy?"

Mai: "Yup."

Quite rare of her to be busy. Normally she'd be hanging around doing nothing most of the time.

Mai: "Well, that's true, but I really am busy this time around."

Kaede: "Can I ask what you're busy with?"

Mai: "Hehe. It's a secret~"

Kaede: "...Do I have to cut myself again in order to make you talk?"

Mai: "Ah! Okay, okay! I was just joking."

Kaede: "So? What is it?"

Mai: "I'm talking with my siblings. Let's just say that soon you'll be able to meet "my" family."

Kaede: "You mean someone other than Ery? Did more of them find out about your situation?"

Mai: "Hehe. You could say that."

Well, this could be interesting. To be honest, I'm not overly fond of Ery as her voice is quite annoying. I think the only reason why I haven't heard her speak is because Mai has cut off the connection between us. But if I'm going to be able to talk with the others, then as long as they're all not like Ery, then I'm actually looking forward to it.

Mai: "Pfft."

Especially now after seeing everyone now at peace. That is...

I end up looking to my side as Yui's been standing next to me. I really want to talk with her about what Mell said, but I might just wait for Yui. Instead, I gently grab hold of her hand as she looks to the side as we lock eyes with one another. We share a smile with one another before we face back to the front. I could maybe bring it up when I have my "dessert," maybe that'd be a good time as well. Oh well. In the meantime, I guess I'll enjoy the peace that we have now.